Design thinking is the search for a magical balance between business and art: structure and chaos: institution and logic; concept and execution: playfulness and formality; and control and empowerment-Idris Mooted.

Design thinking_©Adviso

Design Thinking is a cyclical process that focuses on understanding the user, testing, and reframing challenges to uncover alternate methods and solutions that may not depend on our original level of understanding. Design Thinking offers a solution-based method to issue resolution. The design thinking method can be used to create new goods and services, as well as solve a wide range of problems, such as distributing solar panels to Africa or operating Airbnb. Design Thinking relies on a strong desire to understand the individuals with whom we are creating goods or services. It allows us to observe and empathize only with the target user. Design Thinking aids us in the act of questioning: we may question the problem, the assumptions, and the consequences. Freehand drawing, experimenting, evaluating, and trying out thoughts and ideas are all part of Design Thinking.

Why do you need to start using design thinking for your design projects right now? Sheet2
Interaction Design Foundation_©Teo Yu Siang

This process takes place under five phases:

  • Empathize – with your users | Design Thinking

Empathy is essential in a human-centered design approach like Design Thinking because it helps designers to lay aside their worldview preconceptions to get insight into consumers and their needs. Depending on time restrictions, a significant quantity of information is acquired at this stage to be used throughout the following stage and to establish the maximizing understanding of the consumers, their wants, and the difficulties that underpin the development of that specific product.

  • Define – the demands of your users, their challenges, and your insights

The next stage is where users will analyze and synthesize your data to describe the fundamental challenges which you and your team have noticed thus far.

  • Ideate – by questioning assumptions and coming up with new ideas for inventive solutions | Design Thinking

In the third phase of the Design Process, creators are ready to begin producing concepts. It is critical to generate as many potential solutions or issue solutions as possible at the start of the Ideation phase. By the conclusion of the Ideation phase, you should have selected some other Ideation approaches to assist you in investigating and testing your ideas to identify the ideal way to Either address the problem or provide the elements needed to avoid it.

  • Prototype – to start creating solutions

The creative team will now create a few low-cost, scaled-down replicas of the product or elements found within it to study the issue solutions developed in the previous stage. Prototypes can be shared and tested inside the team, across departments, or by a small number of individuals outside the design team. There is an experimental stage where the goal is to find the best potential solution to all the challenges highlighted in the previous three phases. The ideas are developed into prototypes then, one after the other, they are evaluated and either approved, enhanced, re-examined, or discarded based on user feedback. By the end of this phase, the design team will have a better understanding of the product’s constraints and issues as well as how regular users will behave, think, and feel when interacting with it.

  • Test – solutions | Design Thinking

Designers or evaluators subject the whole product to thorough testing, employing the finest solutions discovered during the prototype stage. The data acquired during the testing stage is often used to define one or more concerns and deepen the understanding of consumers, the conditions of usage, and also how folks assume, act, feel, and empathize in an iterative method. During this phase, changes and improvements are made to rule out issue solutions and gain a thorough grasp of the products and their users.

Why do you need to start using design thinking for your design projects right now? Sheet3
Non-linear process_©Teo Yu Siang

The Non-Linear Nature of Design Thinking

Well, I have described a straight and linear Constructivist Approach in which one phase appears to flow to the next, with a logical end at user testing. Though, the process is more fluid and non-linear. It is significant to remember that the five steps are not chronological — they do not have to occur in any sequence and can occur and be repeated. As a result, rather than being sequential processes, the stages should be viewed as diverse modes that contribute to a project. The five-stage Design Thinking approach systematizes and distinguishes the FIVE phases of the process one would expect conducting out in a creative project – and in any innovative problem-solving effort.

Why do you need to start using design thinking for your design projects right now? Sheet3
Non-linear process_©Teo Yu Siang

Why Design Thinking is Necessary

It is critical to build and hone abilities for understanding and adapting to quick changes in users’ surroundings and actions. Design teams use design thinking to solve ill-defined/unknown challenges because it allows them to reframe them in relevant ways and emphasize what is most important to consumers. Design thinking is the best design technique for “thinking outside the box”. It enables teams to conduct better UX research, prototyping, and usability testing to discover innovative methods to address user needs.

The abilities connected with these processes enable people to use creativity to address real-world challenges more than they would otherwise. They are simple to learn but need work. Leaving aside your prejudices, for example, is critical when attempting to grasp a subject, but it can be challenging. These do not have to occur in any order and can frequently occur in conjunction and recur. Given that, you should not understand the phases as a hierarchical or step-by-step process. Rather than considering it as a series of sequential steps, one should look at it as an overview of the modes and phases that contribute to an innovative project. The abilities connected with these processes enable people to use creativity to address real-world challenges more than they would otherwise. They are simple to learn but need work.


Anukriti is enthusiastic about her subjects and is a conscientious individual who takes deadlines very seriously. She handles her groups extremely effectively due to her excellent listening skills and leadership potential. She is a good learner and a self-assured individual. She enjoys exploring the world to broaden her horizons and become a better person.