
architectural education


There are unexpressed perceptions that we individuals, hold. They are translated into experiences that stimulate our senses, to which we react and behave accordingly. Our five senses support that bridge…

Everyday life might seem like a vague system with a set of recurring and non-recurring activities. It is a defined realm, as any change wouldn’t affect the monotony of daily…

A busy bunch of people chatter over the table, seated at the center of a restaurant. They exchange family tales of the next big bash in town or their investment…

A world without architecture? So- an India without Taj Mahal? A childhood without Alice in the “wonderland”?   Throughout history, architecture has played various roles from the predominant functional requirement of…

Have you ever wondered why our thinking process is different at different places? There are some spaces where you feel you are being productive and some spaces make you unproductive.…

Art has been a vital part of storytelling for ages. It has been adapted from primitive cave drawings to intricately designed paintings through song, dance, and theatre, to the grandest…