This model of a Scientific Technological Park as support to the “National Deposit for the management of radioactive waste” is inspired by the ancient abbeys. We designed a space that fosters the exchange and processing of ideas, rebalancing the relationship between built architecture and agricultural landscape through a functional symbiosis.

Studio name: Corde Architetti Associati
Design team: Giovanni Scirè Risichella, Alessandro Santarossa, Elisabetta Fava, F&M Ingegneria, Camarca Aniello
Area: Italy
Year: 2016
Photo credits: Corde Architetti Archive
Project: Competition – 2nd classified

SOGIN By Corde Architetti Associati - Sheet2
©Corde Architetti Archive

It is difficult to define a model of a Scientific-Technological Park without knowing the place where it will be build: we have chosen to focus on some elements that will remain fixed regardless of locations, outlining a structure on which the future Park may be shaped with the necessary flexibility.

SOGIN By Corde Architetti Associati - Sheet4
©Corde Architetti Archive

The Scientific-Technological Park will be build in the countryside and it will be a place of research and work: the perfect example of a place with these characteristics is the abbey. Extended facilities built to host, to study, to facilitate concentration and research, and that used to have a rapport of management, use and maintenance with the surrounding countryside.

©Corde Architetti Archive

Our model starts from some typical elements of the abbey to design a complex that encourages the creation of a scientific community and the integration with the surrounding area.

Corde Architetti Associati

is an architectural firm led by Alessandro Santarossa and Giovanni Scirè Risichella and settled in a former factory in Sacile (PN). The firm has a small dimension and a craft approach to the project: each phase, from first ideas to project realization, has equal importance. Over the last 15 years corde architetti associati has developed several projects at different scale, from industrial design to interior, from architecture to urban research, and has taught architectural design in University of Venice and Udine.


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