Miro Rivera Architects – Architecture Firms in Austin

Miro Rivera Architects, founded by Miguel Rivera and Juan Miró, emerges from a rich tapestry woven with international influences. Born a few days apart in Puerto Rico and Spain, their architectural journeys converged in the United States. Both studied in San Juan and Madrid before pursuing Master’s Degrees at Columbia and Yale. Fate brought them together in 1991 at Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects in New York City, where their enduring partnership began.

A Shared Vision: Architecture with Purpose

Responsible Architecture as a Guiding Principle

Miro Rivera Architects distinguishes itself through a commitment to “Responsible Architecture.” This guiding principle reflects in every project the studio undertakes. The ethos encompasses a deep sense of responsibility towards the environment, communities, and the individuals who interact with the architectural spaces. Miguel Rivera and Juan Miró bring a shared vision to create designs that not only stand as architectural marvels but also contribute positively to the world.

Building Friendships and Foundations

More Than Partners: Friends and Family

The roots of Miro Rivera Architects delve into personal connections, going beyond professional collaborations. The bond between Miguel Rivera and Juan Miró extends beyond the drafting table—they are friends, united by a shared passion for architecture. This personal connection amplifies their creative synergy, fostering an environment where innovation flourishes.

Arrival in Austin: A New Chapter Unfolds

Teaching and Shaping Minds

Miguel’s sister, Rosa Rivera, introduced to Juan through Miguel during her studies at Barnard College in New York City, became an integral part of their shared journey. The trio moved to Austin in 1996, marking the genesis of a new chapter. Juan, taking on the role of a Project Architect for Gwathmey Siegel, also joined the University of Texas School of Architecture. His commitment to architectural education extended to serving as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs for four years, leaving an indelible mark on future architects.

Founding Juan Miró Architects

A Pioneering Venture

In 1997, Juan Miró and Rosa Rivera took a bold step by founding Juan Miró Architects. This venture laid the foundation for what would later evolve into Miro Rivera Architects. The early projects undertaken by the firm reflected a commitment to innovation, setting the stage for the unique blend of creativity and responsibility that defines their architectural philosophy.

Miro Rivera Architects Takes Shape

From Friendship to Firm

As the years progressed, the synergy between Miguel Rivera, Juan Miró, and Rosa Rivera blossomed into Miro Rivera Architects. The studio, shaped by their collective vision, embarked on a journey marked by innovation, sustainability, and a profound sense of responsibility. With a focus on Residential, Institutional, Sports & Recreational projects across the United States, Miro Rivera Architects has become a symbol of architectural excellence.

A Legacy in the Making

Crafting Spaces, Forging Legacies

Miro Rivera Architects stands at the intersection of friendship, family, and a shared passion for architecture. Their journey, from international collaborations to shaping young minds in Austin, culminated in a studio that goes beyond conventional architectural practices. Miro Rivera Architects crafts spaces that not only capture the imagination but also contribute to a responsible and sustainable built environment—a legacy in the making, leaving an indelible mark on the world of architecture.



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