The Cork Studio is a customisable garden room that provides a flexible space for working, creating and relaxing in close proximity with the surrounding landscape.

Project: Cork Studio
Design Team: Luis Grilo
Area: 10m²
Year: 2019
Location: London, UK
Status: Concept

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It is conceived to make use of modular construction methodologies that prioritise off-site prefabrication and fast-track assembly techniques.

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The cladding is made of cork panels, a natural and renewable material with excellent thermal and acoustic performances.

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The building is topped by a lightweight sedum roof.


Studio Grilo is a London based architecture and design practice founded by Luis Grilo. The practice is committed to a thoughtful approach in the acts of making and creating spaces.

Studio Grilo’s work is underpinned by dialogue and collaboration from the initial brief to construction. The practice aims to develop sustainable projects that are economic and imaginative.

Studio Grilo is interested in architecture that is rooted in place and in investigating the appropriate material qualities for each context. It embraces the juxtaposition of tradition and experimentation, placing particular emphasis on the refinement of details. The practice’s work spans across the fields of architecture, interiors, installation and furniture.


Rethinking The Future (RTF) is a Global Platform for Architecture and Design. RTF through more than 100 countries around the world provides an interactive platform of highest standard acknowledging the projects among creative and influential industry professionals.