Parametric architecture is also known as the computational design is a type of design in which the forms and design solutions are generated with the help of computer algorithms. For the functionality and manufacturability of any design or form, the parametric design adds specific information, materials, and dimensions concerning the concept and engineering designs. 

Parametric design has greatly affected the design process’s workflow, the entire design process now can be easily demonstrated with the help of parametric modeling techniques. With the help of parametric design, the productivity and the quality of design has been enhanced as well as the entire design process has been simplified.

  1. Parametric design is all about wild imaginations-Whenever we think about parametric design, especially in architecture, the first thing that pops up in our mind is some weird looking shapes and forms wrapped up in different geometrical shapes that are visually stimulating representing parametric design. The designs and shapes used in the parametric design are wild and are very different from the conventional geometric shapes and forms. But parametric design is not just wild shapes and forms it is more than that. The parametric design translates ideas through certain parameters into reality.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet1
  1. It is just a theoretical philosophy- Parametric design is not just a theoretical philosophy, it is a tool that helps in solving issues related to visuals, perception, materials, and structures. The parametric design merges aesthetics and functionality and produces forms that are impossible to separate and helps in managing the complexities and gives freedom to form.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet2
Transformation of philosophy into built form ©
  1. Parametric design is just another style-Parametric design is not a style, because style always changes and follows trends and fashions. Whereas, parametric design is a tool and also a method that helps in the process of manufacturing buildings that are innovative and high in quality. Parametric design is a computational design and should not be confused with the computerization design which is putting something into a digital format.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet3
  1. Parametric architecture is for large scale projects only- This is one of the biggest misconceptions that parametric design is only for large scale projects. Definitely, large scale architecture projects use parametric design as a tool very commonly but this tool is for any design be it large scale or small scale. This tool helps in merging the aesthetics and functionality to produce high-quality building, and every building should be aesthetically pleasing as well as functionally efficient. 
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet4
Merges aesthetics and functionality ©
  1. Parametric architecture is not green architecture-Another misconception about parametric architecture is that parametric architecture uses glass and metal as materials that are a threat to the environment. But parametric architecture helps in saving the environment by producing ecological buildings with the help of a climate control system in buildings. Parametric architecture helps in the calculation of CO2 emission and how it can be controlled. With the help of parametric design, synergetic greenhouses are being developed on existing buildings to control the CO2. Parametric design has certain parameters that help in producing energy-efficient and sustainable buildings.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet5
Helps in building sustainable and eco-friendly buildings ©
  1. Parametric architecture is all about glass and metals-After the industrial revolution, glass and metals, especially steel were widely used for building construction as they are the cheapest materials. With the advancement of technology construction techniques have evolved so do the materials. One of the parameters of parametric architecture is materials, while design parametric architecture materials and climate are kept in mind and designed accordingly. Eco-friendly materials are used by parametric architecture which looks fancy and is sustainable in nature.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet6
  1. Parametric architecture is very complex- When we hear the word parametric we think about something which is very complex but actually, it is totally opposite to it. Parametric architecture has actually simplified the way we design a building which is efficient in all ways. Because of the certain parameters that can be modified according to the need parametric design helps in manufacturing efficient products in minimum time.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet8
  1. It is all computer-based. Architects are not needed- Some people feel threatened by the parametric architecture because they think that everything is done by the computer so there is no need for an architect. The worth of an architect will never get less as parametric architecture is just a tool which architects use for themselves in producing amazing structure, parametric architecture cannot replace architects.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet8
  1. It is a threat to the traditional design process-Parametric architecture does not always get all the attention. There are certain firms that focus only on 2D drawings and the end products are the visualization of finished products. And it requires a huge amount of investment to set up a parametric design studio and for small firms, it is not needed, so the traditional design method will be ethical to go with.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet9
  1. Parametric architecture is a recent invention-Parametric architecture, parametric design, or parametricism has been around from the very beginning, it is now that we have found it. Parametric design is a reality and it existed since time immemorial but it does not have a specific shape or look, it is a tool which has been modified with time and in the contemporary world is in so much demand.
Debunking Myths: 10 myths about Parametric architecture - Sheet10

While establishing the co relation of romanticism with words and architecture, Mohammed Bilal Shariff aims to use RTF as a medium to put forth a piece of his mindset with a desire to ignite new thoughts and perspectives in the reader's mind.