“Hmm…one of those days, meditating about human existence”,  therefore Architecture.
Do you believe human existence was at some point without Architecture?  Conscious feedback about this would be great because humanity is Architecture itself. 

Architecture- Human Existence: A Journey - Sheet1
Timeline of Architectural Style_©https://gharpedia.com/blog/architectural-styles-through-the-ages/

First of all, what is human existence?  

Perhaps a group of creatures with different functions, adaptable and intelligent, preserving themselves in diverse settings, some flexible or rigid, some short or tall, some physically strong, some weak, etc. Indefinitely traits, qualities, and levels of evolution in each emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects, with free will, make us unique and unlike all the other creatures on this planet. Of course, it brings the essential leading role of “Architecture”; Let’s see: Thinking progressively, a couple of questions here:

Does humanity have a special place in the universe?  

Architecture- Human Existence: A Journey - Sheet2
Evolution of Architecture_©How 3D Animation in Australia benefit Architecture and Construction? | veetildigital

What is the meaning of our lives?  “To Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist Edward O. Wilson, we have already learned enough about the universe and ourselves to begin to grapple with questions about our place in the cosmos and the meaning of intelligent life”.

Exactly how it was… without architecture? The need for a place, a shelter, a mesmerizing space to habit, to get inspired to be part of this planet accordingly to human evolution, then what is the meaning of architecture? 

It is envisioned, as an unstoppable passion, a call, as well as a science and a strategic and projection activity. Sometimes it is described as a social art or an artistic science that brings “structure, functionality, and aesthetics”.

Architecture as a mother of all arts provides a sense of belonging and supports all spheres of human activity.  It also  promotes the harmonious integration of human creations into the environment,  while valuing health and well-being, enriching lives in terms of aesthetics and spirituality, providing opportunities for economic development, and creating a heritage that reflects and symbolizes culture and traditions.

What this means is that architecture and art are something that one consciously approaches as aesthetic objects: one concentrates on them, reads them, appreciates them, and interprets them.  Architecture, for the most part, has a purpose and impacts human life in all its aspects.

Architecture is the oldest field of human activity.  Starting from a primitive society, always accompanying humanity throughout history. One of the first conscious actions of what architecture is for a man was the creation of a dwelling.  Caves, huts, and shelters protected it from wind, rain, cold, and wild animals. In these first “houses” people lived, cooked, made tools, held a successful hunts, and elected leaders.

Gradually, the circle of knowledge and practical skills of a person expanded, depending less and less on the whims of nature. Along with housing, other types of buildings began to be built: shopping areas and warehouses, marinas, temples and churches for worship, and theaters for entertainment.

The concept of architecture

Architecture- Human Existence: A Journey - Sheet3
Noahs-Ark-eVolo-Competition-1_©(7 Futuristic floating cities that could save humanity | Inhabitat – Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building )

Architecture is a very complex and multifaceted concept. First of all, it is a material reality in the form of various types of buildings, structures, and complexes designed to meet the material needs of humanity. But architecture is also a special art that can express great ideas and bring aesthetic pleasure. In this sense, architecture is understood as the presence of certain artistic and compositional features, depending on the purpose and role of a building or structure in urban planning.

The word “architecture” is of Greek origin. It does not have a literal translation and comes from the ancient Greek word “art-hitecton”, which means the main builder. But what is architecture? Some authors understand it as the art of design and construction. However, this concept is incomplete. Architectural constructions are more correctly understood as those that meet utilitarian requirements and at the same time possess the qualities of beauty.

At each stage in the history of human society, architecture has developed depending on social, material, and climatic conditions, as well as in direct relation to the national peculiarities of life and artistic traditions highly valued by the people.

The material content and aesthetic form of architecture are closely interrelated, reflecting the purpose of buildings, their social function, and their role in the urban development system. In other words, architectural structures must combine modern functional and artistic-ideological requirements for a given period.

The functional side of architecture  depends on the practical purpose of buildings, economic opportunities, and the level of development of construction teams.  At the same time, architecture which acts as art is one of the forms of public awareness and must possess the ability to reflect the ideas of a society.

In addition to the fact that the architectural composition of buildings must contain a specific ideological and artistic idea that can influence the consciousness of humankind and his imagination, architecture has a strong impact on consciousness with its large volumes, which are almost everywhere surrounding the habitants. Thus, architecture is a harmonious unit of material goods and art of great social importance, and the humanity evolution.

Humanity decides the durability of buildings and their artistic composition, it also depends to a large extent on the structures and materials, architecture can be seen from three angles: functional, constructive, and aesthetic. These requirements have been imposed on architecture since ancient times. Thus, two thousand years ago, the Roman architectural theorist Vitruvius pointed out* that architectural structures must have three qualities: utility, durability, and beauty. In the 16th century, the Italian architect Palladio wrote:
“Every building must have three things without which no building can be approved: it is useful, or convenient, durable, and beautiful; for it would be impossible to call a building at least useful, but of short duration, as such, serving for a long time, but it is inconvenient, or what has both, but is devoid of all charm”.


Colombian architect. B.Arch from La Salle University, in Bogotá, DC. Brings years of architecture & design passion, meticulous nature, keen ability, living in different countries, now in the USA, translates design details into comprehensive construction documents. Believer that architecture will strengthen our society and teamwork for a bright future.