“Architecture is like a mythical fantasy. It has to be experienced. It can’t be described.” 

– Maya Lin

Timelessness Of Spaces

Throughout history, Architecture has been used as a tool to glorify power, it reflected the social fabric, values, successes and the eventual downfall of the civilizations.

In the words of Frank O Gehry, “Architecture should speak of its time and place but yearn for timelessness”, yesteryear’s built environments and present modern-day studies paint a larger picture of the effects of architecture on people in altogether new ways. Fundamentally, architecture exists to create the physical domain in which people live, but it is more than just the built environment, it’s also a part of our culture. It stands as a reflection of how we see ourselves and how we see the world. Architecture revolves prominently not only on a high level but also on a personal level, it has a profound impact on its occupants. From the outline of the space to the material and colours used has significance on the mood, lifestyle pattern of the occupant. A well-designed architecture and the affinity individuals have to it is something that can’t be appraised. However, we all know the feeling of walking into a space that senses just right. It’s not only functional but reverberates with you on a different, subconscious level. 

The Genesis of Architecture & Its Impact - Sheet1
Paco Carrascosa,Jan Bitter, Beat Widmer [Photograph] _©  https://hmcarchitects.com/news/how-does-architecture-impact-society-a-high-level-look-2019-10-18/
In the early ages, a man was harbouring in caves and archaic safe spots from dangers. As time passed people learned how to use nature and to build homes which resulted in architecture development. The style of buildings was formerly determined by the climate of the location, what materials were readily available, as well as the values of the society building them. Hence, simply enhancing the spatial qualities and potentials was often enough to enable the architect to design future-oriented urban spaces for the community that the people can truly experience and identify with. With time architects and urban planners have erected a world in which people consciously or unconsciously accept, and like to spend or enjoy their time. But in just the same way, spaces can emerge that generate fretfulness, and that are ultimately dilapidated. Functioning in a curriculum that has an influence like almost no other on people’s daily lives, we have faced the constant challenge of reading and interpreting a particular space’s potential impact, using all our senses and looking at it from many different perspectives then enhancing its positive qualities. 

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Regazzo Stefano (2016), Calls For Idea[Photograph] _©https://futurearchitectureplatform.org/projects/68203396-6ba2-4dfd-be10-5b1836b7935e/

Perception Of An Architect 

In metropolitans, it is the harmony of the buildings, the squares, the alleyways, and the liaison between density and openness that regulates a place’s expression. Spaces are formed with varied integrities, enticing people to linger or merely functioning as transit areas. Places and buildings that create a sense of identity are an integral part of our cultural roots. They offer an anchorage in a globalized, continually changing world. As we move through urban settlements we randomly observe façades, beyond which lay obscure interiors with incredibly different characters and impacts. The skeletons of the buildings function as filters for the private and the public, drawing a line between exposed spaces and secluded retreats. A space’s form and design determine its efficiency, which everyone can experience in their way. But whatever the differing political, socio-cultural factors that influence our perception and shape our actions and reflections, it is coherent that built spaces generate substantial, individually perceived sensory impressions in all human beings.

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©Anderson Lawrence (2016) [Photography]
At the core of this venture lies the persistent hindsight of the relationship between space, human beings and content – a process that necessarily includes a synthesizing approach as well as a clear and rational position on what a place’s structural enunciation should be. Perpetual analysis of societal changes and profound sensitivity to trends are prerequisites for identifying current needs and anticipating future demands to create new spaces, transform existing ones, or join the old with the new. With the world currently being at the stroke of one of the deadliest pandemics of its century and recent alarming climate change, it became more important to anticipate the impact of architecture, as social distancing becoming the new “normal” and with increasing carbon footprint, people being confined to just their homes and growing natural calamities made everyone realized the gravitas of spaces and how multi-faceted an area could be. Although, designers and architects are still debating on how we as a fraternity can move ahead with the current pandemic and climatic changes and make architecture and spaces more resilient for the future. 

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Wylesol George (2020), 8 Ways COVID-19 Will Impact the Future of Interior Design

[Illustration]_© Architectural Digest

Technological Advances 

New endeavours push people from their roots, hence architects or to be architects remain always curious about upcoming trends and technology in the world. But as compared to architectural studies now which are more tech-savvy and how BIM and other software had cut down the man-hours that went into drafting earlier it has been a game-changer in the field of architecture. The impact these technologies are having and will have, in our daily lives has rapidly expanded in architecture schools, firms and international, corporate practices. Augmented reality in construction to 3D printing architectural models to using artificial intelligence within the design process, it is so rare that an architectural project does not use digital tools either for design or fabrication. The use of digital is everywhere; from the infrastructure, we use to manoeuvre the world to the objects we use to communicate. Looking towards the future of architecture and its impact on society, we foresee technology to continue to have a larger impact but believe that we must continue to fathom the human contingency to the built environment.

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Juha Ilone (2015)_©  Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects / Ukumbi NGO, KWIECO Shelter House, Moshi, Tanzania,
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AVALON, the Virtual Reality Cave at the Reynaers Campus in Belgium [Photography] _©https://architecturetoday.co.uk/technology-in-architecture/

Impacts Of Surroundings on Humans 

Conclusively, the interaction between human beings and spaces requires exploration and personal participation. Such transformation of context allows the architect to recognize relevant themes and break with conventions. Regardless, vital architecture is differentiated by its ability to gain the acceptance of the people who interact with it. After all, it’s the people who occupy the spaces, experience their atmosphere and are drawn to and fascinated by them. There are numerous ways that architecture can continue to evolve and have an underlying impact on the occupation and respond to the changing needs of our society. We just need to escalate to the challenge, believing we’re suited to it. In addition, the layout, materials and dimensions of spaces and their design influence the human patterns of movement, actions and usage. If spaces are created in a way that runs counter to our patterns, it can hamper our way of living and does not suit our habitual activities. Or at variance, the structures can satisfy our needs and make us feel comfortable in their environment.

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©Pixabay (2018) [Photogra[phy]

HMC ARCHITECTS, How Does Architecture Impact Society? (2019)  [ONLINE] 

Available at https://hmcarchitects.com/news/how-does-architecture-impact-society-a-high-level-look-2019-10-18/

 HOLZER KOBLER ARCHITEKTUREN, Architectural Interface – Space – Architect – Humans
[ONLINE] Available at: https://holzerkobler.com/process/architectural-interface-space-%E2%80%93-architect-%E2%80%93-humans


Zarqa is a student of architecture. She always believes that words have more power of expression and thus, never leaves an opportunity to amalgamate her articulate writing with her knowledge of Architecture. Besides this she enjoys freezing moments in a photograph, watching films and exploring new music.