The future of architecture is usually visualised as something that’s massively futuristic, ultramodern and completely technology-driven. While these concepts are captivating, they account for just the tip of the iceberg. Architecture’s primary role is to cater to needs and find solutions to issues. But we seem to be sailing away from the true objectives of architecture. As architects, we are always way in the future and tend to underestimate the challenges at hand. Course-correcting and addressing current issues will inevitably underpin a robust future. So here’s a perspective of the future of architecture- that’s progressive, hopeful, revolutionary and neutral.

Future Of Architecture- Progressive and Hopeful - Sheet1
LK Quote_©

“Architecture is the leading light when it comes to making a difference.”

Let’s fast forward to the optimistic and unbiased future that architecture has imagined for the future world. A world that’s well informed, seasoned and less problematic. Here are a few changes that we can be hopeful about:

An Unbiased World

Today the world is at its highest standing of awareness. It has taken years of sacrifice and mental agony to be able to address issues that matter. Architects are on their toes, making ends meet, devising a world that gratifies and suits everybody. Architects may not entirely solve or eradicate issues but can help repair and recover.Future Of Architecture- Progressive and Hopeful - Sheet

©Feministing, 2011Gender Neutral Spaces

The fight for gender equality has been long-drawn and sluggish. Because sometimes, just talking or debating doesn’t help. People need to sense and experience change physically too. And that’s where ‘enter architecture’. 

The future of architecture has to aim at serving everyone at all times. It’s not just about women being able to step out at midnight; it’s about being able to take a stroll whenever. And that will happen when safety is taken care of in all realms. For the longest time, men were majorly designing the world for the masses, and therefore the places became perceptibly gender-biased. But with the surge of female architects, the future is not going to be linear. Because women are going to design keeping in mind the lewd stares, offensive comments, patriarchy, impartial stance and everything else that women all over the world have been expected to overlook. 

A man can try and understand, but what’s better than a first-hand experience? The future of architecture will recognise women’s autonomy, needs and security. A future that ensures women and children are safe universally and not just in their houses and other designated areas. And how will that happen? Well, more comprehensive solutions will unfold with time and experimentation. But the bare minimum would be:

  • Ample street lights and fewer shady nooks
  • Well-equipped neighbourhoods
  • A bustling yet organised avenue,
  • Balanced spaces that provide for both men and women’s activities. 

The future of architecture will come bearing a gender-neutral, egalitarian society. 

“There is hope for tomorrow because there is awareness today.”

Architecture that will boost mental health 

It has taken ages for mental health to be in the limelight. The Millennials and Generation Z are talking about extensively, while the older generations still have qualms. But the upside is that at least there is a conversation and an acknowledgement. As the light around mental wellbeing becomes brighter, the requirements and fundamentals seem more lucid. 

Psychological, Emotional and Social wellbeing

Evidence can back the fact that architecture improves mental health. 

Working in offices, shops, factories, warehouses and clinics that are not architecturally fit leads to: 

Mood swings,
and not just Monday, but everyday blues. 

Architecture is a rational process of designing consumer-responsive spaces and not generic ones. Earlier, the alchemy of an architect was far-off. But fortunately, people are greatly informed about architecture and its ability to embroider the experience of life. 

That being said, let’s vault over to the future of architecture that improves mental health. 

Awareness has empowered architects to design the world more sensitively and empathetically. Architecture that was once brimming with aesthetics, technology and fads is now centred around what matters. 

IIM Blr_©Vinay panjwani
  • Architecture that is captivated by nature, in turn, uplifting moods and Eliciting delight and comfort
  • Architecture that coexists and does not bother other beings
  • Well researched and employment of Vastu Shastra
  • Use of humble and natural materials 
  • The maximum inrush of light and breeze
  • Steer clear from flashy and showy architecture
  • Strategically planned openings and spillover spaces 
  • Meaningful architecture and a narrative of the end-user
  • Opportunities for more social interaction and less alone zones
  • Enigmatic Architecture that keeps one curious and energetic. 
  • More open grounds and public spaces to promote physical activities and movement
  • Easy, affordable and accessible commute

These are just slim pickings from umpteen other issues/crises that architecture will pick up on in the future. The future of architecture will be in the guise of Parametricism, Smart-cities, VR and immersive, Verticality etc. But also, architecture cannot afford to disregard the fundamentals anymore. Covid-19 has been the greatest teacher of what’s essential. Therefore, there’s no time to create extravagant and insignificant architecture. Let’s move forward with a more conscious and mindful attitude towards conceptualising, planning, designing and fabricating spaces. 

The one principle that must bind all of the above is meaning. Because without purpose and intent, we are always going to feel misplaced. Architecture has to help us reunite with our true selves, our emotions and our depths. And that happens when architecture remarries its author, Nature. Being connected to and surrounded by nature is a constant reminder of what’s real. And that reminder keeps us grounded and balanced. So let’s stick to our roots and design consciously and thoroughly.

It’s time to remodel our perspectives. “Less futuristic, sci-fi, superficial architecture and more responsive, sensitive and emotional architecture.”

Future Of Architecture- Progressive and Hopeful - Sheet3
Kailasa Temple_©

She is an architect, trying her hands at architectural writing currently. She’s charmed by the 3C’s of architecture- conscious, contextual, cultural. Her heart does not lie in a high profile job or an elaborate resumè. She yearns to enrich the architectural world with honest, humble, and free-spirited writing.