Climate change is one of the most difficult problems we are currently dealing with. Science, economics, society, politics, and moral and ethical concerns are just a few of its many facets. It is an international problem that will linger for many millennia. Because carbon dioxide, the heat-trapping greenhouse gas that is the primary cause of recent global warming, persists in the atmosphere for many thousands of years, the planet (and particularly the ocean) takes some time to adapt to warming. Therefore, the effects of global warming and climate change would persist even if we completely stopped emitting greenhouse gases today. Thus, humanity has “committed” to climate change to some extent.

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Climate Change

Human activity is causing a rise in global temperatures. People are already feeling the effects, which include more intense heat waves and rising sea levels, all over the world. Even though the situation is likely to get worse over the next few decades, scientists claim that quick action can still be taken to stop the worst effects of climate change.

Human activity is causing a rise in global temperatures. People are already feeling the effects, which include more intense heat waves and rising sea levels, all over the world. Even though the situation is likely to get worse over the next few decades, scientists claim that quick action can still be taken to stop the worst effects of climate change.

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Effects of climate change 

Although 1.1 degrees Celsius may not seem like much, it has already had a significant effect on the environment. Extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts, and floods are getting worse and more frequent, among other things. Sea levels rise due to the quick ice sheet and glaciers. Ocean warming, marine heat waves, and Arctic sea ice have all drastically decreased.

 People’s lives are already changing as a result. For instance, more than 20 million people now face a greater risk of going hungry because of the ongoing drought in East Africa. The 2022 European heat waves resulted in an unusually high number of fatalities. The World Meteorological Organization estimates that although extreme weather events have cost the economy trillions of dollars, the number of fatalities has decreased as a result of improved early warning systems.

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Approaches to Climate Change

Effective climate action can be fueled by collaborative strategies like Appreciative Inquiry and Human-Centered Design (HCD), which can play a key role in fostering stakeholder engagement. A positive and strengths-based approach to problem-solving and change management is called appreciative inquiry. 

To co-create solutions entails recognizing and utilizing the strengths, values, and aspirations of people and organizations. Human-Centred Design (HCD) is a methodology that centres problem-solving and choice-making on the requirements of the individual. It is essential to focus on the requirements, viewpoints, and experiences of the individuals who will be impacted by a problem or solution in order to create solutions that are suitable for their particular situation.

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HCD emphasizes teamwork, empathy, and iterative feedback loops to ensure that solutions are timely, effective, and durable. CEOs should consider the following important factors when implementing collaborative methods for climate solutions:

Co-designing approaches – Climate solutions should be jointly developed with stakeholders to ensure their relevance, efficacy, and long-term sustainability.

Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement – The participation of a broad range of stakeholders, such as employees, clients, communities, NGOs, governments, and other relevant parties, is essential for the success of climate solutions.

Stakeholder Empowerment – Appreciative Inquiry and HCD empower stakeholders by giving them a sense of ownership, agency, and accountability in the climate action process.

Creating Partnerships – Working together is key to resolving complex issues like climate change.

Monitoring and Assessment – Continuous monitoring and evaluation are crucial for determining the effectiveness and impact of climate solutions.

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Even rising public awareness of the problem, we are emitting more greenhouse gases than ever before. In 2013, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on a daily basis exceeded 400 parts per million for the first time in human history. Due to its prior acceptance of climate change to some extent, responding to it requires a two-pronged strategy.

Mitigation, or lowering emissions and maintaining atmospheric concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases

Mitigation, or slowing down climate change, entails cutting back on the production of greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. This can be done by cutting back on the burning of fossil fuels for transportation, electricity, or heating, or by improving the “sinks” for these gases, like the oceans, forests, and soil. Avoiding significant human influence on Earth’s climate is the aim of mitigation, which also aims to “stabilize greenhouse gas levels in a timeframe sufficient to allow ecosystems to naturally adapt to climate change, ensure that food production is not threatened, and enable economic development to proceed sustainably.”

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Making adjustments to the pending climate change (“adaptation”)

Adjusting to the current or anticipated future climate is referred to as adaptation or adapting to life in a changing climate. The objective is to lessen our risks from climate change’s negative effects, such as rising sea levels, more intense extreme weather events, or food insecurity. Making the most of any potential advantages brought on by climate change, such as longer growing seasons or higher yields in some areas, is also included.

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Stakeholders Involved in Climate Change

Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and temperature increases could all have an impact on the major players in the climate change debate. Additionally, they have varying degrees of technological, social, and human capital that can adapt and react. 

Diverse stakeholder responses to climate change will also present risks and opportunities for organizations in the public and private sectors, so it’s critical to identify key players and understand their interrelationships.

The working paper’s main stakeholder groups are Species and natural ecosystems, Cities and coasts, Primary industries, enterprises, and Communities.

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The future course of human activity will determine how severe the effects of climate change are. Climate extremes and other negative effects on our planet will increase as greenhouse gas emissions rise. The extent of these long-term effects will, however, be based on how much carbon dioxide we emit. Because of this, some of the worst effects might be avoided if we can reduce emissions.

The collaborative methods of appreciative inquiry and human-centered design are two effective examples that can be used to involve stakeholders and advance workable climate solutions. By collaborating on solutions, empowering stakeholders, and promoting a collaborative and innovative culture, CEOs can hasten the achievement of sustainability goals and have a positive impact on the environment and society.


Climate change adaptation and mitigation (2022a) NASA. Available at:,pipeline%20(%E2%80%9Cadaptation%E2%80%9D). (Accessed: 24 July 2023).

Bennett, C. (2022a) Who are the stakeholders in climate change?, Consultation Manager | The #1 Stakeholder Relationship Management Solution. Available at: (Accessed: 24 July 2023).

What is climate change? A really simple guide (2023) BBC News. Available at: (Accessed: 25 July 2023).

Wander, W.& (no date) Engaging stakeholders: Collaborative Approaches for Climate Solutions, LinkedIn. Available at: (Accessed: 25 July 2023).

The effects of climate change (2023) NASA. Available at: (Accessed: 26 July 2023).


Aishwary is a talented and ambitious student with a knack for writing captivating articles. He committed to developing architecture that enhances the built environment and improves people's lives. With a natural curiosity and a dedication to continuous learning, he is eager to contribute valuable insights and fresh perspectives through his writing.