Baroque architecture is an architectural style that emerged in Europe in the late 16th century and peaked in the 17th and 18th centuries. Baroque architecture was closely related to the Catholic church because of its boldness, drama and ornate and elaborate decorations. It was often used to convey religious themes in awe-inspiring spaces. Baroque architecture responded to the Renaissance’s more restrained and rational style and aimed to create a sense of awe and emotion in the viewer.

Baroque architecture: grandeur, drama, and theatricality - Sheet1
The Trevi Fountain by Salvi & Pannini _© Catarina Belova/ Shutterstock

One of the defining characteristics was an emphasis on creating a sense of movement and dynamism, often achieved through curvilinear forms, undulating lines and dramatic angles. The buildings were often designed with a sense of theatricality, and the use of contrasting light and shadow (chiaroscuro) was of utmost importance to create a sense of depth and drama this style was known for. By incorporating these design aspects, the result was facades that gave the impression of depth and interiors often adorned with frescos, stucco work, and tromp-l’oiel paintings that added a sense of spectacle and grandeur.

This architectural style also profoundly impacted the arts, music and lifestyle of the time. By exploring these influences, this essay will delve into the significance of Baroque architecture and its cultural impact on society.

Art and Baroque Architecture

Baroque architecture: grandeur, drama, and theatricality - Sheet2
Saint Jerome Writing by Caravaggio_©Kalligone

Art played a crucial role in shaping Baroque Architecture and vice versa. An emphasis on emotional expression marked this period conveyed through dynamic and dramatic art forms. Painters like Caravaggio, Rembrandt and Reuben portrayed biblical scenes and mythological narratives with a heightened sense of drama and theatricality, relying on chiaroscuro to emphasise these emotive expressions. Characterised by their dynamic energy, Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s sculptures inspired architects to incorporate movement and drama into their designs.

The use of trompe-l’oeil and illusionist techniques was another notable influence of art on Baroque Architecture. Artists like Andrea Pozzo and Giovanni Battista Gaulli employed these techniques to create the illusion of three-dimensional space on two-dimensional surfaces. Architects embraced this idea and applied it to their buildings, using elaborate frescos, stucco décor and ornate plasterwork to deceive the eye and create a sense of grandeur.

Music and Baroque Architecture

Baroque architecture: grandeur, drama, and theatricality - Sheet3
St Nicolas Church Interior_©PragueFM

Music was closely intertwined with Baroque architecture, as both art forms sought to create a multisensory spiritual experience. Baroque music, characterised by its intricate compositions, elaborate ornamentation, and emotional intensity, mirrored the architectural style of the time. Composers like Johan Sebastian Bach and George Frederic Handel used complex harmonies and intricate melodies in their compositions. Their music’s dramatic contrasts and emotional intensity echoed this architectural style’s dynamic and expressive qualities.

The design of the churches at the time was influenced by the desire to create a space that enhanced the musical experience. The use of vaulted ceilings and expansive interiors allowed for the resonance and amplification of sound. Organ galleries were often integrated into the architectural design, providing a major platform for musicians and further immersing the audience in the musical performance. The visual aesthetics of the churches like St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, with their ornate altarpieces and decorative details, complemented the auditory experience, creating a harmonious union between music and architecture.

Lifestyle and Baroque Architecture

St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City_©

Baroque Architecture was deeply intertwined with the lifestyles of the church and nobility, who were the primary patrons of the arts. The Catholic church used grand architectural projects to express its power, wealth and influence. Elaborate cathedrals, palaces and monasteries served as symbols of religious devotion and political authority, showcasing the luxury and magnificence associated with this style.

Baroque architecture: grandeur, drama, and theatricality - Sheet5
Ornate golden interior of St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City_© Sunshine/ Shutterstock

The layout of Baroque palaces, like the Palace of Versailles in France, was carefully designed to accommodate social gatherings. The interiors with grand reception halls and ballrooms adorned with mirrors, gilded surfaces and frescos enhance its visual impact and create an illusion of luxury and magnificence. The gardens surrounding the palace were meticulously landscaped, featuring intricate patterns, fountains and sculptures, further enhancing the overall aesthetic.

The lavish lifestyles of the aristocracy and upper classes were centred and intertwined with the grandeur and drama of Baroque Architecture, with extravagant parties, masquerades and performances becoming integral aspects of their social calendar, creating a symbiotic relationship between the built environment and the social fabric of the time.

Baroque architecture: grandeur, drama, and theatricality - Sheet6
Palace of Versailles courtyard_© Elena Korchenko / Alamy Stock Photo

Baroque architecture left an indelible mark on European society, influencing the world of art and music and how people lived during the Baroque period. Its grandeur, drama and theatricality permeated all aspects of life, from the ornate paintings and sculptures to the complex compositions of Baroque music. The interplay between architecture, art, music and lifestyles created a cohesive cultural movement that defined an era. The lifestyles of the elite and aristocratic classes were intimately connected to Baroque architecture, as palaces and grand residences served as symbols of power and wealth whose buildings facilitated lavish social gatherings and events, further enhancing the theatrical nature of the era. 

Baroque architecture: grandeur, drama, and theatricality - Sheet7
Palace of Versailles Gardens_©

Overall, Baroque architecture, an extravagant and expressive style, reflected its time, capturing the spirit of the period and leaving a lasting legacy. Its grandeur, drama and theatricality make it a distinctive and influential architectural movement in art and design history.


Belova C (2023) Trevi Fountain, Shutterstock (Photograph, online) Available at: [Accessed 17 July 2023]

Brady S (2022) Royal rooms of Palace of Versailles rejoin the tourist circuit after makeover project (Photograph, online) Available at: [Accessed 17 July 2023] 

Carney R. (2023) Top 25 Examples of Baroque Architecture (Last Updated 2022) available at: [Accessed 09 July 2023]

Chang R (2020 ) Why Rome is building a barrier in front of one of its most iconic sights (Last Updated 2020) Available at: [Accessed 17 July 2023] 

Kalligone (2023). Saint Jerome Writing by Caravaggio. [Image, online]. (Last updated 2023) Available at: [Accessed 09 July 2023].

Korchenko E (2017) Versailles palace facade (Photgraph, online) Available at: [Accessed 17 July]

Mansel P (2021) How the English fell in love with Versailles, Louis XIV’s ‘most magnificent and Royal palace’ (Photograph, online) Available at: [Accessed 17 July 2023]

Prague Guide FM (2023). St Nicholas Church [Photograph, online]. (Last updated 2021) Available at: [Accessed 09 July 2023].

St. Peter’s Basilica (2023) St Peter’s Basilica (Photograph, online) Available at: [Accessed 17 July 2023]

Sunshine (2018) Ornate golden interior of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican, Italy (Photograph, online) Available at: [Accessed 17 July 2023]


Juliet Kavishe is a Design Educator and Professional Interior Architect. Over a career spanning 16 years, she has worked on high-end residential homes and taught design at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her personal Design Motto is that Architecture or Design is achieved once you consider the complexities and interrelationships of human beings and their surroundings.