Most of us have been using our kitchen sink for years without trouble. But recently, have you noticed the area becomes wet in minutes? You quickly discover it has been leaking around the edges, and now you’re actively thinking about what to do next. Don’t worry. Sink faults are expected and occur for different reasons. 

You can fix those leaks around your kitchen sink edges in the simple steps below. The procedure is straightforward, but you shouldn’t make it part of your daily life. If the faults persist, seek a professional plumber. There are many experts in town who can have fix your problem quickly.

This blog will highlight the procedure for fixing leaks around kitchen sink edges and other related details. 

Possible Reasons for Leak

Before fixing it, you should look back and understand the possible causes of the problem. This defect can occur for various reasons, like general wear and tear of sink components. Caulk sealant is the most affected, sealing and filling joints between essentials. 

A faulty gasket can also facilitate leaks around kitchen sink edges. Likewise, substantial corrosion and blockages within the faucet and plumbing system can cause leaks toward the kitchen sink edges. Also, a loose connection of kitchen sink components often results in leaks around the edges and surrounding areas. 

Step 1: Prepare the Work Area

The first step in fixing sink leaks is preparing the work area for the entire process. During preparation, you must identify the primary leak source alongside other subsidiary sources. You should move any items hindering smooth repairs while inspecting for faults other than leaks around the edges. 

Gather all the necessary supplies before starting the process to save time and increase efficiency. They usually include rubber gloves, a sealing tube or gun, aldehyde alcohol, painter’s tape, a cloth, and a knife or razor.

Step 2: Remove the Old Seal and Clean the Surface

The next step is removing the previously installed seal. Cut off the seal using a razor or knife, following the lines carefully. With a cloth dipped in aldehyde alcohol, clean the surface to remove dirt and dust. Ensure it is adequately cleaned before applying a new one since sealants may not adhere well to a surface with dirt and debris. 

Step 3: Measure the Edges 

Step three of fixing a kitchen sink leaking around the edges is measuring them. This determines how much new caulk is needed to replace the old one. Sometimes, you can use the old caulk you’ve removed to measure a new one if you don’t have painter’s tape. 

However, fresh measurements would be more accurate without shrinkage and general wear and tear. Be thorough enough to cover the entire sink edge and counter, and mark where necessary. 

Step 4: Apply New Sealant

Run a fresh line of caulk sealant on the edge from end to end using a sealing tube or gun. Continue to overlap the sealant without releasing the tube until you achieve the desired quantity. This step ensures a continuous seal across the edge since stopping mid-way would deliver uneven outcomes. 

You can also enhance adhesion by gently pressing the content towards the sink with your fingers. For adequate attachment to the sink, allow the application to sit for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. 

Step 5: Remove the Painter’s Tape and Test 

You can remove the painter’s tape when the sealant satisfactorily adheres to the sink. Peeling it too quickly can mess with your hard work and take you back to the drawing board.

After 45 minutes to an hour (standard time), you can finally test the procedure’s efficiency by opening the tap. Some sealants can take six hours, depending on their quality, humidity, temperature, and professionalism. 

Prevent the Kitchen Sink from Leaking

You wouldn’t love to repair your kitchen sink now and then, right? That’s why you should consider techniques that prevent the issue rather than fix it. Remember, some easily manageable mistakes cause nearly all sink leaks. You can avoid them using a high-quality caulk sealant and other sink components. 

Another tip is ensuring the initial installation is undertaken by an experienced and qualified plumber to reduce the chances of recurrent faults. Ensure you clean your sink components regularly to deter the build-up of dirt and debris that may cause clogging and leaks.

Refresh your sink’s caulk sealant yearly for more security, even if it looks okay. Overloading your sink can quickly weaken the sealant and leak over time. 


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