11. Boho chic | Nursery designs ideas

The boho-chic look is relaxed, catchy, and welcoming. The boho nursery is a soothing oasis with a lot of elegant and interesting details with a lot of warm neutral, bright, gypsy colors and patterns. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet11
Boho chic_ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HPMg8Kkp5nI/VZNQResGwII/AAAAAAAAeEw/vqcNEqUsy5I/s1600/GC7A9583.jpg

12. Floral Nursery

Floral walls add accents and make the nursery fun and fresh. It gives a welcoming vibe and makes it feel like a happy space. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet12
Floral Nursery_https://res.cloudinary.com/spacejoy/image/upload/fl_lossy,q_auto/c_scale,w_1500/server/designs/render/5dd39ca97d9460002f87027d

13. Contemporary nursery | Nursery designs ideas

A contemporary nursery can feature an art gallery or have a stone-colored settee. A lot of other elements can be added to this nursery which gives it an elegant and chic look. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet13
contemporary nursery_ https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv/fullset/2011/9/23/1/CI-Young-America_nursery-dark-wood-crib_s3x4.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.822.suffix/1400962513181.jpeg

14. Multifunctional

A nursery can function as a space for guests to sleep or storage for other things including the babies. A baby occupies a lot of space so turning the nursery into a multi-functional can ease the parents and make space for other things too. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet14
Multi functional_ https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco,c_fill,g_auto,w_845,h_581/project%20prism%2Fcolor%20search%20archive%2F1ed602551a54931e5bb7b676941423a1603177e6

15. Warm colors | Nursery designs ideas

Warm colors energize the body and stimulate the mind. Large spaces appear cozy and welcoming on the use of warm colors. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet15
warm colors_ https://projectnursery.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/RaypoldNewbornShareMe-55-1024×681.jpg

16. Muted rainbow

The rainbow consists of seven bright colors. This attracts the kids and makes them have fun with it. A muted rainbow gives a neutral and fun at the same time vibe to the room. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet16
Muted rainbow_ https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1056/3342/products/elsi-mural-wallpaper-3_1024x1024.png?v=1592948928

17. Dark tones

Dark tones evoke a lot of emotions. A powerful statement can be made with a dark feature wall, big windows with a lot of natural light so that it cancels the gloominess caused by dark shades and makes an elegant combination of contrasting shades. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet17
Dark tones_ https://projectnursery.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/BlackNursery.png

18. Compact spaces | Nursery designs ideas

With an addition of a new member in the family, spaces become a little compact and it is not easy to accommodate a lot of new stuff in limited space. A nursery can be tucked into a closet and if the apartment is small, this closet can be used for multiple purposes too. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet18
Compact spaces_ https://www.extraspace.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/multi-purpose-crib-nursery-ideas.jpg

19. Nature-inspired

Nature-inspired nursery makes for elegant sophisticated designs. It grows with the kids. Accessories of handmade articles add a chic look to them. The color scheme remains gender-neutral and gives a garden in the woods feel and combining a wooden crib adds to an organic vibe. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet19
Nature inspired_ https://media.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/girly-woodland-wallpaper-1554385843.jpeg?crop=640,960,offset-x50,offset-y0,safe&width=980&auto=webp&optimize=medium

20. Layered nursery | Nursery designs ideas

Layered rugs bring an elegant feel to the nursery. These can be paired with a felt unicorn head, a dreamcatcher, or even layered curtains on the windows. The material used for layering should be planned according to the baby. 

30 Elegant Child's Nursery designs ideas - Sheet20
Layered Nursery_ https://i.shelterness.com/2020/11/a-beautiful-neutral-nursery-with-a-paneled-wall-white-furniture-layered-rugs-a-Moroccan-ottoman-and-a-woven-pendant-lamp.jpg
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Snehal is an ardent architecture student who is always willing to try new things. She believes in being diligent in her work and has introduced herself to a plethora of hobbies. She believes that writing and architecture are art forms that have a beauty that extends beyond their face value.