11. Supermarine Spitfire | Aircraft Design

The design of the Spitfire Ⓒ Supermarine Spitfire - Savior of Britain | Military Machine
The design of the Spitfire Ⓒ Supermarine Spitfire – Savior of Britain | Military Machine

The Spitfire aircraft is known to have been produced continuously during the Second World War which became a key weapon throughout battle. The wings were designed to have the thinnest possible cross section, which allowed for the aircraft to travel at higher speeds compared to other fighter aircrafts at the time. This plane was particularly popular due to its versatility and its ability to serve different purposes, with an adapted large engine to handle the load and speeds. 

12. Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird’s form Ⓒ Sept. 1, 1974: New York to London in Less Than 2 Hours | WIRED
The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird’s form Ⓒ Sept. 1, 1974: New York to London in Less Than 2 Hours | WIRED

The Blackbird is known for its ability to operate at high speeds and altitudes which allowed the aircraft to be used for dangerous missions. If it came into a situation including possible contact with a missile, it could outrun any threat due to how fast the aircraft can accelerate. The retirement of the Blackbird was because of the need to create a replacement that was not as complex or costly to construct. 

13.Learjet 23

The Learjet business aircraft Ⓒ The Learjet: The private plane that changed travel - BBC Culture
The Learjet business aircraft Ⓒ The Learjet: The private plane that changed travel – BBC Culture

Bill Lear had the intention of designing and creating a business jet, with the insight that there was an increasingly popular demand for executive private travel, which led to the development of aircraft Learjet 23. The aircraft could usually carry eight passengers with a high speed of 560mph. This invention created a new-found interest and market for efficient business travel. It therefore became the first ever mass-produced business jet. 

14. Lockheed Constellation

The Constellation aircraft preparing to take-off Ⓒ Lockheed Constellation (aviation-history.com)
The Constellation aircraft preparing to take-off Ⓒ Lockheed Constellation (aviation-history.com)

The production of the Constellation aircraft created an era of comfortable and affordable air travel, with hydraulically powered technology for the flight control systems. The success of the Lockheed Constellation aircraft allowed the production and service to expand worldwide to areas including the Middle East and Asia. This aircraft design was very appealing to many buyers due to the fluid form and tubular shape, making it easier to construct. The Constellation eventually became the second largest air carrier in the world. 

15. Gossamer Albatross | Aircraft Design

The Gossamer Albatross in flight Ⓒ Gossamer Albatross | NASA
The Gossamer Albatross in flight Ⓒ Gossamer Albatross | NASA

The Gossamer Albatross was the first human-powered aircraft to successfully cross the English Channel in 1979. It was designed by engineer Paul B. MacCready and flown by pilot Bryan Allen. The aircraft reached a high speed of 18mph at an altitude of 5ft above water. The design of the aircraft includes long tapered wings and a carbon fibre frame, making it super-lightweight. 


Encyclopedia Britannica. 2021. 11 of the World’s Most Famous Warplanes. [online] Available at: <https://www.britannica.com/list/11-of-the-worlds-most-famous-warplanes> [Accessed 25 July 2021].

  1. [online] Available at: <https://www.flyingmag.com/photo-gallery/photos/20-most-famous-airplanes-and-aircraft/> [Accessed 25 July 2021].

Team, E., 2021. Top 10 Famous Airplanes in History – Aero Corner. [online] Aero Corner. Available at: <https://aerocorner.com/blog/famous-aircraft/> [Accessed 25 July 2021].

Pocket-lint. 2021. 33 best planes of all time: From mighty jet fighters to the humble biplane. [online] Available at: <https://www.pocket-lint.com/gadgets/news/148109-the-most-interesting-and-important-aircraft-of-all-time> [Accessed 25 July 2021].

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Currently a final year BA Architecture student in the UK; Abbarnah is passionate about art and nature, an avid reader and a believer in embracing culture and spirituality. She hopes to inspire through her artwork and writing; highlighting the beauty and importance of creativity in our ever-changing world.