Relevance of the topic

The topic questions the change observed in our everyday lifestyle due to the advancement in technology, which in turn has changed the way we use spaces of all kinds. With everything available at the click of a button, realities of everyday life are changing.

Project Name: Relevance of a Space In The Era Of Going Digital
By: Gargi Jain

©Gargi Jain

What kind of spaces will the human need more than ever now?

We all know that in this 21st century, concepts like ‘work from home’ are getting more and more popular and not to forget how the current pandemic situation has been like an eye opener to the future. This dynamic change in life has made us realize the urgent need to rethink our public spaces (as a community interaction, gathering spaces).


Intent of design

It is designed with an intention of creating public spaces that promote a healthy environment, happiness, and well-being. It is re-imagined as a place where people can be together, a natural point in the city to gather and exchange information, which is the need of the hour. Since, everything today is within the reach of our hand sitting at home. But one cannot forget that man is a social animal and will always need places to meet, gather, explore. It will be a transformation of public libraries from a warehouse of books into a gathering space for people.

©Gargi Jain 


The design tries to merge various aspects of learning, knowledge, and human interaction within the society so as to drive unique yet seamless programmatic and design solutions for the future of public libraries in the ever-developing urban context of Mumbai. It will be an open plan with good visibility across the floor plate – allowing staff and customers greater freedom to change the form and function of the public library over time.

©Gargi Jain

In response to this contemporary condition, the thesis proposes a place dedicated to a public library. This proposed center aims to create a place for people to interact, share and exchange knowledge, like a community gathering space in this digital era keeping up with technological advancement. This center is a getaway for all kinds of age groups and can be used for various purposes. Being a library, it will also provide places for people to relax, get away with the noises of this overpopulated city providing a calm environment.


The traditional spaces will always be present, for the ones who need them along with the digital. To conclude, I would say- Library as a community space is one of those increasingly rare and valuable spaces acting as a social hub or ‘THIRD PLACE’ that belongs to the community and needs to be equally flexible as the other third places in the neighborhood. They act as recreation zones with books as a bonus. Not only libraries, but all the third places need to start extending themselves DIGITALLY. The idea of a 21ST-CENTURY LIBRARY IS A SOCIAL CONDENSER of the existing and new society and must be designed with an intent to foster community advancement in this digital era “.


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