Everything is renewed every year, why do not choose to have clarity in the practices of architecture, are you more artistic, or are you more technical? If you want to be part of a team, or be independent?  maybe 2023 is the beginning of your career or the final achievement you intend to get. All is about being happier whether is administrating, creating, designing, or just enjoying as a person, as an Architect. Architects have the talent to envision, analyze, and make great ideas tangible. So many New Year’s resolutions, and many questions at the same time, what to do, what not to do?  Architects World, it would be amazing to know your thoughts, what do you think about the 10 suggestions below?

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Collage Calendar _©https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Hs3fprkztsvTp0ErnHP6IQHaFd?pid=ImgDet&rs=1
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Architect Team Discussion _©https://i0.wp.com/hyperallergic-newspack.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2017/09/CAB15-720×540.jpg?resize=720%2C540&quality=100&ssl=1

Resolution: Sharing and Discussing BIG ideas! | New Year’s Resolutions

Do you believe you do not belong to this world? Do you feel sometimes you can’t discuss your thoughts or get inspired with forms, colors, aromas, etc., just to visualize, then draw, then create, then build? Why do not join an Architect’s Community where all kinds of subjects can be discussed, and shared? That means the same fantastic creative creatures getting together, and making stronger connections and projects?

Perhaps an international organization dedicated to discussing and promoting modern architecture, in different countries. Very interesting…

10 New Year's Resolutions for Architects - Sheet3
Exercise _©https://2e-architects.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/92/2017/09/left_brain_right_brain.gif

Resolution: 20 Classical Buildings Every Architect Should Know About; where are you travelling this year?

Some ideas to choose from; What about the Colosseum in Rome, or the Pantheon in Damascus? Parthenon in Gr0eece, or the Temple of Apollo? 

Architecture not only sees to our needs but also to our desires, it is the Art of telling Stories, rela ones!

Imagine a world without architects. We’d miss out on so many things. We wouldn’t be able to look at a building and see culture and identity from it. We wouldn’t be fascinated by the site of a building that tells stories of hundreds of generations. And unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to leave our mark and be seen by our descendants. So, travel is a must!

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Hobbies for Architects _©https://media1.thehungryjpeg.com/thumbs2/ori_3882681_zcey0od0gjch0bpbf4smaluj5hv8y8b8soe6oqtz_creative-occupation-artists-photographers-art-hobby-dancers-architect.jpg

Resolution:  What did you say? Hand Sketching? Nah…Yes! | New Year’s Resolutions

How about hand sketching, playing with proportions, and still being a vintage human in a fantastic new world of technology, plus the greatness of hand drafting, is a plus. Do you know that drawing improves your motor skills? Thus, drawing is a particularly useful activity for developing fine motor skills and maintaining agility and manual dexterity. When we sketch by hand, we have more of a sense of space and the scale at which we are drawing. Learn, or practice, draw everything, it is the language of the Architect, or not?

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Five Applications Of Drones in Architectural Design _©https://s3da-design.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Drones-in-Architectural-Design-750×500.jpg

Resolution: Body movement & Relaxation…ahhhh! 

What about exercising more, walking, and enjoying analyzing every building, or landscape you see?

All the time you are sketching, designing, sitting at the amazing drafting table, or desk, perhaps in a rush because of your thesis project or the presentation of a design competition, or trying to win this institutional project, who knows, can you consider, or better do body movement this year? Just to be stress-free?

Exercise is one of the habits that play a fundamental role especially if you are 40+, everyday movement helps us avoid a sedentary lifestyle, as well as is very beneficial for our physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual states. What about martial arts, dancing the Tango, or just enjoying a walk with your furry companion?

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Ciudades Perdidas_The Lost Cities _©https://assets-natgeotv.fnghub.com/Photos/74/185914.jpg

Resolution:  Exotic, Interesting, historic, lost cities? So many places to learn about. A healthy architectural routine. | New Year’s Resolutions

Find space daily, or weekly to create a list of countries, and choose one or several places in the world of which you know nothing, study their culture, way of life, and of course their architecture, so you will enrich your profession and understand the value of each design, space, materials, type of construction, etc., good idea, right?

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Floating Green Ecocities__©https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:eco%2Cw_468/MTc2MjkzNjAxNjc0OTI5MzI1/top-10-architectural-wonders-of-the-world—part-i.webp

Resolution:  All about nature! Bioclimatic Practice.

Why not embrace a world that is undergoing major structural changes, and demand to be more aware of it; Since everything that is happening influences the professional part, why not see the opportunity to influence change as something feasible and perhaps open yourself up to the dynamics of global change; Force yourself to overcome, improve and be more efficient with respect to energy and sustainability. Let’s enjoy while practicing the bioclimatic concept using available natural resources in a building design with the sun, rain, earth, wind, etc. understand the importance of high consciousness through the natural elements 

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Hand Sketching_ _©https://sun9-29.userapi.com/impf/mG3fNTlMZ_3_NFMKQfjyFVUW3gQD2WHRJ_G-WA/-GCkMB6Vqk4.jpg?size=604×602&quality=96&sign=d57e0aafff2581ea6219cac4c97dde12&type=album

Resolution: Drones?  Absolutely, very fun.

