Life has its way of reminding us we have no control over what happens. One minute, you’re at the top of the world, and all your dreams align; the next, you hit rock bottom. It is a rollercoaster of emotions and events that shape our character.

We all want to experience life’s highs that bring us joy, excitement, enjoyment, and success. But it is also good to embrace the low moments. The duality of life makes it a prerequisite to appreciate both worlds.

We’ve read plenty of self-help books and papers, even from the essay writing service Advancing our lives amidst the highs and lows is a common topic most readers are keen on.

What happens when you hit that stumbling block and nothing seems to work for you? The easy route is to point fingers and not take responsibility for your current predicament. You can blame the universe and its forces working against you.

But there are far safer and healing methods to keep you on your toes and weather the stormy rains. Here is a breakdown of turning your life’s lowest moments into your highs.

Find What Makes You Happy

Is it a scoop of ice cream? A day with your family? Or a self-care day at the spa? Finding your source of happiness is an integral step in overcoming low moments.

The financial world introduced us to not putting all our eggs in one basket. You can’t find all your happiness in one stream. It is time to widen your network and find new things that bring you happiness.

What’s holding you back is that toxic relationship with your boss or teacher? Don’t you think it’s time to cut strings and move on to better things, or hire an expert to handle your work to avoid encounters with your teacher?

Don’t depend on your career achievements to determine your happiness. Most times, you will need to do better. This will create a negative outlook on your life, making you feel down and depressed. Other areas of your life can derive self-pleasure and boost your self-esteem.

Appreciate Your Life

Yes! Your life now seems miserable, and nothing can cheer you up. But do you think how life is unfair to other people?

How does a jailbird wrongfully convicted to life feel about life? Or, a cancer patient given a week to live? These harsh realities of the world should remind us to appreciate life. Stay thankful for what you have.

Many people are willing to trade your troubles momentarily for theirs. While you’re worried about scoring good grades in your next assignment, someone else is worried about where they are getting their next meal.

The paradox of life makes us develop cognitive bias that escalates basic life struggles into a matter of life and death. You might face that job rejection, but there’s always a next time to apply. You might fail your exams, but there’s always a chance to sit them again. These things don’t have to determine your future.

Que Sera, Sera

Que Sera, Sera is one of my favorite Spanish quotes that means whatever will be, will be. The timeless phrase shows a level of acceptance of whatever is happening with your life.

Life is unpredictable! You never know what’s coming tomorrow. You might be full of expectations and disappointment. When disappointed, could you not take it out on yourself? It could be the universe’s way of telling you to wait.

Embracing this phrase means you understand that life is full of peculiarities you have no control over. Even when you meticulously plan your future, unforeseen circumstances might shatter your dreams.

This is a reminder to acknowledge the unpredictable nature of life and loosen our grip on the illusion of control. It is liberating, especially in the fast-paced world where everyone strives for perfection. Sometimes, it’s better to surrender to the natural flow of life. Not everything lies in our power; we can’t determine our happiness.

Bouncing Back

So what, that job application went south? Or were you stood up on your date? Life goes on. Now, it is time to focus that energy on becoming a better person. Why did the hiring committee reject my application? Was it due to a lack of skills or experience?

These are pertinent questions when unearthing the real causes behind your misfortunes. Afterwards, you can develop a well-thought-out plan to prevent it from happening. It may be time to refresh your application or go out there and meet other people.

Bouncing back from a low is a therapeutic process that breaks trends and patterns to become a better person. Permit yourself to go through the feels. Remember, you’re human; sometimes, you will doubt yourself and your ability.

Committing to bouncing back means attaining a new sense of identity and confidence in yourself. It becomes easier to step out of the world again and try taking more opportunities.


We can’t retaliate against the importance of self-care when feeling low. Taking part in a self-care routine is clinically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It makes you adapt better to changes while fostering strong relationships.

There are various self-care routines you can adopt, including:

  • A day at the spa
  • Gift Buying
  • Gym day
  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • Deep breathing

No matter the self-care activity you choose, emasculate yourself and forget about all the disappointment in life.

Experts recommend getting more active during these times. Research shows that physical activities help in coping better with stress. Moreover, spending time outdoors is known to reduce fatigue and manage any symptoms of burnout or depression.

Afterwards, try eating a balanced diet. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and drink plenty of water. It’s the perfect time to start your weight reduction journey by trying intermittent fasting plus cardio workouts.

Self-Care Is Key

Life is full of ups and downs that get hard to cope with. Having an understanding of the unpredictable nature of life is one step towards recovery. Accept the moments and embrace the journey to wellness.


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