On April 30, 1891, Aurora was founded as the town of Fletcher. The new community, one of many suburbs around Denver, covered four square miles of prairie between Yosemite Street and Peoria Street and 6th Avenue and 26th Avenue north and south. The town, named for one of the developers, Donald Fletcher, had 39 residents, a water system in the works, and 14 new brick dwellings with indoor plumbing. The new occupants’ and developers’ high hopes were short-lived. The water supply was quickly shut down due to drought, and the Silver Panic of 1893 caused a sharp reduction in property values. Despite this, the town of Fletcher survived and was renamed Aurora in 1907.

Re-thinking The Future is a global platform for architecture and design. RTF along with our authors has curated a list of top interior designing firms in various cities across the globe. Please note that the names are arranged in alphabetical order and are not ranked in any manner.

A+ Design Total Interior

Scope of services: Interior design, construction and architecture
Types of Built Projects: Residential, public, commercial and hospitality
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Remodelling and restoration
Website: www.aplusdesignco.net

Construction of homes and businesses is the area of specialisation for general contractor A Plus Design Inc. On projects ranging from new construction to both small and major remodelling and restoration jobs, we service the CO region as well as areas outside of it.

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Align Home Design

Scope of services: Interior design, home design,  decoration, real-estate, and organizer
Types of Built Projects: Residential, public, commercial and hospitality
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Creating better built environments
Website: www.alignhomedesign.com

Interior designer and organizer Lynda Pasteur has a passion for assisting others in loving their homes. She is committed to the cause of enabling people to develop and reinvent their houses in ways that have a positive influence on how they live their lives. She believes that excellent design and good organization go hand in hand.

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Residential project _©https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55dbbb27e4b07216e05b5bc2/1501823005960-U30ZTL726E12YWBAQ8P2/Abe-Isaac-Living-Dining-Room-5.jpg?format=750w

Aragon Interior Designs

Scope of services: Interior design, remodelling, paint colour plans and styling
Types of Built Projects: Residential and retail interior
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Modern spaces
Website: www.aragoninteriordesigns.com

Based in Lone Tree (Denver), Colorado, Aragon Interior Designs is an interior design company that serves Douglas County, Denver, and the surrounding areas.

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Aurora Interior Design

Scope of services: Interior design, furniture, design consulting and flooring
Types of Built Projects: Residential and commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Sophistication and novel approach towards design
Website: www.aurorainteriordesigns.com

Their commitment to achieving the goals of their clients defines Aurora. They work hard to build unique environments that showcase the best in interior design, whether they are commercial or domestic, industrial or classic. The main objective of their design team is to infuse each project with a relaxed, streamlined sophistication as well as enthusiasm for a novel approach to the interiors.

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Beautiful Habitat Interior Design

Scope of services: full service of Interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Spaces that have a sense of solace and joy
Website: www.beautifulhabitat.com

Award-winning interior design company Beautiful Habitat, based in Denver, was established in 2007 with the mission that a house should be more than just a place to live. It ought to bring about a profound sense of solace, assistance, and joy.

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Broxton Design & Dev Inc

Scope of services: Interior design and development
Types of Built Projects: Residential and commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Real estate management
Website: www.broxtondesign.com

In 2012 saw the addition of business move management and relocation coordinating to Broxton Design’s list of services. Starting with the transfer of more than 125 personnel from Schriever Air Force Base to their brand-new facility at Peterson Air Force Base. Since then, the Broxton Design team has coordinated move services for other organizations, including Buckley AFB, the Department of Veterans Affairs, SCL Health St. Joseph, University of Colorado Health, and Kaiser Permanente.

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Residential design _©https://www.broxtondesign.com/residential/residential-design

BSW Design

Scope of services: full-service Interior designing
Types of Built Projects: Residential, custom millworks and commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Sleek and simple
Website: www.bswdesign.ca

Brittany Steptoe-Wright is the creator and principal of BSW Design, a passionate dog mom, wife, and longtime equestrian. She also calls herself a self-described nature ninja.

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Residential  _©https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f319097f66a407353eb862d/1598452652400-YH4C7UTO6467EZZ7YKO6/DSC_1781.jpg?format=1000w

Cassandra Lohr Design International

Scope of services:  Interior designing, architecture, design and customization
Types of Built Projects: Residential, clubs and commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
 Style of work: Trump style, Colorado homes
Website: www.cassandradesigns.com

Interior designer Cassandra Lohr has received recognition from Architectural Digest for her cover and feature article as well as for being featured in their special edition, “Twentieth Century Architectural Digest: 100 Years of Design.” The magazines Trump Style, Luxe, and Colorado Homes & Lifestyles have also featured her writing.

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Ck Interior Design LLC

Scope of services:  Interior designing, architecture and design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, hospitality and commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
 Style of work: According to client’s needs
Website: www.ck-interiors.com

They are Denver, Colorado-based creative interior design team. Having worked in the design field for more than 20 years, we’ve discovered that clients that are involved, trustworthy, and open-minded bring out the best in designers. We have learned to design while retaining the genuine essence of our clients’ designs because they are a constant source of inspiration for them.

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DMC Stagers

Scope of services:  Interior designing, staging, organization, real estate and design
Types of Built Projects: Residential
Locations of Built Projects: Aurora
Style of work: Practical approach
Website: www.duboismanagementconsulting.com

DMC is available to help with downsizing, decluttering, professional organising, downsizing, contracting, cleaning, and furniture placement.

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Laxmi Rajput is a part of the in-house team at Re-thinking The Future and Eduwik. She is one of those people who holds the team together, communicates with them to create better work and outputs. She loves reading and watching informative dramas.