Architecture is not a mere art of creating shelter but also responding to many affairs. It is a powerful tool that addresses social issues, represents the culture and heritage. It impacts surroundings, users of the building, their health, mood, productivity. It had the strongest impact over the years on society addressing various issues. Architecture can cure.

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Healing Architecture  ©

Healing Architecture has proved its capability in restoring the lives during pandemics, epidemics and became the relying factor in these times. It is analogous to the spine that can break or hold society. It can evoke emotions and makes a place livable. It is interdisciplinary which makes it more ethical and logical.

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Reshaping Architecture in pandemic  ©

In these times of pandemic, many spaces viz. community centers and plazas are to be altered to prevent the spread. Addressing these issues is vital for a better future.

Architecture And Its Impact 

Architecture has an inevitable impact on society, individuals affecting lifestyle, productivity, mood.

Architecture is rational. It should essentially serve the purpose rather than creating volumes of spaces. The impact created decides how an individual interacts with space and the people.

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Workspace enhancing productivity  ©

“Architecture is reaching out for the truth” – Louis Kahn

Impact Intensity

Designing of space should also consider the perspectives of the user, know what the user requires. It should be

user-friendly which could evoke emotions, create better working conditions, enhance mood, health, productivity.

The approach towards the design problem determines the impact created by it on the users of the space. It necessarily doesn’t create a positive impact always. The impact it creates holds much priority as it could affect the users remarkably.

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Negative Impact on surroundings ©

Perceptions of a space

Architecture is idiosyncratic which is evident in the unique styles that emerged over the years.

“Less is more” –  Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

“Less is bore” – Robert Venturi

“Yes is more” – BIG

The above quotes depict the unique perceptions of architects.

The perceptions of the architect can be very unique but should be appropriate. As identified earlier by Juhani Pallasmaa in the book “The Eyes Of The Skin” a place is perceived by the senses of the user through touch, sound, sight, smell. An edifice that fails to evoke the emotions and felt by the user is always just a shelter.

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The Eyes Of The Skin – Juhani Pallasmaa ©

“God is in the details” – Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

Architectural details are the clear result of problem-solving. They are capable of manipulating a scene one’s viewing.

They create interest in the building, define certain styles of architecture, and often creates a statement about the

style, craftsmanship. Details add value to space, function, and context and accentuate the existence of a building. The integral part of designing is dependent on the details. The integral influence created by these details determines the interaction of the building with the surroundings.

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Ancient Columns ©

Architecture Today

Architecture today is profusely diversified. It accosts topical issues with novel approaches for problem-solving. It always restyles with the changes. Some of the styles that are used today are postmodernism, high-tech architecture, novel approaches the traditional Indian architecture. The aforementioned styles are modern yet remain rational. These are very true to the materials, function, context, user-friendly.

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Green Architecture ©

Green architecture, sustainable architecture,cybertecture, CAD architecture, etc, are some of the styles which are keen on reinstating the harmony that is lost today. A few are relevant to the current innovations in technology simplifying the lifestyle of the people.

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Cybertecture Egg ©

Architectural Education

With the advent of the pandemic, the education system has hinged on online learning. The shift from conventional studio teaching to the complete online mode which is foreign to many individuals does have a huge impact on learning. Consequently, it has got some disadvantages as it fails to engage the listeners for a longer period.

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Redesigning workspace ©

This also influences the residential architecture in the futurity aiming to create a better workplace for students, working people. Eventually, this could alter the basic requirements of a house today. This sums up the fact of the need for a novel approach towards design and critical thinking.

Future Of Architecture 

Discerning the present circumstances, solving the issues the future of architecture can be envisaged. The paramount topic today is accomodating the world’s population allaying the urban sprawl. Considering the space available to the people vertical architecture can be prevalent in the futurity. Technology which has become an inevitable part of our lives now is a part of architecture as well. Smart cities which are the result of the amalgamation of architecture and technology, are also the future of our cities. These designs are not only efficient but long-lasting.

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Smart Cities ©

Inclusive architecture is also evolving as the future of architecture. This was the most necessitous change in architecture. Though it was seen in some of the architecture projects, it was to b made global. Inclusive architecture is more welcoming than conventional architecture. Materials are another factor that helps in achieving sustainable and eco-friendly architecture.

Inclusive Architecture ©

Architecture is an art that is comprised of inanimate objects that can create breath-taking volumes which evoke emotions, enlivens the space. It is inseparable from our lives. Countless architectural styles could emerge in the futurity but in the fullness of time, its impact should be positive.

“Life is Architecture and architecture is the mirror of life” – LM Pie


Vangelatos, G. (2019). How Does Architecture Impact Society? A High-Level Look | Thought Leadership. [online] HMC Architects. Available at:

‌PART II 6 : 1 A Preservation Handbook for Historic Residential Properties & Districts. (n.d.). [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2021].

Architecture, T. (2019). 5 Trends That Could Shape the Future of Architecture. [online] Think Architecture. Available at:


Manya is an architecture student pursuing her Bachelors and loves to explore, learn and grow.She believes in divergent thinking which made her passionate about Research and writing Architecture. Graphic designing and creating pieces of Art interests her and helps her escape reality.