Have you ever wondered what it would have been like if the “friends” characters had apartments in the year 2020? It has been more than a decade when fans bid adieu to the show’s finale. However, it still remains to be a cult comedy favourite for a number of people who still watch the reruns of this classic on TV or on a streaming platform. Watching the show gives a kick to our right brains to get the creative juices flowing and redecorate our apartment interiors the “friends” way. This guide might help you to spice up your house and channel your inner obsessive fan. Let us have a look at how the apartments would have been in the year 2020!

Monica and Rachel’s Apartment | Apartment interiors

It is no doubt that this iconic apartment continues to be everyone’s favourite. It claims to be the perfect blend of quirky and comfortable. A number of people aspire to live in Greenwich Village and dream of having an apartment like the one Monica inherited from her late grandmother. The apartment is around 1500 square feet that has two bedrooms and a bathroom followed by a balcony and an open kitchen. It has been said that set designer Greg Grande wanted to develop “a whole new kind of eclectic taste with a flea-market, whimsical, and anything-goes style” vibe. The apartment has quite a few pieces that remain eye-catching and on everybody’s to-buy list to date. The first one happens to be the gold frame hung on the door with the Jouets poster over Monica’s TV.

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Apartment interiors-Frame ©people.com
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Apartment interiors-JouetsPoster ©pinterest.com
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Apartment interiors-JouetsPoster ©pepperfry.com

In 2020, if the apartment would have wooden flooring unlike the one in the show, but still would have followed the same colour palette, it would have looked something like this.

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Apartment interiors-Floor & Walls ©carpetone.com

It has been observed that the set of chairs around the kitchen table changed throughout the show. This in turn adds to the quirky character of the apartment. This would still continue if it were the present era, maybe a bench to accommodate all her visitors to crash at all times and during holidays or the dinners, she hosted.

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Chairs ©blog.westelm.com
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Chairs ©lekkerhome.com

The open kitchen would have cabinets where all the utensils, condiments and spices would have been arranged to the tee since Monica is a clean freak and obsessed with having everything organized perfectly. She would have gone with a Scandinavian vibe that involves spotless white surfaces.

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Kitchen ©autoiq.co
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Kitchen ©thekitchn.com

Chandler and Joey’s Apartment

When we think about this apartment, the first few things that come to mind are La-Z-Boy’s leather recliners, the Magna Doodle, and the one and only foosball table. These would have been in their apartment, without a doubt, in the current years as well. There would have been a more advanced version of the recliners in front of a curved plasma TV with a pizza stand, cup holders and the foosball table by the side. 

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Recliners ©wsj.com
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Recliners ©la-z-boy.com

There would have been a whiteboard instead of the Magna Doodle on the door with the foosball table because there was no way the guys would have gotten rid of it.

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Apartment interiors-Whiteboard ©pinterest.com
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Apartment interiors-Foosball ©rollingstone.com

Throughout the show, the apartment tends to have minty and beige walls. However, to reflect more of a bachelor’s pad vibes, in 2020, it would have been the colour grey and navy blue that would have reflected this.

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Apartment interiors-Grey ©decoholic.org

Phoebe’s Apartment

Phoebe’s Apartment would have portrayed her style and personality, which is fun, colourful and eccentric. She had an out-of-the-box personality and this was reflected in her choice of fashion too. She often wore a ton of patterns and carried a bohemian look. This would have been the case in terms of her choices for the apartment too. It would have been decorated with quirky pieces with macramé hangings and a stand for her guitar or a space dedicated to music. The upholstery around the house would have been velvety or patterned contrasted with a more laid-back bohemian vibe of the curtains and dream catchers.

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Phoebe ©pinterest.com
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Phoebe ©escapisttothecountry.com
Phoebe ©freedsgn.com

Let’s not forget Einstein’s picture by the entrance because Phoebe thought Einstein was her grandfather.

Phoebe ©in360news.blogspot

The show doesn’t address beliefs or religions but there have been a few glimpses where Phoebe’s apartment has a Buddha shrine with a Gold Buddha statue. A decade later, it would have still been a prominent feature observed in the living room.

Phoebe ©lotussculpture.com

Ross’ Apartment | Apartment interiors

Ross moves into his third apartment after the 4th season. This particular apartment was across the street, opposite Monica’s apartment for which he had to use his tactics to beat the other competitive buyers. The house would have been incorporated with several shelves to display all his geeky dinosaur figurines. Throughout the show, it has been observed that Ross had a desire to collect mythological artefacts along with terracotta and clay vessels or décor items.

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Ross ©youtube.com via dansurprise
Ross ©pinterest.com

How can one forget his beloved apothecary table? The character claims to have bought this table from a pottery barn, from where he got some of his bedsheets from too. Ross wouldn’t have given up this mahogany table after all these years and it would have still been a statement piece of his apartment. There is a possibility that he would have bought more furniture pieces from there.

Apartment interiors© screenrant.com
Apartment interiors© huffpost.com
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Apartment interiors© potterybarn.com

Disha is a 21 year old work-in-progress studying architecture. She is truly passionate about movies, art, books and writing. What sets her apart is her optimistic attitude and the desire to always strive for perfection. Coffee and cognizance is what keeps her sane.