Architecture has existed since the beginning of time. It all started with cave-dwelling and makeshift dwellings. People began to establish permanent settlements as evolution progressed. Civilization came into the picture. Shelters evolve into thoughtfully designed dwelling spaces, which gradually evolve into statistically planned building forms. The earliest planned civilization found is the Indus Valley Civilization, Greek civilization, Egyptian civilization, etc.

From Past to Future: Aiming Towards Sustainability with Modern Technology - Sheet1
Indus Valley Civilization_©

The growth of architecture in ancient times helped pave the way for the future of architecture. New revolutions came into the picture, and remarkable innovation was witnessed. The majestic architecture created by the Greeks and Romans, The pagodas meticulously sculpted by Japanese and Chinese, Indian temples with incredible carvings the poetic structure by Islams, all reflect the region’s uniqueness and personality.

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Besides these remarkable monuments, the settlement’s vernacular architecture is flourishing. Each style is distinct from the others. Traditional architecture has laid the foundation for the rapidly changing future of architecture.

Due to various technological advancements, the architecture field is evolving at a rapid pace. The building industry has changed significantly during the previous couple of decades. The evolution of architecture tells the tale of how humans first lived in caves and then in skyscrapers. However, technological advancement has not altered the core of architecture or human needs.

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Empire State Building_©

The approach towards design has shifted due to challenges such as climate change, growing populations, and land scarcity. These factors have impacted architects, planners, and designers’ approaches. The industrial revolution has turned a new leaf for architects. With the introduction of new materials and rapid urbanization, mass manufacturing expanded its presence into the construction industry, standardizing everything making everything planned!

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Radiant City_©

As Neri Oxman puts it, “At least since the Industrial Revolution, the world of design has been dominated by the rigors of manufacturing and mass production. Assembly lines have dictated a world made of parts, framing the imagination of designers and architects who have been trained to think about their objects as assemblies of discrete parts with distinct functions.”

Looking at a high-rise building today has made it difficult to identify a culture or region. Construction in the current era has also had a detrimental impact on natural resources. That brings the uncertainties about the bright future of architecture to the surface. We humans have gradually identified the importance of natural resources and sustainable growth. Many architects, designers, policymakers, and politicians are actively involved in the various initiatives.

With advancement, new materials, and a smart technique, the beginnings of a new era of green building might be the new interweaving disciplines that give fountainhead to a new age of green buildings with the latest technology.

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Acros Japan Green Roofed Pyramid_©

Prediction of the future cannot be brought to the light in the absence of scrutinization of ancient architecture. History, as people say, repeats itself. Many architects learn from the past and use modern technologies and materials to create better solutions. While some architects design entirely new systems for the future.

It makes a difference, but it is no longer sufficient to plant a tree, develop green facades, and adhere to various ‘rating tools.’ A comprehensive understanding of materials and technologies is necessary. The star architects create attractive & magnificent structures, but many of them are not environmentally conscious. We must remember that while ostentatious designs may please our eyes, the true design will only emerge when there is consideration of human and nature. It is required to conduct thorough research on materials, social anthropology, and construction techniques, among several other things.

The emerging technologies are heralding a new chapter through disseminating developments in the architecture profession. Welcome to the realm of parametric architecture, VR technology, smart cities, 3D and 4D printing, future architectural robots, prefab construction, BIM, and so on. Although meaningful architecture emerges from pen and paper, we must acknowledge the benefits of such technological advancement. 

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Technology in Architecture_ ©

Architects now have access to a new type of power thanks to recent technological advancements. One of the features that help the designer correctly detail and perceive the space before it is constructed is the creation of 3Ds and realistic representations for it.

With such developments, the new generation of designers focusing on establishing identity and distinctiveness. These sensitive and educated architects have the potential to make the architecture profession more sensible and beautiful. In the future of architecture, a sustainable approach will be the central objective. Instead of having a “sci-fi” appearance, the future of architecture will arise to be a conscious effort for a sustainable approach utilizing current technologies. The lessons from history, along with current technological abilities, will have an impact on the design of tomorrow.

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“I have studied century-old village buildings of various sizes, to validate my argument about their durability, longevity, thermal comfort, bio-sensitivity, and cost-effectiveness. Pick any old structure when cement was not available and notice how they still stand the test of time with little or no degradation,” says architect Malaksingh Gill.


Kishan Thakkar is an architect based in Ahmedabad exploring creative outlets and entrepreneurship. He is an avid learner who has a penchant for research, analysis and understanding different fields within the architecture and aspires to promote sustainable development. Discipline is the key to balance his diversified interest and work routine.