In a world where buildings merely exist in the realm of imagination, human existence without architecture paints a whimsical, yet thought-provoking picture. As we journey through this narrative, we will explore the fantastical concept of a reality devoid of architectural marvels, while weaving in humorous anecdotes from the hallowed halls of architecture college. Brace yourselves for a nostalgic rollercoaster ride that will make the architectural community chuckle with shared memories.

The Land of Imagination

In this wonderland devoid of architecture, the skyline remains eerily vacant, with no soaring skyscrapers or elegant cathedrals to greet the eye. Without architectural designs shaping our cities, the absence of towering structures leaves the imagination as the sole blueprint for human habitation. Picture a world where whimsical dwellings, crafted from clouds and held together by imagination, dot the landscape. Our homes become fantastical concoctions, reflecting our personalities and dreams, often defying gravity and logic. 

The absence of architecture led humans to develop a profound connection with the elements of nature. They embraced the open sky, feeling the cold breeze on their skin and the warmth of the sun rays. With no predetermined forms or templates to follow, individuals would be compelled to envision new ways of utilizing the natural landscape, giving rise to spontaneous and unique expressions of human ingenuity. Human existence becomes a canvas for artistic expressions. Without predefined structures, individuals are free to shape their environment as they see fit. A land where the power of imagination replaces brick and mortar, where spatial fluidity reigns supreme.

As students embark on their journey to become architects, they possess this unique ability to create a realm of imagination, a space where creativity knows no bounds and innovative ideas come to life. They are unburdened by preconceived notions and traditional limitations, allowing them to break free from the confines of established architectural norms. Amidst working in an architectural design studio, students find themselves being thrilled when they recognise the paradoxical nature of constructing something with an array of ideas which is intangible in the physical world but exists only in their imagination.

Unveiling the Unbuilt: A Tale of Human Existence Without Architecture  - Sheet1
A chaotic realm of architectural studio_©

An Ode to the Studio

The architectural studio is a crucible of creativity and camaraderie! Gathered around drafting tables and buzzing with energy, students embark on a journey that melds their design skills with sleep-deprived delirium. In these hallowed halls, we architects-in-training are shaped by the demanding critique sessions and the exhilarating all-nighters fueled by caffeine and questionable snacks.In the chaotic realm of the architectural classroom, where creativity and imagination collide with deadlines and demanding projects, students get surrounded in an amalgamation of laughter, frustration and sheer madness.

Unveiling the Unbuilt: A Tale of Human Existence Without Architecture  - Sheet2
The art of making an architectural model_©

The Unforgettable Model Mayhem

If there’s one thing architecture students know all too well, it’s the precarious nature of models. Picture the heartbreak as meticulously constructed towers of cardboard and glue collapse moments before a presentation. Oh, the chorus of laughter and sympathetic sighs that fill the studio when a fellow student’s masterpiece crumbles, defying all laws of physics. But fear not, for every mishap, we learn resilience, adaptability, and the art of improvisation. Their workstation ensembles a chaotic construction site, strewn with piles of balsa wood, foam board, and an impressive collection of miniature trees and tiny cutouts of human figures. Occasionally, they let out a cry of frustration when slightly the blade cuts through their finger while cutting out a piece of a mount board.

Unveiling the Unbuilt: A Tale of Human Existence Without Architecture  - Sheet3
Concept Development through sketches_©

Sketches Lost in Translation

Communication in architecture relies heavily on sketches and drawings. However, these visual narratives can sometimes lead to unintentional amusement. Imagine presenting a meticulously detailed sketch, only to have it interpreted as an abstract art piece. Oh, the bewildered expressions and the ensuing discussions that ensue! But in these moments, we embrace the beauty of misinterpretation, reminding us of the importance of clarity and effective visual communication. The altered interpretations of a sketch may unveil new possibilities and innovative ideas that were not initially considered. Architects learn to adapt, refine their communication skills, and to find humor in the unexpected twists and turns of the design process. And through it all, they continue to sketch, capturing their ideas in a language that transcends barriers, knowing that each stroke of the pencil brings them one step closer to bringing their vision to life.

An architectural studio_©

The Quirks of Studio Life

Each architectural studio possesses its unique quirks, transforming it into a haven of memories. From the “eccentric” furniture arrangements to the spontaneous dance-offs during late-night work sessions, the studio becomes a melting pot of creativity, laughter, and endless banter. We may always remember the clattering of pencils, the rhythmic sound of rulers on drawing boards, or the occasional studio mascot, a rogue squirrel who insists on joining us in our design discussions.

 As we close the book on this whimsical journey, we reflect on the profound impact of architecture on human existence. While our humorous college experiences may seem nostalgic and whimsical, they serve as a testament to the deep-rooted bond within the architectural community. They remind us that our shared journey through the realm of design not only shapes our profession but also forges lifelong friendships and cherished memories.

So, let us raise our metaphorical sketch pens and toast to a world enriched by architecture’s touch,a world where humour, creativity, and the pursuit of building dreams intertwine to shape the very essence of our existence.


Kavishe, J. (2023) The Architects Odyssey: Human existence without architecture, RTF | Rethinking The Future. Available at: 06 July 2023).

pm, K. (2022) Lifeless: Human existence without architecture, RTF | Rethinking The Future. Available at: (Accessed: 06 July 2023). 

Rodrigues, E. (February 28, 2019) 5 Things I wish I learned in Architecture School | ERS Architects. Available at: (Accessed: 06 July 2023).

Tummalapalli,S. (2023) The Battle of the All-Nighter: A Testament to Human Existence Without Architecture |  Rethinking The Future. Available at: (Accessed: 06 July 2023).


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