Evco Interiors

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Contemporary development
Website: evcointeriors.com/

Evco Interiors is a company that is run by a family. With an in-house fabrication plant, the company was founded in 1959. Evco has over 50 years of experience, allowing them to perform things that no one else can. 

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FiveWest Interiors

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Lavish spaces
Website: fivewestinteriors.com//

Nikki Stokes, co-founder and lead designer of FiveWest, has a decade of commercial and residential design expertise. She decided to launch her own design firm FiveWest with Jessica Davis in 2017 because she has always had a passion for creativity and a reputation for professionalism. 

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Flow Designs

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Bespoke designs
Website: flowdesignsreno.com/

The design services are tailored to your specific requirements and budget. The journey begins with a one-hour and 12-minute in-home consultation to evaluate your goals, aspirations, and budget for the place of your choosing.  

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Flow State Spaces

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Achieving the state of flow in designs
Website: www.flowstatespaces.com/

Flow State Spaces was created with the goal of assisting others in achieving a “flow state” in their environment by feeling calm and inspired. 

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Frame Architecture

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Technical development
Website: www.framearchitecture.com/

The new Sports and Fitness Center at TMCC was designed in collaboration with Arcadesma. In addition to a gym and open areas for intramural and club sports, the new facility has designated places for cardiovascular and resistance training. 

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Henriksen Butler

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Modern and sleek
Website: hbdg.com/

Henriksen Butler, based in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and western Wyoming, specialises in commercial, education, government, healthcare, and hospitality interiors.   

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High Desert Interiors LLC

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Luxurious spaces
Website: highdesertinteriors.com/

Nicole has been staging and designing gorgeous houses for more than 12 years and enjoys it. High Desert Interiors is an interior design studio in Reno and Tahoe that provides full-service interior designing as well as E-Design services to clients.    

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Interior Logic Group

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: High end and luxurious spaces
Website: interiorlogicgroup.com/

They work with national, regional, and local home builders on projects ranging from starter houses to move-up and luxury residences. The scalable solutions have been shown to increase cycle times, homebuyer happiness, and overall profitability for homebuilders.    

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K. Donavan

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Elegance
Website: www.kdonavan.com/

Michael Siva and Jared Russell created K. Donavan in 2017. They built the largest and most successful house staging company in the Lake Tahoe, Reno region, because of their enthusiasm for elegantly staged homes and a natural sense for design.     

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Kahl Commercial Interiors

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House
Locations of Built Projects: Reno
Style of work: Creating better built environment
Website: kahlnv.com/

The focus of the art is on humans. From the moment they meet to the day we hand-deliver and assemble your furniture, and beyond, they want to provide you with a personalised experience. The great feedback from clients has truly humbled them.  

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Azhar Khan is an in-house member of the RTF team. He handles multiple tasks of the marketing team and has great enthusiasm towards games and fitness. As a fun loving person, he is one of those people who brings life to any environment.