Architecture is an immortal form of art, which stands still be it in past, present, or future. However as ‘Change is the only constant’, thus architecture evolves too with time, based on the surrounding environments. Past reminds of mistakes and inspires with good takeaways while present motivates to set a vision for future needs. Thus, for a brighter future, architecture strategies need to be figured out in present as per the future needs.

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Future of

Present Scenario Paving the Way for Future Needs

History has always been a witness that the issues in past has to lead us towards a brighter future through problem-solving approaches. Whenever there had been serious disasters or pandemics, it had lead to cleaner cities and towns ensuring a healthier environment. Similarly, the covid pandemic is reshaping our built too.

Typology of spaces

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Typology of

Being homebound for more than a year due to a pandemic, homes are no more just a space to live but also to work and play. Spaces are being transformed from conventional to co-working, multifunctional spaces. Now the focus would be more on healthier, cleaner safety than aesthetics. However, designing public spaces would be a challenge in such conditions. The exteriors along with attractive aesthetics should also pay attention to climatic factors. Not just exteriors, but even the interiors have to be taken care of where people would be living more often in the upcoming years. The interiors have a psychological effect on its users thus more attention could be given to the color pallet and textures. Factors like Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), humidity, natural daylight, and ventilation are also very important. 

Architecture and technology

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Architecture and

As the pandemic continued, the world didn’t stop. We continued, all thanks to our digital technology. People once said, ‘virtual world took people away from each other, that same medium brought us together in these tough times. Even in the field of architecture, technology has been a boon so far and will be in the long run too.

With the expansion of our population and the advent of ideas like big data and the Internet of Things, cities will become more interconnected. There are many sensors in situ already, monitoring various things in metropolises. In the near future, these sensors will multiply until they will monitor everything from streetlights and trashcans to road conditions and energy consumption. These smart cities will allow us to form more efficient use of our resources, lower our energy consumption, and build our cities to maximize efficiency. Big data is important to understanding how people in cities move, how energy is employed, how various aspects of infrastructure interact, and far more. 

While designing can be fun and exciting, many repetitive tasks drain an architect’s time and energy. The redesign and revision of the drawings would be taken care of by Artificial Intelligence which would make the drawings precise. This would also mean that the architect would have plenty of time to dedicate to the design. Once the conventional jobs are removed, the designer can devote these hours to the soul of the project. After all, creativity comes from a human end and therefore we have a long way to go.

The integration of massive data and interconnected technology alongside the increasing population will cause the required creation of smart cities. To continue providing people with safe, comfortable, and affordable places to measure, cities must incorporate techniques and technologies to bring them into the longer term.

Sustainability: The Need of the Hour


Sustainable architecture aims towards creating functional buildings today which will still have a minimal environmental impact and a lower energy usage to assist the generations of tomorrow. These environmentally conscious design techniques are paving the way for an entire new quite sustainable architecture. With cities constantly growing, and the prediction that 70% of the global population will be urban by 2050, the need for greenery is greater than ever. Regular access to nature is proven to have quantifiable benefits for mental and physical health, and to improve quality of life. The boundaries between nature and design might be seen getting blurred in the near future.

Developments like Green buildings and net-zero constructions have been coming up. Along with building features, even building materials are getting greener and sustainable. This may incorporate the use of recycled, recyclable, or environmentally friendly materials, or the use of renewable energy as part of the structure’s development, construction, and ongoing use. Also, passive design techniques, biophilic architecture, etc. are gaining importance nowadays. The ratings like GRIHA encourage architects and builders to build greener energy efficient structures. 

Thus developing new trends in architecture, under technology and sustainability, can lead us towards a brighter future. A group of architects with such similar ideologies, if come together, can create wonders. A small step today can contribute to a larger goal of a better life for tomorrow.


Medium. 2021. Emerging Trends That Will Shape the Future of Architecture

Future, R., 2021. L’intelligenceartificiellepeut-elleremplacer les architectes – Une perspective réaliste – RTF.

Prasad, A., 2021. Rethinking The Present – RTF | Rethinking The Future

Living, L., Home, S., design, S. and Blog, E., 2021. Sustainable architecture: green future of design – Engel & Völkers


Manali is a fresher in the world of architecture. Holding a strong passion for writing and profession of architecture, she has a vision to combine them both along with her skills of research and analysis to make this world a better place for all.