At the beginning of the previous epochs, the caves must serve as a primordial stronghold for the dangerous time. Human civilization learned how to utilize nature and build homes over time, resulting in creating an architecture that had an impact not only on the environment but also on humans. This oldest evidence raises a question in our minds that how architecture can impact our lives. We see each building reflecting the story of the time and how that interaction of culture wished to project itself to the future. Throughout history, civilization has left immortal echoes through the media of language, art, architecture and knowledge. Architecture has long been one of the most profoundly significant cultural reflections.

The purpose of architecture is to enhance human life and create a timeless, free, joyous space for all activities in life. Architecture blindly impacts our environment, moods, thoughts, mental health and behaviour. An individual, despite being engaged in work and studies, spends as much time indoors, and the space, lighting, colours, acoustics, and aesthetics. Architecture is continuously telling tales, yet these narratives are frequently based on a sense of emotion associated with the place.

The Impact of Architecture on humans - Sheet1
Distribution of natural light in

We shape our buildings, and afterwards, our buildings shape us -Winston Churchill

From the urban scale to an individual dwelling, we associate every building typology in our society with the people and their impact on the environment. Every key component of an urban environment depends on how the layout is planned. Through urban planning, we can create a better workable solution for all the issues. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the environment in which we live determines over 25% of our health condition. 

The urban development framework is based on the present and future needs of the people. It improves the quality of life, has an economic impact, promotes a safe and healthy lifestyle, and helps the city thrive. Buildings, public spaces, roadways, sanitation, transit, and landscaping all contribute to a unified design and serve as the nuts and bolts of urban development. A well designed public space ties the neighbourhood. It acts as a toolkit for social interaction, economic activities, and recreation.

The Impact of Architecture on humans - Sheet2
unique urban space with a strong

The idea of how body and mind respond to the built environment creates a perspective that is termed as “neuro architecture.” From the layout of the space to the material finishes, each contributes to occupant health, mood, and productivity. In this way, we can break it down into principles of sensation and perception that open our senses through visual experiences. 

We consider color as an aesthetical decoration element in architecture, but it plays a vital part in expressing information, establishing a frame of mind, and even influencing people’s decisions.

Bringing plants into our homes can help to quiet our souls and lessen stress. Architecture can excite and transform people’s emotional states, as well as impact our choices, performance, and decisions. For example, when designing an interior, placing each component in a logical location allows you to think less. A design approach to contact nature in the building has become a central element in the design of office spaces. Several studies have indicated that having access to outdoor gardens or parks, indoor plants, and windows with views of natural locations reduces worker stress levels.

The Impact of Architecture on humans - Sheet3
Reconnecting human with nature in office

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. -Frank Lloyd Wright

The design provides a purpose that is more than just aesthetically pleasing. Each shape has its meaning and kind of has a particular effect on our minds and behaviours subtly. It primarily focuses on the form and movement study shows curvilinear form boosts brain activity and generates a joyful feeling. For example, our mind prefers curved furniture rather than a sharp one. It makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. The concept “panopticon” refers to the design of institutions, most notably prisons. English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham developed it in the 18th century to monitor a large number of inmates with the fewest number of guards possible.

Architecture has the power to stimulate and alter the emotional state of humans; it influences our choices, performance and decisions. For instance, the illumination created in theatre made us forget reality and enter the world of fantasy. We can increase the emotional value of a building by using lighting. Inadequate lighting in the space affects our circadian rhythms and our overall well-being. These are the actual aesthetic effect and the ambience of a space. According to Francisco Mora, a doctor of neuroscience, the learning classroom should be large, with large windows and natural light to improve creativity and focus. And children who grow up in environments that positively stimulate their brains have a few characteristics. They learn faster and are more motivated and focused.

Positively simulated learning

The human species is the only one known to have altered the environment on Earth. To shape our future, we must start shaping our world and it affects people’s behaviour directly or indirectly in the long term. From the hospital to the graveyard, we live with architecture, and each building program and typology has its purpose. Because of its expressiveness, it is a powerful reflection of human life and culture.


How Does Architecture Impact Society? A High-Level Look

The Impact of Architecture | Donald Schmitt | TEDxUTSC

The Impact of Architecture | Donald Schmitt | TEDxUTSC


As a budding architect with Inquisitive eyes on architecture, she loves to construct those understanding into words. She feels that architecture allows one to perceive the world through new eyes together with understanding the language of art.