The Yan Nan Yuan, a building that ties together the strands of royal lineage and cultural value, is a historical gem located in the center of Peking University. This case study unravels the influence of Yan Nan Yuan on the urban fabric and investigates the architectural style that reflects its historical setting, examining the social and political significance of the site both during its building period and now as an important tourist destination.

Yan Nan Yuan first appeared as a princely home in the late 1700s, during the great Qing Dynasty. Prince Yong was the fourth son of Emperor Qianlong, and this architectural wonder served as his home. The complex reflects the splendor and extravagance of the imperial era and is firmly based on traditional Chinese design concepts. The expansive estate features magnificent buildings, elaborate gardens, and elaborate courtyards that highlight the era’s architectural mastery.

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Yan Nan Yuan Garden_@ PKUNews

Architectural Style and Significance:

The Qing Dynasty’s architectural genius, demonstrated by Yan Nan Yuan’s devotion to traditional Chinese design features, is evident in this building. By incorporating the surrounding environment into the overall design, the complex adheres to the principles of Feng Shui. The age’s aesthetics are reflected in the classic timber buildings with their curved eaves, detailed carvings, and eye-catching color schemes that emphasize balance with the natural world.

The imperial taste that was popular throughout the Qing Dynasty is showcased through the utilization of symmetrical layouts, large courtyards, and painstaking details in the building. In addition to being functional, the architectural style represented the imperial family’s authority and status, forging a concrete connection between the building and the sociopolitical milieu of its era. An engrossing chronicler of the socio-political milieu of the Qing Dynasty is Yan Nan Yuan’s deeply traditional architecture. The massive courtyards, symmetrical designs, and fine craftsmanship all attest to the imperial style that was popular at the time of the building. Its design retains a visual connection to a period of Chinese history that is still significant since every detail reflects the might and prestige of the imperial family.

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Campus of Yan Yun_@ PKUNews

Impact on Urban Fabric:

Located within Peking University, Yan Nan Yuan has a significant influence on the neighboring urban fabric. Serving as a link between the university’s current academic program and the historical richness of the past, this maintained heritage property enhances the cultural character of the surrounding area. A sense of continuity is created and the community’s collective memory is preserved by the incorporation of such a noteworthy heritage site into the urban landscape. Scholars and visitors alike are drawn to Yan Nan Yuan, which boosts local business ventures. The increase in tourists benefits neighborhood establishments including eateries, gift stores, and tour companies, all of which support the metropolitan area’s sustainable growth. As a cultural hub, the heritage site draws people from all walks of life and promotes an awareness of China’s rich past. This historic monument, tucked away inside Peking University, is vital to the formation of the local identity. It serves as a link between the historical richness of the past and the university’s scholarly endeavors. The incorporation of Yan Nan Yuan into the urban fabric creates a feeling of continuity, safeguarding the community’s collective memory and enabling locals and tourists to participate in the story of China’s royal heritage as it develops.

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Journey from “Zhibeizi Garden” to Nong Yuan_@ PKUNews

Cultural and Political Significance:

Yan Nan Yuan has great cultural and political significance in addition to its architectural beauty. It represents the complex ties and power structures that existed inside the royal family throughout the Qing Dynasty. The location served as a physical reminder of China’s imperial past by witnessing diplomatic meetings, royal festivities, and elaborate court life. Yan Nan Yuan is now a tourist destination for both local and foreign visitors, serving as a symbol of pride in the country in the modern period. The Chinese government’s endeavors to present its abundant cultural heritage to the world community are in harmony with the conservation and advancement of these historical places. Yan Nan Yuan thus contributes to the formation of China’s soft power by affecting how people view the country’s past and customs.          

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The architecture at Langrun Garden is characterized by winding corridors and gate towers_@ PKUNews

Confucius once said, “Study the past if you would define the future.” Confucius lived during a period that echoed the grandeur of imperial China. Visitors are encouraged to study and take in the vast historical fabric of China as they meander around the opulent gardens and grand halls of Yan Nan Yuan. This living monument invites everyone to learn more about the intricate and interesting history of a country that honors its heritage while moving forward, transcending the confines of time. Being a living heritage that seamlessly blends the past and present, Yan Nan Yuan is more than just a building. The long-lasting significance of China‘s royal heritage is demonstrated by its influence on the urban fabric, cultural identity, and economic progress. A nation’s power, grandeur, and unwavering spirit are all depicted in this architecturally stunning building, and visitors are able to immerse themselves in this timeless narrative as they browse its sacred halls.


Yannan Garden of Peking University wins the 2023 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation (no date) Edu. cn. Available at: February 5, 2024).

UNESCO announces winners of 2023 Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation (2024) Available at: (Accessed: February 5, 2024)

Wikipedia contributors (2023) UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Awards, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Available at:

北京大学房地产管理部 (no date) Available at: February 5, 2024).

[Peking University landmark] Nong Yuan (no date) Available at: February 5, 2024).


Yachi, an aspiring architect, passionately delves into documenting the intricate blend of architecture, art, and culture, resonating with historical and contemporary aspects. Zealously exploring sustainable architecture and emerging trends, Yachi is particularly intrigued by unraveling the interconnected threads between human psychology and spatial design, seeking to comprehend the holistic essence.