LAB is a temporary pavilion built to host the first open air exhibition in the Kröller-Müller Museum’s sculpture-park.

Studio Name: A12
Design Team: Nicoletta Artuso, Andrea Balestrero, Gianandrea Barreca, Antonella Bruzzese, Maddalena De Ferrari, Massimiliano Marchica
Area: Temporary Pavilion
Year: 2004
Location: Kroller Muller Museum Otterlo (NL)
Photography Credits: Alessandro Cimmino

LAB Temporary pavillio by A12 - Sheet2
©Alessandro Cimmino

In the idea of the curator Nathalie Zonnenberg, LAB (which was also the title of the exhibition) stands for “labyrinth”, intended as a metaphore of the contemporary urban condition.

LAB Temporary pavillio by A12 - Sheet6
©Alessandro Cimmino

This concept informed the design of the exhibition space, but not too literally.  An outer corridor measuring 75 x 50 m, a path defined by two walls covered in roughly cut poplar boards, clearly demarcates the precincts of the exhibition.

LAB Temporary pavillio by A12 - Sheet9
©Alessandro Cimmino

The works of art are contained inside several rooms or open spaces, which are concatenated by this peripheral circulation. This basic architectonic structure creates an iconic space characterized by ambiguous and indirect relationships between its parts and is capable of making you lose yourself without ever forgetting where you are.


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