A recent study has found that more people are working towards getting second jobs in 2023 – with just shy of three in five UK employees planning to figure out a side hustle. Working a second job is nothing new, having been a popular way to subsidise monthly income and cover non-essential costs for generations. But today, the second job is becoming much more popular a prospect – partially out of necessity. Rising living costs and stagnating wages have created something of an affordability crisis, which many are meeting through attempts to bolster their income.

But this isn’t the only reason to consider a second job or side hustle. Depending on the work, a side hustle can be the perfect way to stretch your legs, get out from the confines of your desk, and even pick up a new and interesting skill in the process. Here, we’ll look at some of the top sides hustles you can pick up outside of the 9 to 5.

Personal Shopper

One relatively low-stakes option for supplementing income might also help you scratch that retail itch without breaking own bank. If you are fashion-conscious, a good foodie or simply intend to be a helpful pair of hands, you might be able to build something of a side business assisting others in their clothing purchases as a personal shopper. Becoming a personal shopper is a simple affair, and can allow you to set your own pace too.

Freelance Landscaper

For something a little more active, and as a well-paid alternative to exercise, you could offer your services as a freelance landscaper. Again, there is little effort required about becoming one, save for the buying of tools and the marketing of your business. Some well-placed signage in your local shops or around your community noticeboard can help you get local clients and get your feet off the ground; from there, word of mouth can keep you with a healthy supplementary workload.

Monetising a Hobby

While this is no specific role, this does touch on an extremely valuable way in which you can approach the side hustle conceptually. Work is unavoidably stressful, whichever way you cut it, but when you’re in control of the nature of that work you may as well it work for you. If you have a passion or hobby that you indulge in at home, you may be able to monetise that hobby and spend more time doing what you love while bringing in money for it.

For example, you might have a penchant for tinkering with things, be it upcycling furniture or attempting minor electronics repairs at home or interior design. In starting up a repair business, you could give yourself more impetus to learn your craft while taking on repair work from local clients. Meanwhile, vibrant local craft scenes are continually emerging and growing as a result of people taking their private practice to the market stall, be it clay jewellery or handmade greeting cards.

Starting off your career in interior design can be tricky as you don’t want to dive in deep before testing the waters. Try Selling your services in creating mood and vision boards, using your skill to capture client visions and goals. Building up your own portfolio and collecting testimonies, creating your own blogging sites to share tips and advice can give you a great head start.


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