Eclecticism in Interior Design: How To Get Your Interiors Look Right?

Eclectic style interior design skillfully combines facets of various styles, cultures, and eras to create an elegant and chic space. Eclectic design is often driven by an overarching theme. Getting eclectic-style interiors to look right can be challenging as there are diverse sources to draw inspiration from, and therefore, devoid of any rules. However, this style offers an excellent opportunity of bringing the personality of residents to the forefront of design, with unique ideas that reflect the residents’ needs and lifestyles. Here are some helpful tips and tricks from Ar. Robin Sisodiya, Founder and Principal Architect of ASRO Arcade India, to help you nail eclectic interior design.

Project Name: Bringing Homes to life with Green facades
Studio Name: ASRO Arcade

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©ASRO Arcade

Choose a core colour palette

Choosing a core palette of colours to complement your eclectic interior is a great starting point and will double as a guide to editing the interiors in creating a cohesive look. It will also aid in pulling different elements of design together to boot the balance. Neutrals will work wonders alongside your chosen accent colour especially to create a harmonious space despite varied decor and furnishings. The core palette can be expanded by starting off with two classic tones for a nuanced take on eclectic home decor.

Play with Patterns and Textures

Textural plays on walls by bringing in different textures will make your eclectic home decor sing. Contrast textures against one another give a memorable eclectic feel to your home, as long as it does not lose the visual interest. A smart way to achieve a harmonious look without being overt is to introduce different textures throughout the room in small doses. For instance, placing smooth textures alongside rough, nubby ones (marble surfaces against wood grains), or softer elements with hard ones (luxurious sofas next to an industrial coffee table).

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©ASRO Arcade

Mix up different furniture styles

Mixing and matching different furniture styles is an inevitable aspect of eclectic design style. A piece of heirloom furniture can be matched with a few contemporary decors. A classic vintage sofa against modern abstract art, a gilded mirror flanked by potted green plants, or a stylish four-poster bed at the foot of a traditional wooden shelf would perfectly fit in an eclectic style home interior, given harmonious forms and colours.

Opt for Statement Pieces

Statement pieces are the significant elements of eclectic style that set the tone of the interior. While chandeliers and artwork remain the most common options, furnishings such as a sofa or even a sculpture could make a statement in interiors. The eclectic style allows us to seamlessly fuse elements of the bygone era and contemporary styles. For instance, an apothecary table can be the centerpiece in the living room. Vintage decors such as floral lamps and ornate mirrors are also an excellent way to blend antique elements into more modern interiors. Another way to bring eclectism is to combine artwork from different periods and in different styles.

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©ASRO Arcade

Characterise with a Gallery Wall

There is no more perfectly styled space than an eclectic-style living room to include a gallery wall.  A gallery looks great on neutral walls and effortlessly instills personality and character in the space.  It works exceptionally well in an eclectic interior as it allows you to play with various textures, colours, and patterns simultaneously. A gallery wall also allows you to create distinctive focal points, along with the other sculptural decors. Choose different frame styles to complement the various artworks that adorn the walls.

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©ASRO Arcade

Eclectic interior design is all about representing your personality in your home with various elements of design. Eclectic style breaks the boundaries of traditional interior styles and allows your imagination to flow into your home and have fun with experimentation.


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