New Urbanism is one of the foremost events in architecture and planning. It originated in the early 1980s as an urban design movement that will promote communities that are sustainable, livable, and well-connected. New Urbanism is a response to environmental problems such as urban sprawl faced by communities post second world war. It focuses on human-centered urban designs. It aims to provide solutions in order to revive deteriorating cities, revitalization of the suburbs, protect the natural environment, and overall improve the quality of life of people and their communities. Gradually, the New Urbanism concept gained wide recognition across communities and became infused into developments as well as public policy. It inspired design concepts that promoted smart growth, healthy cities, and transit-oriented communities. Architecture, which is a key factor in the New Urbanism concept, plays an important role in shaping the natural environment and the principles of the movement. It plays an important role in achieving the principles and goals of New Urbanism. 

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Mueller Community, Austin, Texas_©Mueller Austin

The role of architecture in New Urbanism is multifaceted, and this article will explore its contribution to community development within the concept of new urbanism. 

Mixed Land Uses and Walkability

Architecture plays an important role in designing buildings that can be used for various activities within close proximity in the New Urbanism projects. Mixed-use buildings integrate residential, commercial, and recreational spaces in one building or neighborhood. By incorporating various land uses into a building or group of buildings, architects enhance urban diversity and vitality. Architecture also influences the physical design of urban spaces to make them more walkable and in close proximity. The buildings are designed on street-oriented, dynamic ground floors and feature entrances, storefronts, and other public-facing areas that are easily accessible from sidewalks. This pedestrian-friendly layout encourages street life and facilitates interaction between pedestrians and building residents. Furthermore, architecture influences street layout, emphasizing narrow streets, alleys, and interconnected pathways. This design choice reduces distances between destinations, encourages walking as a primary mode of transportation, and creates a sense of community.


Architecture plays the role of influencing housing design to prioritize pedestrian movement and safety in New Urbanism. Pedestrian-friendly design features include wide and well-maintained sidewalks, accessible entry, and clear way-finding signage. The architectural design also includes features such as covered walkways or playgrounds, public spaces, and attractive storefronts, all of which contribute to creating a pedestrian-friendly environment that promotes connectivity. Building setback refers to the distance between the façade of a building and the street or sidewalk. Architecture can affect setbacks to improve connectivity. By adding appropriate setbacks, architects can widen sidewalks, providing enough space for pedestrians to walk comfortably. Wider sidewalks not only promote the safe movement of pedestrians but create opportunities for outdoor seating, street vendors, and other amenities that promote connectivity. 

Also, as a role in New Urbanism, architectural design considers the orientation and dimensions of buildings to provide optimal connectivity. Buildings can be strategically oriented to align with streets, public transportation, or major destinations. By making buildings conform to these elements, architects create visual and physical connections, facilitating movement between parts of the urban fabric and increasing connectivity.

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Downtown San Antonio from Tower of the Americas_©ZeChief

Historical Preservation

Architects play an important role in preserving the architectural heritage of existing buildings. The historical significance, structural integrity, and unique features of these buildings are carefully accessed. Through restoration and preservation efforts, architects preserve the original building elements, materials, and building methods that contribute to the cultural value of these historic buildings. Within the concept of New Urbanism, Architecture encourages integrated development rather than demolition of existing structures. This approach recognizes the value of historic buildings and their contribution to the cultural fabric of a community. By repurposing and transforming these buildings, the architects are helping to preserve the architectural heritage and ensuring that the character and historic values of the neighborhood are maintained. 

Smart Transportation

In New Urbanism, architecture plays a key role in facilitating smart mobility. By combining thoughtful planning with transportation design, support for electrical transport, connectivity, and incorporating intelligent technologies, architects contribute to a transportation system that is effective, well-connected, and sustainable. It also reduces congestion and supports sustainable transportation modes. Transit-oriented development is at the heart of new Urbanism and aims to create vibrant, walkable neighborhoods that focus on public transit hubs. Architects play a vital role in designing the buildings and communities that support these transport systems. They ensure that the buildings are conveniently located near transit hubs and offer pedestrian-friendly designs that encourage easy access and connectivity for transit users. Architecture can also help achieve smart transportation by providing infrastructure and support for electric mobility. 

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A main street in Celebration, Florida_©

Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

In New Urbanism, architecture plays an important role in incorporating sustainable development and green building practices. Architects use a variety of techniques to improve energy efficiency in buildings. This includes designing well-insulated building envelopes to reduce heat gain or loss, promoting natural daylight to reduce reliance on artificial light, and the use of shade or passive construction techniques to control solar radiation. By prioritizing the building of envelopes, architects reduced the consumption of energy and increased the comfort of occupants. Architecture devotes to sustainability by fusing renewable energy systems into building design. Architects and engineers collaborate to generate clean energy on-site by adding solar panels, wind turbines, or geothermal systems. By embracing renewable energy, architect, in turn, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help in the fight against climate change

It prioritizes environmentally friendly materials in building design and construction. This includes choosing low-energy, recycled, or sustainable materials. Architects also consider products that have a minimal environmental impact during their life cycle from manufacturing to disposal. By incorporating environmentally friendly materials, architects help reduce consumption, waste, and carbon emissions. They also play an important role in the design of buildings that incorporate rainwater harvesting systems. These systems collect rainwater and store it for uses such as irrigation, toilet flushing, or cooling systems. By using rainwater harvesting, builders reduce stress on urban water supplies, conserve water and promote sustainable water management.

Main Square, Poundbury, England_©Leon Krier, 2017

Quality of Life

Architecture contributes to the quality of life in New Urbanism by creating a humane and well-designed built environment. Considering factors such as accessibility, community spaces, aesthetics, sustainable development, walkability, and connectivity, architecture enhances the overall sustainability and well-being of individuals and communities. It also contributes to the beauty of the built environment, making it a visually appealing and harmonious place. Architecture promotes sustainable design that affects the environment and individual well-being. Buildings with energy-efficient design, green building techniques, and environmentally friendly materials contribute to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


The role of architecture in New Urbanism includes shaping the environment, implementing mixed-use development, increasing walkability and connectivity, enhancing community and social interaction, creating historic preservation, and promoting sustainability. By making use of these roles, Architecture plays an important role in bringing to life the vision of New Urbanism and creating a sustainable, livable, and well-connected neighborhood. 


Porwal, S. and Sharma, S. (2019). New Urbanism and Architecture in Indian Context: School of Architecture 

Garde, A. (2020). New Urbanism: Past, Present and Future. Urban planning, 5(4), pp.453-463.  Available from: DOI: 10.17645/up.v5i4.3478. [Accessed: July 13, 2023].

Milesbrand (2022). What are the principles of New Urbanism?. [Online]. Last updated November 10, 2022. Available at


Anastasia, a passionate graduate in Urban Planning, with a natural flair for writing. With a keen eye for detail and a creative mindset, Anastasia beautifully weaves together narratives that explore the intricacies of the built environment, showcasing her unique blend of career and hobby.