Architecture -The evolution of space and function where people live and work along with the surroundings is determined by design from its inception. The direct expression of societal ideas can be witnessed in architecture. A space that has been shaped by experience with customs and history is transformed into a common cultural place that echoes the sounds of human expressions.

Architecture is an essential and powerful form that embodies cultural foundations and drives societal harmony through unifying thought. New civilizations, a range of architectural styles, and city dynamics are the result of the interdependence of architecture and culture.

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People are greatly influenced by cities, and this effect extends to their mental and visual impressions, which are crucial in forming their overall opinions of other places. Perceptions of aesthetics and first impressions of images are important in evoking associations and feelings that represent a way of thinking about living and comprehending societies. Due to the formation and evolution of human settlements over time, spatial interaction, and disparity among attributes of aesthetic perceptions and city impressions experienced in complex and varied urban morphologies have been overlooked in areas with significant historical, cultural, and artistic values.

Society and Cultural desires:  Architecture as a stimulus

A unified mind where people have similar beliefs, customs, spiritual experiences, and life’s purpose is the basis of society. The emotions of individuals with things are expressed through cultural manifestations. The diversity of cultures across the globe demonstrates how to satiate emotions and emotional understanding of desires. 

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Culture is the past and present-day journal of humankind. Cultural roots use physical manifestations to express their values and architecture is closely related to these physical manifestations. Words, scriptures, and sacred phrases that have been shaped, coloured, and sprinkled on various surfaces. Vacuum combined with material forms transforms spaces into experiences. The desire or will of the community cohesively strive for the form development of deep experience. 

Although desires are mutable and have historical roots, they can be transformed into the basis of civil thought, and architecture serves as a vehicle for showcasing those characteristics through design and construction. 

Historical events use architectural traces to evaluate, observe, and analyze culture. There are voices of people, time, and remembrance in the heritage. 

Historical evidence of Architecture planning and design carved on societal and cultural narratives

Harappa civilization

Southeast Asia’s earliest urban civilization was the Harappan culture. As civilization evolved, it formed institutions of government, security for life, and means of subsistence. The broad social mindset is more forward-thinking when it comes to developing metropolitan areas. Water reservoirs, well-planned highways using a grid system, and the fortified wall demonstrate the progress made in our fundamental knowledge of human life. Even however, there is no proof that the Harappan culture practised religion, as evidenced by the absence of any temples or other religious structures. The city constructs buildings with a more pragmatic style that is functional. Among the many ways they have created to express their ideas in paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and metallurgy. Jewellery, nature worship, and hunting have all been observed. Shape dynamics and its accurate measurements have relevance in this civilization. Every single piece is well-measured and perfect in shape and volume. 

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Egypt civilization

Egyptian civilization carries thoughts of religious unison. The architecture was built for religious purposes. The Egyptian society grew in the thought of worshipping superiors like kings, queens and people who have the power to lead a community. Various monuments, statues and shrines have carved stone technology. The materials being explored have good built quality. variety of stones and earth architecture have been symbolic throughout construction. Strong cultural ties are seen when the humongous pyramids with shape accuracy are built through spiritual beliefs and cultural communism. The form of architecture primarily focused on principles of symmetry, balance, and grandeur. 

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Roman civilization

In Roman civilization, society sees architecture as a tool to provide the experience of entertainment, knowledge, and trading other than living spaces. Cities are built around forums and typology of forums for different types of work like market plazas, religious plazas, civic centres etc. The societal thoughts not only expressed architecture through spaces but also integrated it with construction technology. Various brick masonries, arches, and columns were designed and constructed during this period. Water is introduced to the city through aqueducts (water transport bridges). As the exterior of a building excites human senses Romans evaluate that the interiors of the building also matter to the extent of inviting and celebrating spaces. The use of stones, marble and carvings creates dynamic spaces. Ornamentation and detailing are given importance and the art is exhibited through architecture.

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Culture as an image of the city

A varied culture reflects the vibrant ideas of the times. Without people, a city turns into a frozen wasteland. The city is lively all year round due to activities based on many cultural customs. Urban areas build structures based on social stories about how people celebrate and relate to their everyday lives. 

Infrastructure, land use, and city form are all influenced by the local culture. Culture makes the interplay between tangible and intangible conceptions. Tourism is drawn to cities with strong cultural expression and traces in their architecture and infrastructure. Cities’ ecological and economic stability are balanced by their cultural diversity.

Because historic monuments are the foundation of the city, their preservation is vital. Its commercialization fosters the development of both cultural and economic links between the city and residents of other cities or nations. Uncontrolled urbanization destroys social and cultural values, which leads to a city’s loss of identity and makes it more lifeless and inhumane.

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from the prolonged evolution of humans and their environment. Culture has a fundamental role in human connection. It commercializes society, diversifies tedious mindsets, and unites people with various perspectives of view. Their historical experiences and expertise serve as the foundation for societal advancement. Through the creation of spaces and the physical possibilities they offer, architecture aids in the expression and preservation of those experiences. 

Architecture develops and is shaped by human experiences, where a person’s everyday activities play a significant role in customizing a space to suit their behaviour. The historical traces that govern the city’s progress to make it more dynamic and in line with the welfare of society are replicated in the same way. 


Chapter 9 fostering culturally rich communities – الأمم المتحدة. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January 2024). 

The cultural expression in architecture (2022) Urban Design lab. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024). 

Pal, S. (2018) 16 fascinating facts about Mohenjodaro & Indus Valley, a civilisation far ahead of its time, The Better India. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024). 

Harappan architecture and Town Planning (no date) And. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024). 

Iiad (2023) Egyptian architecture: History of ancient Egyptian architecture, IIAD. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024). 

Roman architecture (article) | ancient Rome (no date) Khan Academy. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024). 

Indus River Valley Civilizations (article) (no date) Khan Academy. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January 2024). 


Yash, a creative seeker, is interested in incorporating human-centric research into innovative design ideation. Beyond the drafting board, he explores uncharted territories, unravelling stories within structures and cultures. Yash envisions a journey where each architectural stroke unveils narratives resonating with the pulse of humanity, transforming spaces into profound experiences.