Parliament Building – Geoffrey Bawa –  Iconic Projects

Nestled amidst the urban landscape of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, the Parliament Building designed by the legendary architect Geoffrey Bawa stands as a testament to innovative architectural thinking and meticulous urban planning. This iconic structure not only serves as the legislative heart of Sri Lanka but also captivates enthusiasts and professionals alike in the fields of architecture, urban design, and interior design.

Architectural Marvel

Geoffrey Bawa, hailed as the pioneer of tropical modernism, infused his distinctive style into the design of the Parliament Building. The structure seamlessly blends traditional Sri Lankan architectural elements with modern functionality, creating a harmonious balance between the past and the present. The architectural finesse is evident in every detail, making it a captivating study for architects and enthusiasts.

Built Use and Typology

The Parliament Building primarily serves as the official seat of the Parliament of Sri Lanka. Its design reflects a conscious effort to foster an environment conducive to democratic discourse and decision-making. The typology of the building is characterized by an open and inviting layout, promoting transparency and accessibility, key principles in democratic governance.

Urban Design and Planning

Geoffrey Bawa’s genius extends beyond the building itself to the surrounding urban environment. The Parliament Building is strategically positioned within a carefully planned landscape, seamlessly integrating with its surroundings. The architect’s acute sense of urban design ensures that the structure complements and enhances the overall aesthetic of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Interior Design

The interior spaces of the Parliament Building are a manifestation of Bawa’s commitment to functionality without compromising on elegance. The use of local materials and craftsmanship creates an atmosphere that resonates with the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. The interior spaces are designed to facilitate the legislative process while providing a sense of grandeur befitting a parliamentary setting.

Facade and Architectural Style

The facade of the Parliament Building is a visual delight, marrying traditional Sri Lankan motifs with modern architectural elements. The use of local materials, including timber and stone, not only adds to the aesthetic appeal but also reflects Bawa’s dedication to sustainable design practices. The architectural style, rooted in tropical modernism, transcends conventional boundaries, making the Parliament Building an architectural gem.

Factual Insights

Geoffrey Bawa’s vision for the Parliament Building was realized in 1982 when the structure was officially inaugurated. The construction materials were meticulously chosen to withstand the tropical climate, ensuring the longevity of the building. The open courtyards and strategically placed windows allow for natural ventilation, reducing the reliance on artificial climate control.

Calls to Action

For architects and urban designers, a visit to the Parliament Building is a masterclass in harmonizing tradition with modernity. Professionals in the field are encouraged to study the building’s design principles, materials used, and the integration of the structure with its urban surroundings. This serves as inspiration for creating sustainable, culturally rich architectural masterpieces.


In the realm of architecture, the Parliament Building by Geoffrey Bawa stands as a beacon of innovation, seamlessly blending cultural heritage with modern functionality. Its architectural brilliance, coupled with thoughtful urban planning and interior design, makes it a noteworthy case study for enthusiasts and professionals alike. As we delve into the intricacies of this iconic structure, it becomes evident that Bawa’s legacy extends far beyond bricks and mortar – it is a testament to the enduring power of visionary design in shaping the landscapes of our societies.



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