Enlightenment on the dangers of global warming and climate change has encouraged most people to go for eco-friendly choices when decorating their outdoor living spaces.

Eco-friendly options come with lots of benefits such as improved well-being, reduced stress, and good health while still giving a beautiful visual appeal.

This is why sustainable decking is the trend now as it shows that such a person is responsible for his/her environment. It is also durable and lasts long while still needing little or no maintenance.

Problems of Traditional Decking

Why is the exodus towards sustainable decking high? We have witnessed a high 

migration towards sustainable materials when it comes to decking because of the problems traditional decking comes with.

The first environmental impact is that excessive falling of trees leads to deforestation. This is because wood is needed to create traditional wood decking hence the need to cut these trees to provide wood for making them.

Deforestation tends to reduce the production of oxygen and absorption of carbon dioxide thus causing health challenges in the environment.

Continuously, traditional wood has disadvantages such as susceptibility to insect damage, rot, sealing and staining.

Types of Sustainable Decking

  1. Composite Decking
  2. Bamboo Decking
  3. Other Certified Wood Options

Coposite Decking

Composite decking board is a worthy alternative to traditional wood decking as it is made up of eco-friendly materials such as plastic, wood fibres and a bonding agent.

Composite decking comes with lots of benefits which include little or no maintenance. It comes in different colours and styles giving you the option of choosing the one that suits your taste and budget. It can be easily recycled, is durable and lasts long.

While the advantages of composite decking seem appealing, let us also consider the drawbacks. Composite decking can be costly and the manufacturing process is quite tedious.

It retains heat and the locked-in moisture causes mould. It can also expand and contract, and the surface is always exposed to scratches.

Bamboo Decking

Bamboo decking is usually lightweight and robust and is made from the fast-growing bamboo plant. Due to the eco-friendly nature of bamboo, it is now a trending choice.

Bamboo decking, when finished and installed properly, gives off a natural look that is visually pleasing. Its strength attests to its durability and longevity. Added to its benefits is the fact that it is resistant to rot and insects.

This appears attractive but there are potential downsides to it. First, the initial cost of installing the bamboo decking can be quite high. Also, it requires constant maintenance such as oiling.

Other Certified Wood Options

Aside from composite and bamboo wood decking, another sustainable option for decking is wood or wood products certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

The FSC certifications are important for forestry practices as they cover social and economic well-being, legal and regulatory compliance, and environmental stewardship.

Some certified wood options that are resistant to rot include redwood and cedar.

Types of Sustainable Practices Beyond the Material

The first step to sustainable practice is to get your materials from a reputable decking supplier who practices eco-consciousness. Some suppliers claim to be eco-conscious but they sell traditional materials in disguise.

To identify eco-friendly maintenance practices, you have to know what they are.

Some responsible maintenance practices include proper disposal of old decking materials, eco-friendly cleaners, regularly cleaning dirt and debris before they accumulate, etc.

Another sustainable practice that you may not have heard before includes using reclaimed wood. This involves salvaging wood and repurposing it in various ways to give a unique and sustainable deck.

How to Make the Best Sustainable Choice

Making the best choice involves considering certain factors such as the initial and maintenance cost of the decking material and comparing it with the budget you have for the deck.

Consider whether you have the time to maintain the deck yourself if you cannot pay someone else to do it. Also, consider whether the physical look of the deck aligns with the visual aim you have for the deck.

To find reputable decking suppliers, you can search online to find those closest to you. Ensure to look through the customer reviews and if possible, go for a physical inspection of the materials before they are delivered to you.

If you don’t have the time for pre-inspection, ensure to inspect it immediately after it is delivered. If it does not meet the standard you expect or that it is supposed to meet, call them immediately and make a complaint or ask for a replacement.


Sustainable decking solutions are now the number one option for every eco-conscious homeowner. This is because of the numerous benefits it comes with, some of which include durability, longevity, low maintenance, natural beauty, easy installation, etc.

Creating a beautiful and eco-friendly outdoor space leaves you as the owner very satisfied and empowered. You can host events, have a place to entertain guests, increase your property value (for those who wish to rent or sell their property), or just have a safe space for reading, meditation and yoga.


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