colour and art may be used to convey action, affect mood, and even affect physiological responses. It is a potent communication tool. Certain hues have been linked to eye strain, elevated blood pressure, and accelerated metabolism. So how does colour function? How is it thought that colour affects our emotions and actions?
Pure white light splits into all of the visible hues when it travels through a prism, as was discovered by English scientist Sir Isaac Newton. Additionally, Newton discovered that each colour is made up of a single wavelength and cannot be divided into additional hues. Scientifically speaking, colours are hues of white light in different wavelengths which are differently proportional to the energy it carries with it. The energy in that light affects our mood.
colours and their energy
Our moods, as well as our bodily and emotional responses, can be influenced by colours. For instance, yellows and oranges can energize us and help us feel more productive, while blue and green hues encourage a peaceful, relaxed state of mind.
You can carefully choose your wall colour to elicit particular feelings whether you’re remodeling one room or your entire home. You can design a more vibrant living space, a creative kitchen, a serene bedroom, or a focused study by paying attention to colour psychology. We take care of the energy of the environment we live in, the colours of our clothing, and the foods we eat to live in harmony and balance. For several reasons, people are drawn to particular hues, and various prejudices about particular hues also exist. Numerous feelings, such as calmness, worry, and even hunger, can be induced by colour! Here are some of the main colours and the characteristics and features that they impart:
- Red: Red is the seed; it represents ardor, adoration, and fire. Red is the hue of our blood. It implies that I am powerful and in command.
- Orange: Orange symbolizes a person’s relationship to the outside world, her physical requirements and how they are met, and the workplace.
- Yellow: Yellow represents reason, joy, and persuasion. Yellow is a colour that stands for warmth, comfort, and assurance. You ought to feel strong, connected, and full of self-esteem if it’s in balance.
- Green: Green symbolizes cash, riches, development, and life. When green dominates an aura, it denotes harmony and calm. It frequently suggests that they have the capacity for healing.
- Blue: The sky, the seas, and the oceans are mostly blue on our globe. Blue is the colour of expression and communication. As in the expressions “have the blues” or “feeling blue,” it can also denote grief and depression.
- Indigo: The colour indigo represents inner wisdom and knowledge without understanding. Sharp intuition, comprehension, imagination, a decent memory, and observational skills should be there if it’s in balance since these will help that person navigate life and enable them to view the wider picture.
- Violet: The total of all chakra colours is violet. A person may have trouble learning, be spiritually ambiguous, have little faith, be materialistic, lack interest, and be straight-minded if it isn’t working properly. If it’s in harmony, the person should be open-minded, analytical, wise, and spiritually connected. They should also be wise and intelligent.
It can be challenging to constantly remember what each colour means and how it will affect our lives. To feel the best and go with the flow, it is therefore best to trust your gut and instincts. These colour energies influence us in some way or another, yet relying solely and fully on them isn’t the best course of action.
colour selection and colour choices change with age, mood, and even economical capacities. A teenager or a child would choose bolder, more attention-grabbing colours, but as they age, they might find themselves drawn to more subdued hues. Although the buyer’s personality can have a significant impact on colour choice, consumers are also greatly swayed by elements like price and availability.
Art and people
When we hear the word “art,” the first thing that comes to mind is the gorgeous interplay of colours, textures, and lines. Because 90% of the information that is communicated to and processed by the human brain is visual, humans are innately predisposed to images. This indicates that what we see and experience is not at all fleeting but rather permanently carved into us, which explains why we are frequently reminded of things when we least expect them. Art is created to evoke emotions in us, and artworks are designed to connect with people’s feelings: they elicit responses, demand emotions, and yearn to be cherished forever. These emotions can include ecstasy or calm, but they can also include despair, frustration, or extreme sorrow. Emotions are meant to be evoked and maintained through visual aesthetics. It is an unforgettable event that endures for years.
In conclusion, the mood is affected by everything that elicits strong or weak emotional responses. Every artist and artistic movement employs colour to enhance and convey meaning. However, the majority also include a topic and a technique to enhance that communication or highlight a point. Because of this, seeing art is more than just a way to elevate one’s mood. It also serves to inspire greater beauty in the world and boost the mind and the soul.
- colour Your World – At Least Your Walls – Change Your Mood. [online] Available at:—at-least-your-walls—change-your-mood/Google Arts and Culture. colour: How It Changes the Mood in Art. [online] Available at:
- Thewisemag. The Energy of colours. [online] Available at:
- How Does colour Influence Your Mood? [online] Available at: