Architecture is one of the most inspiring fields out there. From the styles to the execution, it is always dynamic while at the same time always remembering its roots. From its beginnings at the dawn of history, there’s only been additions to what had already been established, so everything is evolving on top of what was already created. That’s because, at its core, architecture is not just about building something but also about creativity. Innovation and pushing boundaries have been at the heart of the field since the beginning, and the same is true for today as well.

Moreover, architecture is an interdisciplinary field. Buildings affect the way we live our lives, as well as our mood, while painting, interior design and aesthetics are heavily involved as well. Recently, architecture has been focusing on environmental and ethical practices and materials as the world is navigating an environmental crisis and beginning to feel the effects of climate change.

When you add some perspective to it, it becomes clear why architecture is one of the most critical aspects of our lives. It can be challenging to observe them because buildings are so commonplace and inconspicuous that it’s sometimes easy to forget they’re there. But their design impacts individuals and communities, and in some cases, it becomes so important as to influence pop culture.

If you’ve been thinking about becoming an architect, here are some things you should keep in mind, aside from all the theoretical knowledge that’ll help further your career.

Exploration and innovation

We’ve already established that architecture is strongly tied to continuous innovation. Indeed, some would go as far as say that creativity is essentially the backbone of the field. The best architects out there are the ones that are willing to get out of their comfort zone and explore new concepts and possibilities. However, it’s much easier in theory than in practice. The truth is that when you have to be original and impart your personal touch on your projects, it’s more likely to feel daunting before it feels liberating.

You won’t be able to achieve creative freedom from your first days or even months as an architect. It’ll come to you gradually as you expand your knowledge and become more confident. It’s obvious, of course, that any innovation should occur within the designated building parameters. You cannot develop a design until you’ve analysed the construction site. You must also maintain a conceptual design throughout all the steps of the process so you can ensure that all the actions you take are meaningful and will amount to the final result.

Prioritise quality

The quality of the materials and products you use to finish a product is significant for the looks of the finished project. As an architect, you’ll realise there are few things as frustrating as seeing a building you’ve worked on for a long time isn’t the way you envisioned it because the construction materials used were subpar. As such, architects have become increasingly more involved in selecting and reviewing the materials that will be used. They understand that failing to be aware of the intricacies of the process can mean they fall behind their competitors. In this sense, manufacturers play an essential part as well, and some might even work closely with architects in order to come up with designs that fit the demand.

The best way to become aware of all the options on the market and which one is the best choice for you is to conduct thorough research. Familiarise yourself with the materials and learn which one is suitable for each situation. This also means that should your customers need to be made aware of what the best option is for a possible design they want, you can suggest something depending on their requirements. You’ll also have a better idea of how you can achieve structural and conceptual harmony on par with the proposals you receive.

And, of course, quality matters quite a lot for the integral structure of a building. If the base structure isn’t solid, the building will not last that long. For example, you might need to learn how to calculate how much concrete you need to lay a proper foundation. This is an important aspect regardless of what you’re building, be it a conservatory foundation, a patio, a shed, or finished floors. A high standard for the integral structure of a structure should also be up to standards with the building regulation in your area.

Continue learning

Because architecture is constantly changing and evolving, you can’t consider you’re done learning the moment you finish your studies. To be a good architect, you need to stay updated on the latest trends and continue learning. Architecture is an extensive field, and there’s always more you can find out about it. The more you study and immerse yourself in the subject, the easier it’ll be to come up with creative ideas and design ingenious new things on your own.

You can also get inspired by the work of other architects in history. Since you’re aware that styles don’t ever disappear completely, they morph under new images that fit their times better, you shouldn’t be worried about integrating an element that may seem outdated at first glance. Travelling to different parts of the world can also help, as you’ll get a better grasp on the structure, measurements and scale of a building than if you see it in pictures or on your computer screen. The best part is that gaining more exposure to a plethora of designs and styles means you’ll tap into your creative resources and possibly come up with something that’s a blend between your ideas and your inspiration.

When you’re thinking about studying to become an architect, it’s easy to believe that all your knowledge will be based on academic aspects. What you learn is crucial, but it’s just as important to remember that you must stay open-minded, creative and ready for change in order to make it on the market.


Rethinking The Future (RTF) is a Global Platform for Architecture and Design. RTF through more than 100 countries around the world provides an interactive platform of highest standard acknowledging the projects among creative and influential industry professionals.