The Tech industry frequently sets off a domino effect of the evolution of the other major industries, of which the AEC industry is no exception. This includes the significant developments in AI, machine learning and IoT of the past decade. As the AEC industry often undergoes significant evolution parallel to the Tech industry, IoT technology has brought about significant change in energy efficiency. It has revolutionised the approach to optimising building management services. The Internet of Things (IoT) essentially streamlines this process throughout the life cycle of a building, from inception to maintenance.

What implications does this change in building management systems have on the landscape of the AEC industry?

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IoT in the AEC Industry_©planradar

What is IoT Technology?

The Internet of Things (IoT) builds smart systems of a shared infrastructure communicating over the Internet. In an architectural context, it is a technological tool used to optimize building management systems (BMS). This is done by streamlining the flow of information during the design, construction, and maintenance processes via a network of devices. The technology functions by collecting, transferring, processing, and storing data.  At the core of this technology lies the Internet, as the basis for how the key components communicate within the system. These components include internet-enabled smart devices ranging from sensors and actuators to storage data centres and clouds.

Application of IoT in Architecture

IoT technology has found practical application in the AEC industry in Smart Homes, Intelligent Buildings, Data-Assisted Installations, Net Zero Energy Systems and much more.

Previously, relatively lesser consideration was given to the building energy consumption during the lifespan of the building. This accountability of the dynamic nature of the circumstances the building exists within and maintenance needs throughout the building’s life cycle has intensified. By monitoring and regulating building management systems, IoT technology enables architects to reduce maintenance costs and contribute to more efficient Environment Impact Assessments. Additionally, with the increased implementation of IoT technology in the AEC industry, architects and engineers can create more eco-conscious buildings while allocating a larger portion of time for functional and creative design.

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Smart Buildings for Energy Efficiency_©World Economic Forum

Working of IoT in Architecture

IoT technology relies on the efficient interoperability of its various components, communicating through the Internet. These components include:

  1. Sensors: Embedded sensors are implemented to collect data on environmental parameters such as occupancy, temperature, and illumination levels.
  2. Actuators: This data is then processed and ultimately sent to actuators to control the physical systems, such as HVAC, for optimised energy consumption and occupant comfort.
  3. Gateways and DAS: Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) receive the collected data from sensors, with gateways acting as intermediaries for processing.
  4. Edge IT and Data Processing: Edge computing enables local processing of the collected and digitised data, enabling real-time responses using machine learning.
  5. Data Centres: Cloud technology is used to collect, analyse and additionally process the data, thereby migrating the data to the centralised cloud or relevant data centres.
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IoT Architecture for Construction_©Benedict Amade

Current Implications of IoT Technology

Navigating this increasing adoption of IoT technology goes hand in hand with the newer discourse around it. Built environment stakeholders must address a variety of opportunities and issues the industry currently faces.


  1. Cost: Currently, the initial costs of sensors and various other components of IoT technology are relatively high, leading to cost-benefit analyses for maximum return on investment.
  2. Interoperability: Resolving compatibility issues of devices amongst manufacturers, can lead to a more standardised approach to IoT technology within the AEC industry.
  3. Data Privacy: The integration of building management systems to clouds and centralized data centres also increases the vulnerability of the system to cyber security issues and data breaches.
  4. Maintenance: Reliable IoT technology requires long-term maintenance of the infrastructure and devices to avoid interruptions and potential durability issues.


  1. Sustainability Standards: IoT implementation as an industry standard, can increase accountability within the AEC industry towards the environment. Regulating energy usage, water consumption, carbon footprint, air quality, etc becomes easier, raising the sustainability standards in this era of technology.
  2. User Experience: IoT technology can assist architects in creating customized experiences for users, with adaptable systems, adjusting preferred temperature, illumination and even air quality levels in real-time.
  3. Data-driven Design: Aside from real-time benefits, the processed data in large quantities provide relevant insights required for efficient and user-centric designs.
  4. Streamlined Design: The impact in the design process also extends to the more streamlined workflows and calculations, allowing architects to devote more resources to creative contributions.
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IoT Applications in Smart Buildings_©JLL

In conclusion, the Internet of Things has only just begun to revolutionise the AEC industry. Taking accountability as built environment stakeholders has become more important now than ever, moving from sustainability as a luxury to sustainability as a standard. From net-zero applications to various small-scale sustainable implementations, IoT technology is assisting architects and engineers to create environmentally responsible spaces. With both the merits and demerits, these stakeholders must cautiously strive towards promoting standardisation and increasing interoperability within energy systems. 


  1. Internet of things (IOT): A Vision, architectural elements, and Future Directions | Request PDF. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2024). 
  2. Kumar, S., Tiwari, P. and Zymbler, M. (2019) Internet of things is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: A Review – Journal of Big Data, SpringerOpen. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2024). 
  3. HP Virtual Booth (2022) 5 IOT applications in architecture, engineering, and construction, How IoT Applications in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Are Evolving | HP Large Format Printers & Plotters IN. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2024). 
  4. Zhi, L. (2023) 7 internet of things applications in architecture & design, DiskMFR. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2024). 

Angela is an architect, designer and writer who is driven by her passion for research and curiosity to learn. With an affinity for heritage conservation and experiential & sensory design, she finds inspiration in exploring the psychological relationship between man and his perception of architecture, art and culture.