The way Hope builds his House
It is not with a sill
Nor Rafter – has that Edifice
But only Pinnacle –
Abode in as supreme
This superficies
As if it were of Ledges Smit
Or mortised with the Laws

One of the collection’s finest works by Emily Dickinson takes the view that it is not popular to change one’s mind, to be elastic or pliant, or to accept others’ points of view. 

We exclude those who rewrite and those who hover and haver. 

Art is rarely correct. It is based on faults, trials and errors, cross-outs, doubt, and ambiguity.

In the realm of architecture, balance is essential.

Asymmetrical or symmetrical structures are both acceptable as long as they are balanced. 

Balancing a composition in harmony in architecture entails organising both positive and negative spaces in such a manner that no one aspect of the design dominates the others. Everything functions and fits together to form a unified whole. Individual components contribute to the whole but do not attempt to become the entire thing.

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Unbalanced compositions can cause strain. When a design is out of balance, the individual components take over, and the composition becomes less than the sum of its parts.

To analyse architectural expression, which is equal to the one in which the components are ordered and articulated in harmony. It is helpful to stand back and consider the idea of balance. Balance in design refers to how the focal points are distributed. Placing the elements in a way that divides the visual weight of the objects, colours, textures, and space balance gives design stability and structure. There are four approaches to establishing compositional balance: radial balance, symmetrical balance, and mosaic balance.

The Intricacies of Balance and Harmony in Architecture - Sheet2
Symmetrical Balance_©

Visual weight and Visual direction | Harmony in Architecture

Visual weight is the perceived weight of an optic element. It measures how the importance of anything on the runner attracts the eye of the bystander. A design piece or area’s visual appeal is gauged by its weight. Every element of composition maintains some seductiveness when it is aesthetically balanced. Observers are charmed further by design because of the design’s balanced visual magnet. At the same time, the visual direction is the perceived direction of a visual force. It is the direction that, an element ought to be going if allowed to do so by the forces working on it.

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Balance in Past and Present Perspectives

Architecture is both a witness to time and a kind of victim to the passage of time. 

When modernism took over planning, a completely different scale appeared. Further segregated as the old scale and the new scale.

Though homo sapiens were still of the same height, had the same speed of walking, and could still see the same distance. Everything was the same for them, but not with their surroundings.

Old cities were built to suit the bodies; they took that pasture in the body of homo sapiens. All former cities were built in the way the humans moved, how far they could look, and how they used the environment. The principle of these things was life, the spaces around life, and building over to the spaces of life. 

Life, space, and buildings were the order of the operation.

Modernism was handy and easy for mass production and was poured out into huge projects around the world.

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Ancient architecture – Old scale_©
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Huge projects after modernism_©

Balance with Nature | Harmony in Architecture

Beauty lies in the fusion of nature with architecture. Therefore, using sustainable materials like bamboo, mud, and rammed earth promotes people’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Architecture developed amid the natural terrain provides a specific sort of lyrical expression and a fresh viewpoint on the human scale. The link between man, nature, and architecture to the landscape is continually evolving.

Architecture is not only sculpture. It is the interplay between life and form. It is very easy to study form, but it is much more complicated to study life and the interaction between form and life.

The form influences our way of using cities and our way of living enormously. Architecture should be a good habitat for homo sapiens.

Green Architecture- Park Royal Hotel, Singapore_©

Balance of Senses 

To create a rich architectural fabric that satisfies the demands of the majority of people, architectural balance entails planning for all senses. Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten wrote a book on senses named Aesthetica, from which the word ‘Aesthetics’ was invented. It was the science of the Senses. The science of sensory cognition and his point was that sight, hearing, smelling, touch, and taste all our senses are tools to judge the world around us. The influence of the various senses on the user must be considered while perceiving architecture. 

The multisensory approach is included in architecture to stimulate users’ senses, which leads to improved social, cognitive, emotional, and mental health.

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Six Senses Shaharut hotel in the Israeli desert_©
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Senses and their relation_©

Conclusion | Harmony in Architecture

Pritzker prize winner Arata Isozaki says’s ” my pleasure is to create different things, not the same thing.”

Time and situation chose its style of architecture in the form of a solution.

To sum it all up, balance in architecture or works of art facilitates clear communication between the architect and the beholder. Certain components are used to induce visual steadiness. To attain balance in art entails balancing conflicting factors.


Deepika is an undergraduate architecture student who truly believes everything has a relation to everything. Therefore, several fields do teach us a lot about the same thing. She perceives Architecture as a paradigm of change in the world followed by evolution with the utmost potential for a better civilization to come.