Importance of Architecture in our lives

Architecture is more than just the planning and development of the built environment; Importance of architecture reflects in our culture, our self-perception, and the environment in which we live. Imagine a world without architecture for a moment. A sterile environment is devoid of any structures or physical boundaries. There are no lovely buildings to admire. No skyline to be seen. There is nothing to protect us from severe weather. We seek refuge in the woods to receive what little protection the trees may provide. The idea of shelter serving as protection is foreign to us. It is safe to say that few people can endure such unforgiving conditions.

Importance of Architecture in our lives - Sheet1
Human existence without architecture_ ©sci-arc

Since the dawn, having a safe place to dwell has been essential to humanity. Humans used to live in caves before evolving to the point where we now have facilities explicitly created for each of our everyday activities and to meet our needs. This major shift from primitive to sophisticated shelters was made possible with the help of architecture. The readily available materials primarily influence the style of architecture in the area, the cultural nuances of the people in the area, and the region’s climate.

Influence of culture on Architecture | Importance of Architecture

Throughout history, people have used architecture to convey some profound ideas and concepts, such as when emperors constructed majestic castles to symbolize their might and power or when various religions erected their respective places of worship, using multiple architectural styles to add a distinctive touch to their structures. Mosques were distinguished by their minarets and domes, whereas churches were the only buildings with pointed arches, flying buttresses, and enormous C. There are different eras in architecture, and each period represents a different set of cultural values from the previous one. Every building has a story to tell. Some stories are left to the users’ interpretation, but others have an imposing concept dominating the style of the structure.

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The Blue Mosque_©Adli Wahid
Importance of Architecture in our lives - Sheet3
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris_ ©Zuffe

Urbanization is a reality due to architecture 

Architecture helped humans realize that they no longer had to look out for themselves but could live interdependent lives, leading to the formation of towns and cities. People who lived in a particular area built their homes nearby, which paved the way for the development of civilizations. Civilizations later significantly impacted the evolution of architecture, which went from simple housing or shelter solutions to more aesthetically pleasing and complex ones to make the world a beautiful place to live.

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Image 4_Urbanization_ ©Qilai Shen

Improved living conditions due to Architecture | Importance of Architecture

As architecture progressed, the housing design improved, improving its resistance to harsh weather conditions and making our lives more comfortable. In the Middle East, a system of windcatchers was established to protect indoor spaces from extreme weather conditions. These towers stood tall and drew out the hot air from the inside to the outside. They served as a passive cooling system that made life in the deserts bearable. In India, there used to be a stepwell system in which there would be pools of water beneath the structure, and the evaporation of the water would cool the design from the inside.

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Windcatcher Tower_ ©Amin Karimi

Architecture has a significant personal impact on its occupants as well as on society as a whole. Inhabitant health, mood, and productivity can all be influenced by various factors, including the space’s layout and material finishes. It’s been proven that people who work in well-designed spaces are more efficient, more concentrated, and generally contribute more to their businesses. It isn’t easy to quantify the emotional impact that well-designed architecture has on people. But everyone has experienced entering a space that feels perfect. It appeals to you on a deeper, subconscious level and is functional. Because functionality and feelings connect to the sensation of experiencing architecture, it’s crucial to design for functionality and draw inspiration from those emotions. An emotional and intellectual connection between the user and the environment is required.

The practice of architecture and its effects on society are both influenced by technology. With access to a worldwide workforce and the ability to take on projects across entire continents, architects are able to incorporate a diverse range of ideas and cultural perspectives into their work. The way we design has also changed as a result of technology. To name a few, computer-aided drafting, BIM modeling, and virtual reality have all made it much simpler to combine vision and reality, produce complex and one-of-a-kind shapes, and communicate information in new and better ways.

Humans and architecture coexist. People are essential to architecture, and humans cannot exist without it. The architecture reminds people that its structure and aesthetic can convey culture, desires, and history. Without architecture, there would be no places for libraries and books containing the recorded thoughts that have shaped humanity, no places to hang and view ground-breaking works of art, and no sites for people to gather to worship a higher force. The language of the architecture cleverly links the architect’s worldview to create a symbiotic relationship between practice and the public, serving as a type of call to arms to explore how our world is constructed. By juxtaposing this language with well-known architectural structures like the St. Louis Arch in Missouri, the Empire State Building in New York City, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, viewers are reminded of the histories of some of the most popular tourist locations in the world.


  1. Can you imagine a world without architecture? – sci-arc (no date) SCI. Available at: (Accessed: November 27, 2022). 
  2. DL, V.S.M.B.E. (2015) The role of architecture in humanity’s story, Thought Economics. Thought Economics. Available at: (Accessed: November 27, 2022). 
  3. How does architecture impact society? A high-level look: Thought leadership (2019) HMC Architects. Available at:  At%20its%20roots%2C%20architecture%20exists,how%20we%20see%20the%20world. (Accessed: November 27, 2022). 
  4. Staff, E. (2017) 7 ingenious ways architecture helped humans thrive, Mental Floss. Mental Floss. Available at: (Accessed: November 27, 2022). 
  5. (2017) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: November 27, 2022). 

Merin Jacob is a recent architecture graduate from Heriot Watt University and is currently working as an Architect Designer in Dubai. She is mainly interested in futuristic architecture and is keen on using the latest software’s in creating complicated forms and spaces.