Why not take aerial photography classes? How about cool drones? Drones, which in technical language are defined as RPAS (Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems), are proposed as support tools for the various professional activities that may require their use, horizontally crossing different applied sciences. And in architecture? drones are applied at the level of design and construction of buildings, so they are important both in terms of shooting / photographic framing and during the metric or imperial calculation phases.

10 New Year's Resolutions for Architects - Sheet8
Blog on Architects _©https://blogonarchitects.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/blogonarchitects-com-find-here-architects-architecture-blog.png?w=640&h=347

Resolution: Hello World… | New Year’s Resolutions

Would you dare to create an architecture blog that focuses on contemporary architecture, art, and design or any other style? There is so much to express and to share, it sounds good; hello world!

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Architects Relationships _©https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/ANbyha14jtaZ1Q2oc8RXMgPZgtZCzIZ2KcAsFQbfiW-ffS4YO4jAzBs6ZjA0A5qKmfS7I9VvGxhRZ5tUSQ=s0-d

Resolution: Interpersonal Relationships.

How are your interpersonal relationships?

As architects, you work with several other professionals, clients, and suppliers; preparing yourself to establish cordial and proactive working relationships with them is critical to solving the complications that usually arise in construction projects and their different stages. Have you thought about this, how about starting with this?

10 New Year's Resolutions for Architects - Sheet10
The Five Order Architecture _©https://64.media.tumblr.com/7227ed23a806d8875567dd514210687e/tumblr_mzocfpLqzZ1qgpvyjo1_1280.jpg

Resolution; New hobby? New interest? | New Year’s Resolutions

How about taking up a non-architectural hobby and seeing how it helps your architectural side, how about learning a musical instrument, dancing, or sculpting, what about training in Aikido? What are you passionate about?

By Jazmin Martorell


  • Minster, C. (2021) Where is El Dorado, the Lost City of gold? ThoughtCo. ThoughtCo. Available at: https://www.thoughtco.com/where-is-el-dorado-2136446 (Accessed: December 29, 2022). 
  • . Blog on architects (no date) Blog on Architects. Available at: https://blogonarchitects.wordpress.com/ (Accessed: December 29, 2022). 
  • Voon, C. (2017) Glimpses of the future of Architecture at a chicago biennial, Hyperallergic. Available at: https://hyperallergic.com/400823/chicago-architecture-biennial-make-new-history/ (Accessed: December 29, 2022). 
  1. Online sources
  • 22 Resoluciones de Año Nuevo para Arquitectos. (December 31, 2016) [online] Available at: 22 resoluciones de año nuevo para arquitectos | ArchDaily en Español
  • La importancia de Realizar Ejercicio_Ensure Advance_(No date)  [online] Available at:La importancia de realizar ejercicio (ensure.abbott)
  • El CIAM-Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Moderna_(No date)  [online] Available at:El CIAM – Congreso internacional de arquitectura moderna (arquitecturapura.com)
  • Life of an Architect 2012_(January 3, 2012)  [online] Available at: Life of an Architect in 2012 | Life of an Architect
  • Definition of Bioclimatic Energy (Reviewed, March 28, 2021) [online] Available at: Definition of Bioclimatic Architecture: Methods and Design (solar-energy.technology)
  • Architecture Career? 10 Reasons why is for you. (No date) [online] Available at: Architecture Career? 10 Reasons Why It’s For YOU in 2022 (youngarchitect.com)
  • Porque es Fundamental Dibujar a Mano siempre y jamas dejarlo. (No date) [online] Available at: Por qué es fundamental dibujar a mano siempre y jamás dejarlo. – El blog de Tusclases
  • Drones para que sirven en Arquitectura?. (No date) [online] Available at: Drones, para qué sirven en arquitectura – GoPillar News
  • 20 Classical Buildings Architects Should Know About. (Upated on August 4th, 2022) [online] Available at: 20 Classical Buildings Architects Should Know About – Archute
  • 10 New Year Resolutions for Architects. (No date) [online] Available at: https://architizer.com/blog/practice/details/10-new-years-resolutions-for-architects/
  • Architect Stock Photos and Images. (No date) [online] Available at: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/architect.html?sortBy=relevant
  • An Exercise Routine for Architects. (September 19, 2017) [online] Available at: An Exercise Routine for Architects

Colombian architect. B.Arch from La Salle University, in Bogotá, DC. Brings years of architecture & design passion, meticulous nature, keen ability, living in different countries, now in the USA, translates design details into comprehensive construction documents. Believer that architecture will strengthen our society and teamwork for a bright future.