Architecture is a multi-faceted course that helps individuals hone various skills in 5 years. This degree is an interlinked association of art, science, and technology. Even though architecture is such an inevitable fabric of human existence, the study behind it isn’t widespread as it needs to be. Architects from all over the world with different styles of design would agree on one aspect, i.e., their pure love for design. The advancement in science and technology is making life better day in, and day out; the same advancement is taking place in this field too. Now, Architecture is not only limited to drafting plans, sections, and elevations but it branches out into various aspects such as BIM, visualization, and artificial intelligence. For an individual who enjoys design, Architecture is the correct choice because, under this arc, one receives knowledge of all the subparts of designing. 

Reasons to Study an Architecture Degree in 2023 1

In the last two decades, architectural software has grown gradually but significantly. Instead of using pens, pencils, and sheets for drafting, there is now software built for better and faster results that aid in the designing process and make it possible to explain the design to someone else with equal ease. Due to 3D visualizations and renderings, the scope is escalating day by day. This degree in today’s world is a good balance of technology and art, that will lead the world to live a better and longer life.

Students get the opportunity to acquire knowledge regarding several branches of this domain. 

The main reasons are mentioned below:

  1. Make a difference.
  2. Travel.
  3. Love for creating.
  4. The sky’s the limit.
  5. Discover yourself.

For a better and appropriate understanding:

Make a difference.

Reasons to Study an Architecture Degree in 2023 2
Haus G_©Virginia Duran

As change is the only constant thing, it outlines the fact that with each passing moment, the once-assumed data about global warming is becoming our reality; the common tendency is to contribute in a way to make this world a better place. The architecture and construction industry account for around 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions, and construction waste. To tackle these issues sustainable architecture becomes vital. The design approach has changed and will continue to change to accommodate better living. With more green initiatives taught in academics, Architecture students will understand how critically essential it is to make buildings sustainable and green. The green initiatives are not restricted to green design, advanced building materials, and sustainable, energy-efficient solutions are contributing factors. The minimum lifespan of a structure is expected to be 50 years, consequently, this is one method to make a long-term contribution to society and the world at large. 

Making a difference in the technical arena will improve the world, but consciously designing 


Reasons to Study an Architecture Degree in 2023 6
Creating Cities_©

To understand Architecture, one has to meet new people, explore, and expand their horizons because the world becomes your best guide. With each design problem, the answer lies in nature, the existing buildings, and the people. There’s a large purview outside the small bubble, which we consider our world. An architect has the chance to travel the globe for professional reasons while also learning about the indigenous lifestyle. There lie so many epiphanies waiting, one just needs to start on this path. Exposure to the extensive and renowned list of world-famous man-made wonders will come from studying architecture.

Every prospective designer must have experience traveling.

Love for creating.

Reasons to Study an Architecture Degree in 2023 3
Model Making_©

Even though we all have different tastes and passions, as designers, we all share a love for creating. The process of creating something is very rewarding and fulfilling. In these 5 years, one is constantly creating and producing work to get through submissions and deadlines. This trial-and-error process gets you to discover where your interest lies. As said earlier, Architecture is a multi-faceted degree, one gets to learn different avenues through one single course of study. Through this degree, one can get acquainted with various allied fields such as art, landscape, architectural journalism, town planning, architectural photography, BIM, and many more. The first milestone in this collection of related studies will be earning a degree in architecture.

The sky’s the limit.

This has been proven by amazing architectural marvels like Burj Khalifa in Dubai, One World Trade Centre in New York, and many others. But metaphorically speaking, while pursuing an architecture degree; one gets a first-hand experience in project management, teamwork, research, art, model making, etc. After this degree, one gets an opportunity to pursue a master’s degree in architecture as well as the allied fields mentioned. 

Reasons to Study an Architecture Degree in 2023 4
One World Trade Centre_©

Discover Yourself.

Reasons to Study an Architecture Degree in 2023 5
One World Trade Centre_©

While studying Architecture, with every new day one gets an opportunity to learn something from everything going around, be it the hustle and bustle of life or just a %peaceful walk among the green pockets. 5 years is a long span, one can truly make themselves by having grown personally. This can be said specifically about this beautiful course because it closely deals with the intricately woven society and nature that are bound by imaginary boundaries. One genuinely understands how humans behave in the built and the open. After studying architecture, nothing remains the same. You will view the world with a different perspective and fall in love with it, every day. 


Architects would agree that pursuing an Architecture degree is not easy, and yet it is 

Even though earning a degree in architecture takes five years of hard work, there is a lot to learn and explore. The need for architects will eventually be understood to better the world.


Alvarez, L. (2022) Top 8 reasons to study an architecture degree, AmazingArchitecture. Amazing architecture. Available at: (Accessed: January 3, 2023).

Riscica, M. (2022) 10 reasons why you should study architecture in 2023, Young Architect. Available at: (Accessed: January 3, 2023).

Six reasons to study architecture (no date) Complete University Guide – University Rankings, Guides and Courses. Available at:,designs%20could%20be%20reasonably%20implemented. (Accessed: January 3, 2023).

Top 3 reasons why studying architecture would be the best career choice (no date) REVA University. Available at: (Accessed: January 3, 2023).

Top 8 reasons to study an architecture degree in 2023 (no date). Available at: (Accessed: January 2, 2023). 


Nirantari is an Architecture student, with an interest in Art and Architecture. She believes that art, architecture, and people have a peculiar relation and is trying to put that in words.