In today’s bustling world, the significance of holistic design in crafting spaces that promote both physical and emotional restoration has garnered increasing attention. This approach transcends traditional architectural concepts, emphasizing the interconnectedness of various design elements and their profound impact on human well-being. Let’s delve into the principles and practices of holistic design and explore how they contribute to creating environments that nurture the mind, body, and soul.

Succeed with Holistic Design

To adopt a holistic design approach, organizations may need to change their cultural mindset. Here are the main holistic considerations:

  1. Because one interaction is typically only part of a series auser takes towards a goal, examine where one task fits in overall and make the best entry and exit points (e.g., checkout).
  2. Investigate cause-and-effect chains and get behind users’ eyes with, for example, design thinking. Issues aren’t typically isolated. They can be wicked problems (i.e., extremely intricate). If decision-makers “solve” one problem but fail to consider associated issues, they can cause repercussions.
  3. Design for the transitions between interactions – users access products/services in various circumstances and ways. Twenty-first-century user experiences consist of many user moments where users pursue goals in many ways. Previously, there was one way (e.g., to buy vacations from a bricks-and-mortar travel agent).
  4. Use customer journey maps, user stories, personas and touchpoints matrices to help illustrate the entire user context and the associated systems and tangent issues.
  5. Produce sufficient resources for all touchpoints. For example, the designers of a municipal bicycle system in a city that requires helmets must examine how to supply helmets. Similarly, UX designers must predict both digital and physical aspects of users’ needs.
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© Interaction design foundation
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© Interaction design foundation

Embracing Biophilic Elements: Bringing Nature Indoors

One of the cornerstones of holistic design is the integration of biophilic elements—features inspired by nature that foster a deep connection with the natural world. From cascading greenery to tranquil water features, incorporating biophilic design elements brings the restorative power of nature indoors. Research has shown that exposure to nature can reduce stress, enhance cognitive function, and promote overall well-being. By infusing spaces with elements such as natural light, organic materials, and views of greenery, designers can create environments that soothe the senses and rejuvenate the spirit.

Biophilic design strives to craft indoor spaces that embrace nature through the incorporation of natural elements, materials, and forms. This design philosophy encompasses three distinct levels of connection with nature:

  1. Direct experiences (like glimpses through windows, abundant natural light, and live plants),
  2. Indirect experiences (such as nature-themed artwork, recorded natural sounds, and earthy colour palettes),
  3. Overall spatial concept (evaluating if the layout mimics natural settings and offers a sense of refuge).
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Promoting Inclusivity and Accessibility: Designing for All

Holistic design prioritizes inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that spaces are welcoming and accommodating to individuals of all abilities. This involves thoughtful consideration of factors such as universal design principles, ergonomic considerations, and sensory stimulation. In healthcare facilities, for example, designing spaces that cater to patients with diverse needs fosters a sense of comfort and dignity. Similarly, in educational environments, incorporating sensory-friendly design elements can enhance learning experiences for all students. By creating spaces that are inclusive and accessible, designers can ensure that everyone can fully participate and engage in their surroundings, promoting a sense of belonging and well-being.

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Fostering Social Connection: Designing for Community

Human connection is essential for emotional well-being, and holistic design seeks to foster social interaction and community engagement within built environments. This involves creating spaces that facilitate communication, collaboration, and shared experiences. From vibrant communal areas to intimate gathering spaces, designing for social connection encourages people to come together, share ideas, and build meaningful relationships. In residential settings, communal gardens, shared kitchens, and cozy lounges create opportunities for residents to connect with their neighbors and cultivate a sense of belonging. By prioritizing social connection, designers can create environments that promote emotional support, camaraderie, and a sense of community.

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Creating Sanctuary: Spaces for Reflection and Restoration

In today’s fast-paced world, creating sanctuaries—spaces dedicated to relaxation, reflection, and restoration—is more important than ever. Holistic design embraces the concept of creating tranquil retreats within the built environment, where individuals can escape the pressures of daily life and reconnect with themselves. From cozy reading nooks to serene meditation rooms, designing spaces that promote solitude and introspection allows people to recharge their batteries and find inner peace. By incorporating elements such as soft lighting, comfortable furnishings, and natural materials, designers can create environments that invite relaxation and rejuvenation, supporting both physical and emotional well-being.

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Designing for the Whole Person

Holistic design offers a transformative approach to creating environments that promote physical and emotional restoration. By embracing biophilic elements, prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility, fostering social connection, and creating sanctuaries for reflection and restoration, designers can craft spaces that nurture the mind, body, and soul. In an increasingly hectic and stressful world, the importance of these environments cannot be overstated. As architects and designers, it is our responsibility to prioritize the well-being of the people who inhabit the spaces we create. Through holistic design, we have the opportunity to cultivate environments that support health, happiness, and harmony for all.


Understanding holistic design What is design?

Biophilic design: Bringing Nature to indoor


Amen Abrha, a dynamic young architect and author, is celebrated for her visionary concept of "Healing through architecture." Graduating with distinction, she channels her passion into creating spaces that promote well-being. Amen shares her unique perspective through insightful writings, blending the realms of architecture and healing for a transformative impact.