Architecture is a fundamental aspect of human existence and society. It shapes our environment and daily lives and influences our behavior, culture, and identity. It is present in every aspect of our lives, from the buildings we live and work in, the streets we walk on, the parks we enjoy, and the cities we inhabit. It is hard to imagine human life without architecture, but what if we could? Let’s explore the hypothetical scenario of human existence without architecture. What would our world look like? How would we live and interact with each other? Would we be able to survive without the built environment

A Hilarious Take 

Beyond the Built: Imagining a World Unbound by Architecture - Sheet1
A Hilarious Take_Rosanna Tasker

As someone who has experienced architecture school, human existence without architecture would be quite hilarious. Well, we will not have to memorize the sheer amount of information from the history of architecture to the structural principles of buildings. I remember my juries – what snarky comments would the jury pass if we were not to design buildings?  

One of the most unforgettable experiences involved the whimsical teachings of our professor, who had a knack for kick-starting our design projects with the most outrageous ideas imaginable. We were encouraged to think beyond the boundaries of gravity, sanity, and, well, common sense. The studio often started with exercises like “Picture this: a world without buildings” or “a world without humankind”. Our minds whirled with anticipation as we dove headfirst into a pool of absurdity, ready to unleash our wild imagination. Amidst chuckles, one of them boldly declared, “In a world without buildings, we would all be playing an endless game of hide-and-seek, seeking shelter behind trees or rocks.” Another mischievous mind chimed in, “Imagine navigating a city without landmarks! Every day would be an adventure, Forget Google Maps; we’d all need a degree in orienteering just to grab a cup of coffee!” 

We envisioned confused pedestrians mistaking trees for subway stations and mistaking rocks for grocery stores. Chaos reigned supreme, but what a hilarious world it would be! These playful notions brought smiles to our faces and held a deeper message. As we revealed the absurdity, we began to appreciate architecture’s immense role in our lives. Structures provide us with a sense of direction, functionality, and purpose. They prevent us from getting lost in an unruly, landmarkless jungle of existence. We approached our designs with renewed wonder as we continued our architectural journey, armed with newfound admiration and a penchant for laughter. Our crazy ideas taught us that sometimes, in pushing the boundaries of sanity, we find inspiration and a fresh perspective on the impact of architecture.

A World Without Buildings

A World Without Buildings_Hear the Maw

If we were to imagine a world without buildings, it is hard to imagine how we would survive. Our homes, schools, offices, and hospitals would not exist. We would be living in caves or under trees. However, it is essential to recognize that not only man-made structures but also the natural world embodies architecture (“Can you imagine a world without architecture?”). With its awe-inspiring landscapes, intricate ecosystems, and harmonious forms, nature exhibits a profound architectural design that has evolved over millions of years. From the grandeur of mountains to the delicate seashell patterns, nature is a constant source of inspiration for architects, reminding us that the principles of architecture extend beyond human creations. The organic interplay of elements, the efficiency of natural systems, and the balance between form and function found in nature’s design offer valuable lessons that can be applied to human-built environments (Dickinson). Without architecture, human existence would lack relevance and purpose. 

Humankind and Architecture

From the moment we wake up in our homes to where we work, study, and seek healthcare, architecture plays a crucial role in facilitating our activities and providing us with environments conducive to productivity, comfort, and social interaction. Architecture is not solely about erecting structures but about creating meaningful spaces that enhance the human experience. It promotes connectivity, encourages creativity, and fosters a sense of belonging. Our cultural identity is reflected in the architecture of our cities, towns, and villages (Tapdiya). Architectural landmarks and iconic structures become symbols of our history, values, and aspirations, evoking a sense of pride and cultural continuity.

The Reinvention of Human Spaces

The absence of buildings would reshape the way we live and interact. Humans would need to find new ways to create functional spaces. Perhaps we would witness a revival of ancient architectural practices, with nomadic tribes constructing temporary dwellings using tents, yurts, or other portable structures. Communities might gather in communal spaces created by arranging natural elements, such as large stones forming a circle for meetings and ceremonies. Without the imposing presence of buildings, humanity would become intimately intertwined with the natural world (Ayyüce). We would learn to adapt to the rhythm of the seasons, seeking shelter from inclement weather and finding solace in the simplicity of nature. The appreciation for the environment will likely grow as we rely on its resources and become more attuned to its delicate balance. 

In conclusion, human existence without architecture would be quite amusing. From the stress of architecture school to the challenges of architectural practice, we’ve all had our fair share of experiences (Stead). But despite the hurdles, architecture is a noble profession that has shaped and defined our world. It’s given us iconic landmarks and beautiful buildings that inspire us and evoke our emotions. So, the next time you see a magnificent structure, remember the blood, sweat, and tears that went into creating it. And maybe, you’ll have a newfound appreciation for the art and science of architecture.


Works Cited

Ayyüce, Orhan. “An Unimportant World Without Architecture | Blogs.” Archinect, 29 March 2018, Accessed 1 June 2023.

“Can you imagine a world without architecture?” SCI-Arc, 1 August 2017, Accessed 31 May 2023.

Dickinson, Duo. “Architecture is Human: But Beauty is Found Everywhere.” ArchDaily, 19 January 2022, Accessed 1 June 2023.

Stead, Naomi. “Within and Without Architecture.” Places Journal, 2017, Accessed 1 June 2023.

Tapdiya, Ayush. “Human survival without architecture.” RTF | Rethinking The Future, 11 April 2023, Accessed 1 June 2023.



Ruchi Khakurel, a fresh graduate architect, is driven to create an impact through her ideas and perception. She believes spaces as powerful storytellers that reflect the essence of people who inhabit them and seeks platforms that connect aspiring minds that comforts the soul in this impeccable field of creating art.