One of the main factors contributing to climate change and global warming is architecture. The sector is accountable for about 50% of the greenhouse emissions in the country due to construction as well as the energy needed to keep buildings operational. Energy-efficient architecture and technology may reduce emissions and, in certain situations, even produce energy. The carbon emissions produced by the planet will not be reduced by a single modest off-grid dwelling. All of us are aware of global warming as the fundamental adversary of humanity. The rising global temperature of the planet is referred to as global warming.
The weather patterns are altered by the rise in temperature, which among other things causes ice caps to melt and wildfires. The number of greenhouse gases has risen as a result of decades of human activity. These gases eventually enter our atmosphere where they trap heat, raising the earth’s temperature. These gases are released during many activities, including the combustion of fossil fuels and even driving a car. These levels will only climb as the population grows unless significant effort is made to limit additional harm. China, the United States, and India are the top three contributors to global warming. According to reports, President Biden wants to cut carbon dioxide pollution by 50% by 2030, and one strategy is to use sustainable energy. China has prohibited the import of any garbage from other nations as part of its endeavour to lessen its ecological footprint and significant contribution to pollution. This in turn motivates nations all over the world to discover an environmentally friendly way to handle their trash.
Global warming is receiving a variety of responses, from those who support the cause, to others who believe it is a hoax. The majority of those who are concerned about global warming are in the Gen Z to Millennial age range. This is because, in the future, they would have been the ones to deal with the effects of the changing environment. There are now attempts being done to assist address this issue, although it is not frequently discussed. Modern architects increasingly take climate change into account when designing new buildings.
Architect Stefano Boeri Architetti has incorporated vegetation into the side of a building. Thse plants would effectively restore equilibrium by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. The majority of nations, including Singapore, have already included this concept in their architectural plans. Next, Wild Design Studio Lab created homes for a future after climate change. These homes encourage residents to generate more energy than they need. These “self-sufficient designs” enable us to revert to our evolutionary foundations of survival and once again enjoy nature. Each home has its unique set of photovoltaic panels and is constructed of environmentally friendly materials like recycled aluminium and timber from American agave plants. Additionally, the homes have their greenhouses for growing vegetables, recycling greywater, and processing trash for organic composts.
Regarding sustainable living, the Tecla project creates 3D-printed homes. These recyclable homes can withstand any environment because of their construction materials. This optimises the construction process by utilising cranes and printers. Each home has a circumferential circle that gives it the appearance of an igloo that can be placed anywhere. As unexpected as it may sound, our architects also control the course of global warming. Who knows, given the harm we’re causing to the environment? The generation’s next bright professional path might be architecture, which could ultimately rescue us all. Climate change, the quality of air, the environment, and the overall quality of human existence are all seriously threatened by the significant problem of global warming. What steps may architects take to avoid problems and change with the times? I firmly feel it is an architect’s responsibility to lead and become the change we so urgently need, even if it is incredibly challenging to undo all the harm resulting from global warming and win the support of all sectors and fields. The “Climate Emergency” sustains a redoubled effort to combat climate change on a global scale. Although there is no “single answer” to the many problems this crisis has created, it is everyone’s responsibility to use their abilities and actions to address the severe demands on the environment, both personally and professionally.
There is a serious duty for reducing the impact of the climate change and global warming on the part of everyone involved in the planning of structures and cities, including architects, urbanists, and everyday people, to consider the effects of climate change and make plans accordingly. The architectural industry is intricately linked to the material flows, and energy, including ideas that pertain to global warming, both causes and remedies, with 36% of world energy going toward construction with 8% of global emissions coming from cement alone. We have compiled a collection of the most significant statistics about architecture as well as climate change to address the frequently inconsistent waves of information around the subject. This compilation serves as a toolbox, a place to start for people of the architectural society to discover more about how their abilities might be utilised to address the most pressing issue of our day by using only reliable, trusted sources.
- City, S. (2015, 02 24). 7 Ways Architecture Can Tackle Global Warming. Retrieved from Fast Company:
- Stamp, E. (2020, March 02). How the Architecture Industry Is Reacting to Climate Change. Retrieved from Architectural Digest:
- Walsh, N. P. (2021, August 18). The Facts about Architecture and Climate Change. Retrieved from Arch daily: