Stories are lies; stories are truths. Each story is subject to time; through re-telling, re-remembering, re-visiting, and re-starting, the story changes in composition and meaning. By their very nature, stories are open to interpretation; factors such as audience, tone, medium, setting, urgency, narrator, involvement, and memory affect how accurately and incorrectly a narrative is told. Most significantly, journalism and architecture go hand in hand.

What is Architecture Journalism? | Art of Storytelling 

Architectural journalism is a form of writing that focuses on architecture and design. Storytelling is essential to architecture journalism and plays a key role in informing readers. In architectural journalism, the art of storytelling is presenting the facts and specifics of a construction or design project in an interesting, educational, and memorable way. Architectural storytelling is essential to creating environments that deliver important ideas. Within the context of the notion, an architect storyteller creates structures and environments that communicate. 

The art of storytelling in architectural journalism - Sheet1
Architectural Journalism in Indian Context. © image by Pappal Suneja

The Importance of Storytelling in Architecture Journalism 

Storytelling is essential to architectural journalism since it makes the topic more approachable and exciting for readers. Architecture is sometimes perceived as dry and scientific, but authors may bring it to life and make it more pertinent and approachable by employing narrative approaches. Storytelling in architectural journalism has several advantages; one is that it helps readers comprehend and appreciate the environment in which a structure or design project was conceived. Readers may learn more about the design process and its driving forces by learning about the project’s inspirations, difficulties, and successes. The ability to elicit an emotional response from readers is another advantage of using narrative in architecture journalism. Readers are more likely to be interested and invested in the story by emphasising the human aspects of a building, such as the way people interact with it, the feelings it evokes, and the effects it has on the surrounding area.

The art of storytelling in architectural journalism - Sheet2
Storyboard extract_ ©I.R. van ‘t Hof

The Role of Architecture Journalist | Art of Storytelling 

Architectural journalists play a crucial part in storytelling by leveraging their knowledge of journalism and architecture to make the subject matter come to life for readers. The ability to portray a building’s or design project’s essence in an interesting, educational, and perceptive way is a must for an architectural journalist. In addition to being static constructions, buildings and design projects are also living, breathing environments that the people who utilise them alter. The writer may help the reader develop an emotional bond with the subject by emphasising the human aspects of a building, such as how people interact with it, the feelings it arouses, and the effects it has on the surrounding area.

Balancing Technical Details with Engaging Storytelling

To make the subject matter understandable and engrossing for readers, architectural journalism must balance technical facts and compelling storytelling. Using narrative approaches to provide technical knowledge engagingly and understandably is one of the important tactics for striking this balance. Journalists may make reading more interesting and educational for their audience by employing narrative strategies to convey technical knowledge, using vivid language and sensory descriptions, and finding a balance between technical details and human-interest tales.

The art of storytelling in architectural journalism - Sheet3
storytelling journey_©researchoninvestment

The Future of Storytelling in Architecture Journalism | Art of Storytelling 

Technological improvements and shifting reader expectations are expected to significantly impact how stories are told in architecture journalism in the future. The following are some prospective developments in the narrative of architecture journalism in the future:

Interactive and immersive storytelling: As virtual and augmented reality technology advances, architectural journalists may be better equipped to provide their readers with interactive and immersive narrative experiences. This can entail examining 3D models of buildings and design projects or taking virtual tours of construction sites.

The art of storytelling in architectural journalism - Sheet4
Architectural model_©Jonathan Segal Architects

Data visualisation: As data is used more often in architecture and design, journalists may utilise data visualisation tools to explain difficult technical concepts to readers. This might take the form of data-driven maps that emphasise the distribution of green areas  in a city or interactive infographics that demonstrate how a building’s energy use compares to those of other structures.

Rendering of 2-storey Live-Work unit at DUKE Condos_©TAS Design Build

Collaboration in storytelling: To produce tales that are deeper and more varied, architecture journalists may work more closely with designers, architects, and other industry professionals. This might take the form of cooperative reporting initiatives that combine several points of view on the same subject or partnerships between journalists and architects to produce multimedia material that illustrates the design process.

Personalisation: Since readers now want more customised material, architectural journalists may employ data analytics and machine learning techniques to provide more specialised stories. This could entail making multimedia material specifically tailored to the reader’s tastes or proposing tales based on a reader’s location, hobbies, or reading history.

Architectural sketch_©C.F. Møller

Inclusive storytelling: Stories that highlight marginalised voices and viewpoints may receive more attention from architecture journalists since there is a rising awareness of the need for more varied and inclusive representation in the media. This might be writing about the work of women and other underrepresented groups in architecture or looking into how architecture can be utilised to build more inclusive and equitable communities.

Conceptual diagram of Mountain dwellings_©Bjarke Ingels Group


  • Anon, (n.d.). Top 5 Architectural Storytelling Tools to Market your Project – Archipreneur. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2023].
  • Can Architectural Journalism Shape the Future of the Profession? (2022). ArchDaily. [online] 16 Dec. Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2022].
  • uncube magazine. (n.d.). Happy Ever After. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2023].
  • UCL (2017). Making spaces meaningful through architectural storytelling. [online] The Bartlett. Available at:

Preksha is an endeavoring architecture student who relishes traveling and reading. With a desire to create engaging and thought-provoking content, she is committed to rummaging through new ideas in architecture and design, sharing them with a broader audience, and inspiring positive change through her writing.