Do you Matter?

‌ We are currently witnessing the most significant wave of urbanization or a return to cities and the associated urban gentrification. The reasons for this comeback in demand for urban areas include employment availability, living expenses, and a general preference for a more minimalistic, yet cosmopolitan style of life. The building sector has seen major changes over the previous two decades, laying the stage for a future in which old spatial notions are no longer viable. The need for green infrastructure and energy efficiency is being emphasized, and the distinction between private and public space is becoming increasingly blurred. Crowdfunding and collaborative design are becoming increasingly popular approaches to architectural projects. These changes are astounding.

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Metropolis of tomorrow_©Linforth, P. (2015). Available at:

Architects’ roles may not be what we think of them to be now. Specialists will become involved members of the team in architecture firms, working on complicated projects requiring knowledge from several disciplines. Many of the job profiles now available in the construction field should be eliminated because of the development of professionals from diverse areas. According to observers, engagement with industry leaders is no longer a luxury, but rather a need for satisfying challenging demands.

Smart Cities

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Metropolis of tomorrow_©ARC Advisory Group. (n.d.). Smart Cities and Buildings. [online] Available at:
Smart cities are a style of urban development that focuses on sustainability. These smart cities are designed to meet the demands of institutions, businesses, and their residents, with a stronger emphasis on renewable energy, transportation solutions, smart home energy management systems, more extensive access to health, and public service analyses. Smart city development will enable architects to make better use of resources, reduce energy usage, and construct more efficient cities. Big data is critical to understanding how people move around cities, how energy is consumed, how different infrastructure components interact, and much more. Architects can develop solutions that will last a long time by focusing on the demands of the expanding community.

Cities such as New York and Paris have transformed old railroads into urban parks that instil tranquillity and calm amid urban chaos, and cities such as Singapore have integrated nature with technology in their Gardens by the Bay Park, which is made up of solar-powered supertrees where wildlife likes to congregate. These are only a few instances of futuristic urban architecture, in which nature, technology, and people come together to create something spectacular that resembles a scenario from a science fiction film. It’s hard to visualize how cities will emerge in 2050. One thing is certain: they must become more adaptable, less wasteful, cleaner, and more habitable for their people, or they will collapse.


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Metropolis of tomorrow_© [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Oct. 2021].
Architects may now interact with a project before it is built. The architectural, engineering, and construction industries have already been transformed by virtual reality technology. Virtual reality is a huge step forward for projects in the conceptual stage. Architects can now examine how a design is put together and how engineering is used. 3D printing is another step in the realistic approach. New algorithms can create a structure while also assisting in the resolution of structural durability and material utilisation issues. The adoption of large-scale 3D printers will enable future architects to construct spectacular structures and understand the true boundaries of design.

Virtual reality will soon be used in the creation of every design, allowing the user to fully immerse himself in a 1:1-scale, 3D (BIM) model that can be edited and delivers an astonishingly precise sensation of presence in a space that has yet to be created. Together, virtual reality and 3D printed construction will push the boundaries of architecture and construction to new heights.

Vertical Cities

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Visual House_©VISUALHOUSE. [online] Available at:
Space is becoming increasingly scarce as the world’s population grows. Vertical cities are being considered by some innovative architects as a response to the shrinking of livable territory. Architects must become more space-savvy if they are to meet these growing problems. Not only does it allocate commercial and residential space, but it also designs infrastructure and public services. The architecture sector may learn how to better accommodate the future generation by working together. Vertical cities and vertical farming are two options that may hold the key to solving our geographical difficulties.

Vertical farming has grown in popularity among scientists as a remedy to the environmental problems caused by regular agriculture. Vertical cities are the next step up from high-rise urban residences. Apartments and companies, as well as entire communities, will thrive in a multi-tiered structure.


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Human Transit_©Human Transit. [online] Available at:
Alternative modes of transportation such as electric bikes, manual scooters, and e-mopeds are becoming more mainstream as city dwellers and planners scramble to keep up with the fight against air pollution, aided by the growing availability of bike lanes and the growing lack of inner-city parking space for full-sized vehicles. Norway is leading the way in Europe in making electric vehicles the major means of urban transportation by enacting city-wide rules and tax incentives to encourage their acquisition.

Ridesharing providers like Uber and Ola help reduce emissions and traffic; car-sharing companies, in turn, reduce the need to own a car, and the advances in electric vehicles, when combined with lower pricing, more individuals are likely to purchase one when the time comes. The only way forward for the cities to accommodate the growing population is to reduce car dependence as much as possible and invest in sustainable public transport. The cities are not successful when each of their citizens is rich enough to drive a car but, the cities success is seen when the higher-income people of the city prefer public transit rather than riding a car.


Danova, I. (2019). The Future of Urban Design. [online] Pegus Digital. Available at:

Architecture, T. (2019). 5 Trends That Could Shape the Future of Architecture. [online] Think Architecture. Available at:

TED (2018). How we can design timeless cities for our collective future | Vishaan ChakrabartiYouTube. Available at:

Sidewalk Labs. (n.d.). Sidewalk Labs Insights: Blogs, Podcasts, News, & More. [online] Available at:


A recently graduated architect, Mohit has a quest to understand the Art and Architecture of our cities. He believes in designing things by understanding the larger context and blending them into the larger environment.