The future of architecture – One hundred structures! Why not just make it 200 or 1,000? The reality is, Kushner could have gone higher. Today’s architecture is more than ever propelled by technology, material science, and a down-to-try-it mentality. As Kushner noted in a recent Medium article, just as the 1970s saw Brutalism and the 1990s saw Deconstructivism, today may be the period of experimentalism.

Architects everywhere must respond to the need for improved design solutions in the age of Big Data and evolving cultural trends. While we may not be conquering other planets or developing robotic flying cars, there are a few issues that require the attention of the architecture profession. Consider how much the industry has evolved in the previous few decades. Everything has improved, from architectural design to building procedures.

Futuristic and Experimental: The future of architecture - Sheet1
Futuristic Architecture_©

Smart City | The future of architecture

Digital technology has developed the notion of the intelligent city. With the usage of technology becoming more common, architecture developed to leverage this benefit. Through these digital techniques, cities may become a well-connected and intelligent network. These programmes track their daily activities and give remedies or preventive actions for their well-being. Health care, safety and sustainability are among the many elements which are monitored by intelligent cities to enhance the quality of life. It also analyses resources used while they are alarmingly shrinking. 

Futuristic and Experimental: The future of architecture - Sheet2
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Vertical Cities

Vertical cities are exploding in response to the burgeoning urban population and the ever-increasing need for housing. Although the lack of environmental awareness of high-level building is critiqued, inventive approaches are being used more and more for helping these structures to support themselves. 

Futuristic and Experimental: The future of architecture - Sheet3
Shanshui City -Vertical city_©, The future of architecture

Vertical cities have a small land footprint and may house a large number of people. They have the potential to be sustainable by combining passive architecture approaches such as solar panels and wind turbines. Several elements, such as community participation through recreational places, connectivity, and safety measures, should be considered while developing this idea. Winding up cities horizontally to provide room for all those extra people will deplete more natural resources. An answer to this issue is answered by an increasing number of people in vertical cities. Building up rather than out means that we can accommodate large numbers of people in a compact area while protecting land and natural resources. Then, we can utilise or leave the land as a natural place for food production, recreation, or natural resources. Also, other environmental benefits might be offered to vertical cities. With multiple mega towers, the need to drive, minimise the pollution from automobiles and save people money would be reduced.


In the construction sector, the relevance of sustainability is reduced and perceived as a secondary consideration. Although this method is evolving these days, it is not implemented as it should be. Architects incorporate sustainability into design in several ways. The use of technology to design and manufacture buildings in any form or form that is environmentally sound is an important method to tackle climate change. Technology is made to evaluate the air quality, quantity of sunlight entering the structure, orientation, wind movement, etc. 

With the ever-changing needs, the future difficulties that are facing the architectural business will be plenty. Acknowledging and carefully taking advantage of the potential offered by technological progress revolutionises the way people see the future. The socialist utopia that architecture is likely to become into may simply be transported. 

However, the collateral harm to the environment must also be paused and analysed. Raising horizons to open up for a magnificent age that faces today’s difficulties and overcomes technological limitations is the key to an architectural wonder world.

Augmented Realities and 3D Printing | The future of architecture

Architecture visualisation is a new sector in which consumers obtain a glimpse of the building and its interiors. Virtual reality takes it a step further and makes it possible for anyone to experience the design marvel.

A path in which ideal lighting, customised interior design and structural elements properly capture the spirit of the area may be generated via VR. It has the strength, not only what it seems, to convey the sensation of vastness. By using this during the whole design process, architects may distort the borders between reality and perception.

Virtual Reality_©, The future of architecture

Before the design is constructed, architects can engage and experience design. The architecture, engineering and construction sector has transformed by virtual reality technology. For projects in the conceptual stage, virtual reality is a significant step forward. Architects may now examine the combination of a design and the usage of technology.  Because of technological developments, architecture is evolving at an alarming rate.

3D printing is another milestone in the immersive path. The design of a structure may be valued by new algorithms while helping solve structural strength and material use problems. The introduction of large-scale 3D printers will allow future architects to build mind-boggling structures and grasp design limits. Architectonic prototypes may be carried out competently for designs, custom building components and the assembly of manufactured construction elements. 


A caffeine and art dependent sensual soul who is an ardent lover of fashion, travel and anything that is design. She is inclined towards experimentation and exploring new ideas that are a stepping stone to endless possibilities in architecture and design.She believes that every simple element has its own extraordinary events.