It is almost impossible today not to mention the Golden Gate Bridge in a list of the world’s most beautiful wonders. Since its inauguration, the Golden Gate Bridge has been the most representative symbol of San Francisco, with its 2737-meter-long bridge connecting San Francisco Bay with the Pacific Ocean. This suspension bridge does not symbolize just an alliance among both areas or a test that shows us our aim to give a solution to human being’s needs; it is more than that. The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge involved many representations, and even today, the final product still represents our resilience as human beings and especially our creativity. Over the years, this architectural feat shows how human solidarity has played an important role. 

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Construction of the Bridge| Golden Gate _©

It’s hard to imagine San Francisco without this bridge gracing its skyline. At first, the plans for its construction seemed fetched. Thanks to a combination of Wilkin’s innovative ideas and Strauss’s unwavering determination, the Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District was established in 1928.

A significant moment in Golden Gate Bridge history occurred on January 5, 1933. It marked the beginning of construction work on this orange bridge that stretches across the Golden Gate Strait.

Building this bridge was an endeavor under treacherous conditions. Throughout more than four years, workers encountered injuries, and unfortunately, many lost their lives. Some accidents from the construction of the bridge remain memories.

On May 27, 1937, pedestrians were finally able to walk across the bridge as it opened to them. Than 200,000 people eagerly stepped onto this gateway that day; soon after cars followed suit and began crossing over it.

Throughout the years the designs determined that the bridge was challenged with many potential hazards that included the turbulent waters of the bay and other natural forces. The Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 acted as a catalyst for seismic retrofitting, signaling the need to reinforce the structure against seismic threats. The subsequent restoration efforts, initiated in 1997 and extending well into the 21st century, aimed not only to fortify the bridge but also to uphold its historical significance. But, perhaps it was the man himself who presented the greatest threat to the bridge in the form of a defective conversion to open the bridge in preparation for the Year 2000.

The restoration entailed a precise combination of engineering fixes and historic preservation — a matter of finding the best materials and the latest construction techniques to make the strengthening as inconspicuous as possible. In the era of innovative structural engineering, even 

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The Golden Gate Bridge, then _©

the retrofitting to withstand earthquakes was clever enough that it did not radically alter the bridge’s historic design.

While the bridge stands as a testament to Joseph B. Strauss’s design theories, the fascinating aspect of its story lies beyond the history and vision of its creator. The construction of this structure was a collaborative endeavor involving two individuals, Wallace B. Fong and Charles Ellis, whose names may not be associated with the bridge itself. Mr. Fong, an engineer, played a crucial role in devising the lighting plan that beautifully illuminates its 5,390 feet at night. However, it was Mr. Ellis, the thoughtful lead engineer, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes without receiving recognition on the final span. Had he succumbed to his severe vertigo, hiring another engineer would have been unavoidable, leading to challenges in recalling and replacing his contribution.

The care of the Golden Gate Bridge warrants more than just routine maintenance. Its preservation is a commitment to carry its legacy forward for future generations to honor the historic documentation of the Golden Gate Bridge and the people who made a difference. Every chance this country gets to celebrate not just a suspension bridge but the fortitude of the human spirit.

The Golden Gate Bridge is not just a beautiful span. It is a human business card in every way. From the time James H. Wilkins proposed it in 1916, until the 17 years it took San Francisco to decide to build it, until the four years between Joseph Strauss filing the first construction permits until Charles Henry Purcell tapping in the last bolt, until its ugliest, filthiest yellow, to the problem of keeping it solid through regular tremors of Earth and mammoth windstorms, through its daily influx of visitors who spill sodas and beer through sidewalk grates, and its current hectic and packed old age, the Golden Gate Bridge has been about human staying power, foresight and, most important, San Francisco’s collective genius.

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Golden Gate Bridge, North View _©Wikipédia


Key Dates – moments & Events | Golden Gate (no date).

American Experience, PBS (2019) ‘Golden Gate Bridge Chronology,’ American Experience | PBS, 6 August.

Anderson, E. (2012) ‘Span of time: Key dates in Golden Gate Bridge history,’ SFGATE, 6 August.

Wikipedia contributors (2023) Golden Gate.

Golden Gate – Pont et symbole de San Francisco (no date).,%C3%A9tait%

Wikipedia contributors (2023b) Joseph Strauss (engineer).