“The White Lotus” is a drama anthology television series recently created by Mike White that has taken the world by storm. In equal parts thought-provoking and satirically humorous, amidst high human drama, the show offers sharp social commentary carrying a sting. In a sense, the pleasure people gained from luxuriating in exotic accommodations during the pandemic times has allowed the series to paint a picture that resembles an architectural travelogue. This essay discusses some of the architectural aspects of “The White Lotus”, which combine to form part of the storyline and setting. Through this analysis of the architectural features and how they impinge upon the storyline, it is learned how architecture can serve to enhance aspects of the plot and serve to influence the views and opinions of spectators.
- Basic Review of the Show
First aired on HBO in 2021, “The White Lotus” has received raves for its biting writing and engrossing character progressions. The series unfolds in various high-end resorts, impeccably designed, right to the small details, to scream wealth and exclusivity right at you. The architecture and interiors in a show are essential tools that set the mood and create the ambience, which will act as the background support but will actively participate in the drama that pans out.
The resorts in the series are all about grand interiors and luxurious landscapes, sweeping free-form pools, and lush, elaborate settings. Each resort setting is specifically selected to represent different layers of wealth and privilege, such as students versus professors in university politics, which creates subtext and tension.
Architectural Impression
- Design and Look
Architecture and design are key factors that contribute to the overall appearance of “The White Lotus.” The materials of the setting are never placed for visual appeal but speak to themes and storylines.
- Visual style and layout
In “The White Lotus,” the resorts are a breed for attention to detail in design, thus producing works of modern luxury combined with traditional aspects. For instance, in the first season set in Hawaii, structures feature grand open spaces filled with big windows, then the prominence of natural elements. This design technique lends emphasis to the resort’s first relationship with its natural environment, indicating the characters’ immersion in their luxurious surroundings.
In contrast, the Italian hotel in the second season is more classical, with highly ornate furnishings, detailed tile work, and historical references. The setting for another scene provided a different kind of luxury, as it was a place with a historical element to make the story richer. Still, with innovative modern luxury juxtaposed with traditional European architecture, the architecture speaks to the characters and how they live and fit in with their surroundings and with each other (HBO, 2022).
- Material and Color Schemes
The materials and, more notably, colour schemes across the resorts were quite crucial in creating their thematic and atmospheric effects. The main materials in the Hawaiian resort are wood and stone, whereas the dominantly spotted colours are vibrant, tropical hues. The idea here was that the designs could be linked to the topic area of leisure and escapism within the show. The designs are a stark contrast to the darker side of the story (HBO, 2021).
On the other hand, the use of marble and velvet in the Italian resort, coupled with rich, muted colours, speaks of historical grandeur and decadence. The design of the space could be said to be a continued conversation in terms of the social hierarchies and hidden conflicts of the narrative, hence deeper through design and complementing this choice by HBO, 2022.
Architecture with Storytelling
The architecture in “The White Lotus” is no backdrop by any means but functions as a tool in storytelling instead. The experience of guests in the resorts—that is, how they are treated and related—is shaped by the design.
- Setting and Atmosphere
The design of the resort directly influences the atmosphere within the series. For instance, in the case of the Hawaiian resort, its large and open spaces do provide a sense of freedom and possibility; possibilities different from the sentiments of dissatisfaction and conflict shared by the characters. The design enables both intimate and grand scenes which marry well with the characters’ diverse emotional textures.
In the Italian resort, the spaces are more closed and ornate, which summons an enigmatic and suspenseful mood. The background of the historic architecture serves to ground the complexities in relationships that the characters share, which mirrors the societal and internal turmoil that is to come in the plot (HBO, 2022).
- Relationship between Architecture and Plot and Character Development
The forms and design works in the resorts take up metaphoric ideas for the psychological states and relations between characters. It is seen in the secretive, private places within the crevices of these resorts. The physical space of the resorts is transformed into a presentation of the character dynamics and struggles on a psychological level (HBO, 2021).
Certain scenes, especially confrontations or moments of revelation, happen within certain architectural settings to heighten the effect. The specific design helps in honing the themes of power, privilege, and discontent to make the very narrative multi-layered. Real-World Architectural Trends “The White Lotus” creates a window that opens up to more contemporary design approaches in architectural design for luxury resorts. If the show physically happens within higher-end resorts, the program itself embodies the present trends in the practice and the partial desires of the industry.
Contemporary High-end Resort Architectural Design Approach
The show highlights two other qualities of today’s luxury: built experiences and natural settings. The resorts offer facilities and designs up to the expectations of the ultrahigh net worth individuals by providing unique, personal offerings, such as private pools; extensive terraces; and individually designed, tasteful interiors. Such qualities further emphasise the orientation of the industry toward the creation of unique and memorable experiences for the guests — HBO.
The addition of cultural and historical elements woven into the design of the resorts showcases the larger direction now preferred with luxury architecture. Blending contemporary luxury with historical pointers, the resorts that are set carry that timeless interiority and cultural depth immediately. This falls within the emerging practice of encouraging awarding hotels with a sense of place in connection with local history and heritage within the evolving hospitality industry (HBO, 2022).
- Design Lessons
Designers and architects can draw several lessons from the architectural representation in “The White Lotus.”
- Integration of Design and Narrative
It turns out that architecture has been integrated seamlessly into the storytelling of the series, and it all comes with a deeper meaning channelled to the audience. There is an opportunity for architects to use design tools that foster being reflexive regarding issues of the themes and functional and emotional expression of a project, spaces that incite the users at diverse experience levels (HBO, together, 2021).
- Design and Attention to Detail
The details in the creation of the resorts emphasise the importance of working with a high amount of precision, both in planning and during implementation. And while the show may focus on the betrayers, designers may take pages from their materiality, colour, and layout of space, to realise a well-thought and befitting design (HBO, 2022).
- Adaptation to Context
This ability to reveal different architectural styles in different places makes the show successfully highlight the sensitive issue of adapting design to context. Considering cultural, historical, and environmental hypodermis, the designers can make creations which are therefore aesthetically and contextually relevant. This, therefore, shows that for design to be sensitive to location and culture, it must be able to bring out beauty and aesthetic value in its work (HBO, 2021).
“The White Lotus” is an amazing illustration of how architecture and design, in general, contribute to creating a multisensory narrative in the cinematic experience and condition the perception of the audience. The series has depicted luxury resorts coming alive through the strategy of design, driving home the point of the narrative and the development of its characters. It gives the highest value to the architectural means and links to themes and the emotional impact it has on the show and hence is so invaluable to the creators of designers and architects.
To me, the architectural representation within the show is quite vivid and thematically very rich. It shows the way to create truly immersive and meaningful experiences that go a long way toward informing the narrative depth, giving impact within the series. A designer may have a closer look at “The White Lotus” by being told about the decisions that define the architectural narrative- and atmospherically shaping scenarios.
HBO. 2021. The White Lotus, TV series, HBO.
HBO, 2022. The White Lotus. TV series. HBO.
Davies, R. (2022, December 15). ‘The White Lotus’ Season 2: 7 Design Moments We Can’t Stop Thinking About. Architectural Digest. https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/design-moments-from-the-white-lotus
Davis, J. (2023, January 16). You can now rent the beautiful villa from The White Lotus. Harper’s BAZAAR. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/travel/a42521696/rent-the-white-lotus-villa-tasca/
Liebman, L. (2022, October 26). ‘The White Lotus’ Season 2: Inside the Idyllic New Hotel. Architectural Digest. https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/the-white-lotus-season-2-inside-the-new-hotel