“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space. On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.”- Zaha Hadid

Architecture evolved from a human need for shelter, but it is today a form of cultural identity. Architecture has an impact on how we live. It is the goal of architecture to alter people’s perceptions of space. Architecture is often built around those who dwell in it. Making spaces that are connected to people, their culture, essence, and life today has a significant impact on the world. Through the means of language, art, knowledge, and architecture, humanity has left timeless traces throughout history. Understanding how architecture affects our moods, efficiency, and the areas where we spend so much of our time is crucial to enhancing our fast-paced modern lives. 

World of architecture and our lives - Sheet1
City scape_©By Keith Midson.Flickr.com [Photograph].
The global epidemic has had a significant influence on everyone on the planet. This situation has an impact on not only physical but also social and psychological issues. Everyone now spends their time indoors, working and studying from home, and doing everything virtually, giving rise to a new norm. Many people’s perceptions of architecture have transformed as their lifestyles have changed. We need to recognize that public space may no longer be what it once was, that its capacity may be significantly decreased, that its usage is constrained by time, space, and even people, that there is space that appears to be overlooked, and that there is space that has become busier. These factors have the potential to shape the amount of openness in public spaces today and in the future. Following the worldwide pandemic crisis, architects and designers began to consider how they could design for a more adaptable, functional, and healthy environment. They’ve started looking into ways to improve civic infrastructure in areas such as education, workspace, community, construction, housing, and public places. For a better post-pandemic future, humans are linked to urban and planetary health.

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Hospital Atrium_©By Roos Aldershoff. Pinterest [Photograph].
Architecture education is primarily hands-on and is influenced by how teachers and students interact. In such a circumstance, online mode plays a crucial role in the pandemic. Lessons are video-based and usually time flexible. The advantages of a physically isolated architectural education, on the other hand, come with a significant disadvantage: it lacks direct exposure to other people’s opinions, perspectives, and working processes. To avert a divide among future architects, we must look to online education approaches for benefits that in-person instruction cannot match. The key to seizing this opportunity is to see new technology as a tool for developing new teaching and working ways, rather than as a replacement for traditional methods.

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Interiors, US House_©By Edgard César. Pinterest [Photograph]
No one knows the importance of a space or why it is designed before becoming an architect. Architects not only design buildings but also people’s reactions to the buildings, from how they look to how they function. The way the building looks is what a common person looks when they see a building. A Common man wouldn’t recognize why a structure is an architectural masterpiece even if they were fascinated by it. But from an architect’s perspective the development and elements that led to such an effective design, the why’s and how’s, and their impact on us are often observed. We start giving attention to little details of the space. The major distinction between before and after the architecture is this. Expression of thoughts, knowledge of the environment, conceptualization, spatial layout, and so forth. Changes have occurred in the construction sector, preparing the way for a better future.

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Office building _©By Laura Stamer. Pinterest [Photograph]
If we consider how architecture can impact the socio-cultural character of a city, the social responsibility of an architect becomes deeply visible. The growing economy and population have created several needs, which have driven the scope of architectural work and created enormous opportunities. The wave of development and technology has led to innovation in construction and seeking new ideas and rethinking architecture. Architects are urged to use advanced building materials, employ innovative construction techniques, and design spaces that adapt to the age and needs of their users. 

Architecture has a tremendous impact on its occupants, not only on a societal level but also on a more intimate level. Everything from the architecture of the space to the material finishes can have an impact on the health, mood, and productivity of the people who use it. It has been proven that people who work in well-designed spaces are more productive. Architects must be able to comprehend this and implement it into their designs to create quality output that clients can use effectively for a reasonable amount of time.

Architecture, however, is more than just a component of the constructed environment, it is also a part of our culture. It is a depiction of both how we see ourselves and how we see the world.


  1. SOM. [Online]

Available at: https://som.medium.com/designing-for-the-next-pandemic-a7db258c5645

  1. Emotion and “Sense of place”. By Maria Lorena Lehman [Online]
    Available at: https://www.thearchitecturetimes.com/details.php?blog=How-Emotion-Impacts-The-Perception-Of-Architecture
  2. How the pandemic could change architecture. By Greg Miller Illustrated by Joyce Rice.  [Online]

Available at: https://knowablemagazine.org/article/health-disease/2021/how-pandemic-could-change-architecture 

  1. The Science of Architecture. Blog. [Online]

Available at:  https://www.mynewlab.com/blog/the-science-of-architecture-how-design-affects-the-way-we-feel/#colour 


Chethana Deeksha is fascinated by all the subjects which involve art & humanism. She has a diverse set of interests doodling, dance, photography, travel, writing & collaborative activities which made her pursue architecture. She believes herself to be a people person & never misses a chance to learn & explore.