You have been fortunate enough to land an interview as an aspiring architect. Well done! The ball is now on your court, and you are wondering how to go about the process or how to impress your potential employer. What do you do?

Whether it is your first interview or another interview addition to your list, here are top tips to help you sail through.

Preparation and Practice

Preparation is crucial, and you must polish out every single detail. Preparing may seem like common sense, but many people get it wrong. It starts from the basics, like knowing the interview date and where you are going.

If you have been to an architect interview before, you may be familiar with some questions. But not all interviewers are the same. You need to prepare for the interview like someone who hasn’t been to one. One effective way to do that is to use practice questions. For example, some companies will focus on your drawing skills while others on math. This is how they assess candidates. You can use the Assessment Center HQ as a resource for all types of interview tests thast you might have to take in order to get your dream job.

These days many platforms provide sample interview questions, and you can be sure to get some on architect interviews. While you practice, create an interview setup that simulates an actual one. For instance, have someone ask the questions and time yourself. You will see that you will get less anxious about the interview and when the day comes, you will be more at ease and confident.

Research the Company

Before the interview, you must know the company you wish to work for like the back of your hand. Ensure you go through their website and gather information about their values, history, mission, projects (local and international), etc. You never know what may be asked about the company, and you certainly don’t want to be caught off guard.

If you have the correct answers to company-oriented questions, you will impress the interviewer

and show that you are indeed interested in working for them. If you know about the company, you can also ask questions about their culture or employee support during the interview when given a chance. Since we are talking about companies that hire architects, you should check out this article where we present the top 10 cities to work in for architects.

Have the Necessary Documents and Material

It is a good habit to bring documents like copies of your resume and portfolio. Never assume that the firm’s interviewer will have your documents printed for when you walk in. Regarding the portfolio, this age is more digital, so you may want to bring a digital one only. That is not entirely wrong, but taking a hard copy with you is a good idea in case technology fails you.

In addition, have any other necessary material ready before starting. If the interview is online, ensure your computer or laptop is in a good state, fully charged, and with all updates completed. If it is on-site, bring in writing material like a pen, pencil, and a writing pad/notebook.

Present the Best Version of Yourself

The interviewer(s) will look at how well you present yourself or appear. Presentation goes a long way, and it covers different aspects. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for your interview and don’t get to the interview not sober. Again don’t arrive late. Interview late comers are only perceived as uninterested.

Both verbal and non-verbal communication play a significant role in any interview. So, watch how

you communicate. All the signs and the language you use reveal your inward attitude to the interviewer. Be polite and mindful of how you speak to everyone you meet.

Answer the questions audibly, and don’t mumble. Sit upright during the interview, avoid fidgeting, and maintain eye contact to show attentiveness.

Sell Yourself Positively

Every interviewer likes to know their candidates, and only those who sell themselves accordingly stand a chance. Selling yourself is not about appearing like a bragger. It is about walking the interviewer through your skills, qualifications, or experience (professional or volunteered) to make them see why you would be a suitable employee if hired.

Highlight your projects and design concepts or processes that make you stand out. Do not fake or overdo anything. Just let the interviewer see your passion. Know your strengths and sell or explain them with enough justice.

Remember to end the interview on a high and thank the interviewer for the opportunity.

Final Thoughts

Anyone getting ready for an architect interview can get nerve-wracked because you do not know what to expect. However, the positive side to the interview is that it can land you the job of your dreams. Many people have made it, and you can too.

With the tips above, you should be readier and more confident to ace the interview. All the Best!


Rethinking The Future (RTF) is a Global Platform for Architecture and Design. RTF through more than 100 countries around the world provides an interactive platform of highest standard acknowledging the projects among creative and influential industry professionals.