Many graduates and young architects do not know how to apply their knowledge and skills in practice. It’s not only the real estate and building industries that may benefit from the problem-solving, technical, and project-management abilities that architecture acquires. So, cheer up, and prepare to use resume design services online to get your dream job! As an architect, you must know how much design matters in making a first impression. That’s why using proper CV services is a must. In this article, we’ll tell you what jobs might be suitable for architects. Get ready for the helpful list of careers in architecture and valuable details.

1. Architect

The first and the most obvious career choice for people with an architecture degree is an architect. It is the most apparent architectural job path and is also one of the most exciting and rewarding. It puts you at the forefront of new technologies to better people’s lives while developing your creative muscles. Architects must work closely with clients and end users. Why? To create blueprints for brand-new construction or extensive renovations to existing structures.

Many more particular jobs are hidden under the general term “architect”. For example, you might be:

  • Building architect;
  • Landscape architect;
  • Naval architect.

Architects are often responsible for monitoring the building process and addressing any problems that arise with the plans. Furthermore, they should minimize the negative effects on the environment, collaborate with other experts, and remain within the set budget.

2. Architectural Engineer

What can you do with a degree in architecture? Becoming an architectural engineer is a suitable option. Construction and upkeep of buildings and other structures are under the purview of these specialists. To design practical, secure, and aesthetically beautiful buildings, architects need a firm grasp of the art and science of the profession.

Are you passionate about both the creative and technical sides of building design and construction? Then a career as an architectural engineer may be the perfect fit for you. Creative freedom and the ability to express oneself in meaningful ways are only two of the numerous benefits of working in this industry.

3. Eco-architect

It’s a rather unusual passion for nature lovers. Eco-architect is a specialist who creates buildings and structures from environmentally friendly materials using eco-technologies. All systems in the household are designed so that the resources consumed are spent most rationally and economically. Such a house harmoniously fits into the environment without disturbing the visual appearance of urban space. After all, architectural design is going green. Eco-trend is powerful today, and the demand for such specialists grows.

4. Professor

If you like to explain and communicate with people, consider working in the field of education. Transfer your knowledge to others – a noble goal. Numerous roles inside educational institutions need the expertise of professors. They have a wide range of careers, including those in construction. Professors may be responsible for many tasks, including but not limited to instructing students in their field. Professors also develop and implement course programs, coordinate extracurricular activities, conduct research, etc.

5. City planner

One of the most impressive architecture careers is a city planner. City planners are urban spatial development specialists with extensive analytical, legal and management tools. They develop and implement urban development projects. Such specialists need knowledge of geography, sociology and the humanities. They also need knowledge of economics, urban planning and law. And that list is not complete. A real pro must also have strong analytical skills and leadership features. City planners can work in the municipality, consulting firms or development sphere.

6. Architect-restorer

Which one of the architecture specialties to choose if you’re in love with historical buildings? Architect-restorer is a specialist in the restoration, preservation and maintenance of architectural monuments. In the world, there are many architectural monuments. And all of them need complex care, so the profession of architect-restorer is in demand. But reaching the required level of skill will not be easy. If you know mathematics, drawing and physics well but still consider yourself a creative person – this is a specialty for you. You also require responsibility, attention to detail, analytical skills and constant self-development. That is what the profession of architect-restorer requires.

7. Architectural Lighting Designer

And the last one of the jobs in architecture on our modest list is an architectural lighting designer. Light affects our physical and internal state. So light in the environment needs to be properly designed. That is the task architectural lighting designers do best. These specialists provide their expertise in the science and art of illumination to the project at hand. To effectively bridge the gap between technical rules and aesthetic needs, designers must possess the skills of both engineers and architects.


Architects are multifaceted professionals who combine creative and technical talents. Because of the vastness of architectural education, choosing a profession to your liking is challenging. We hope that our list of careers in architecture will help you to make the right choice.


Rethinking The Future (RTF) is a Global Platform for Architecture and Design. RTF through more than 100 countries around the world provides an interactive platform of highest standard acknowledging the projects among creative and influential industry professionals.